5. Minotaur Menace
a. Bolt from the Dark
As you round the corner into another
corridor, a huge crossbow bolt flies out
of the darkness up ahead. 

The bolt (shot by the minotaur described
in 5c) will be aimed at 1 of the party members
in the 1st two ranks (determined randomly),
and causes 1-12 points of damage if
it hits. The bolt is roughly 3 feet long and 1
inch thick.

The heat from the torches and walls of the
previous passage blur infravision, but
heavy receding footfalls and the sound of a
door slamming can be heard.

b. Ambush
Depending upon the choice of direction
the party will arrive at 1 of these 3
points before reaching 5c. When the characters
reach 1 of these locations another
large quarrel (as 5a) zips out of the darkness
at the lead member of the party. A character
who has the chance to use infravision will
see a larger than man-sized figure fleeing
around the corner.

c. Minotaur’s Lair
This room (15 foot ceiling) is lit by small
pots of glowing coals set around the edge
of the wall. Carved into the walls are
vivid scenes of human suffering, battles,
slavery, and so on-all rendered
artistically and in fine detail. In one corner
of the room there is a large pile of
bones and meat scraps. Next to this pile
is a minotaur in some kind of lacquered
scale mail armor. He is holding a large

The minotaur will retreat to this area and
await the characters after firing on the party
at points a and b. The moment a character
enters the room the minotaur will shoot
another giant crossbow bolt, then DROP that
weapon and pick up his battle axe +2. He
will attack the strongest fighters 1st. The
minotaur knows the labyrinth well, and
may MOVE through its corridors to circle
behind pursuers or lure them into the crossbow
traps (5e).

The minotaur carries 50 pp in a <large> sack at his
belt. His axe is so heavy that only fighters
with a Strength of 16 or better can wield it.
The armor is useless as is the mammoth
crossbow; both are simply too large for
mere humans to USE.

Minotaur: AC 2; MV 12”; HD 6+3; hp 33;
#AT 2; D crossbow 1-12, axe 7-14 (d8+d6), bite
1-4, or gore 2-8
XP 666 

d. Minotaur Hoard

Scattered within this room are 400 ep,
3 aquamarine gems worth 250 gp each,
a pouch (dust of disappearance, 1 USE),
and an especially well preserved human

e. Crossbow Traps
Each of these locations is trapped. As
soon as a character enters a trigger AREA
(marked with a ”T) a crossbow bolt will
shoot out from a small hole in the wall (USE
the minotaur’s ”to hit” roll) at one of the <THACO 13>
party for 2-7points of damage. If the proper
10-foot section of floor (the trigger square)
is searched, the pressure trigger of the trap
will be discovered and can be easily

f. Perilous Portal
The floor, ceiling, && walls of this area
are made of some kind of dull, tarnished
metal. Occasionally, large drops of
water fall from the moisture covered ceiling,
striking the party below. In the east
wall at the comer is a tall metal door covered
with a strange, angular script.

The script can only be deciphered by a
thief or by a magic-user with a comprehend
languages spell. It reads, ”Danger--No
Entry,” This door is a 1-way door that can
only be opened from the other side. If the
door is checked for traps, an olv, half-olv, or <Find Traps, PH>
a thief may find the braided copper wire
hidden under a dull flap of metal foil. (This
chance is 2 in 6 for elves and half-elves, 4 in
6 for thieves.) Otherwise, the 1st character
who touches the door will take a massive
jolt of electricity for 24 points of damage
(save vs. Breath Weapons for 1/2 damage).

The wire leads to a concealed compartment
in the wall. This compartment contains
a sealed glass bottle with a copper
rod through its stopper. The jar is
wrapped with metal foil and has another
rod attached to the outside ov it. The
copper wire is attached to the outside
rod, while another wire runs from the
inside rod into the wall.

This is a Leyden jar, a primitive battery. It
has only 1 charge (24 points of damage).
If the party has not already discharged it,
the thief can discharge it safely by a successful
attempt to remove traps. <Remove Traps, PH>
