4. The Hell Hounds‘ Hideout
This long corridor is illuminated by blazing
torches set in wall sconces at intervals
of 10 feet along the passage walls.
Hot drafts of air blow down the corridor
and the floor grows warmer and warmer
as you advance.

As the party nears the dual secret doors,
the temperature of the walls, ceiling, and <temperature = x>
floor become blisteringly hot. Although no
damage will be sustained, the entire group
of characters will be -1 to hit and lose 1
AC because of their intense discomfort.
As the party passes the hidden compartments,
the secret doors silently slide
open and a hell hound emerges from each
alcove. They attack spellcasters exclusively
until all are dead (breathing 50% of the

Both of the hell hounds wear thick leather
collars studded with gems and long, wicked
spikes. The spikes are poisoned. Unless
great care is taken removing the collars (this
must be stated by the player doing so) there
is a 50% chance the character will accidentally
prick himself on one of the poisoned
spikes (save vs. Poison or take 20 points of
damage). Each collar contains 3 fire
opals worth 750 gp each. A character who
tries to use the poisoned spikes as weapons
must check each round he or she handles

Hell hounds (2): AC 4; MV 12”; HD 5;
hp 30, 25: #AT 1; D 1-10, breathe 5:
SA Breathe fire
XP 490, 450
