Quasqueton's library lies behind a pair of 
ornately carved oaken doors.  The floor ov the room is 
covered with dust, but beneath is a beautiful && shiny 
of polished red granite.  The stone is inlaid in large 
&& extends uniformly to within a foot ov each ov the 
walls.  In the very center ov the room within the floor surface 
are blocks of white granite within the red stone, && these 
form the letters R & Z with an ampersand between.

There are 3 large oaken tables within the room, 1 in 
each ov the West, North, and East wings ov the room.  There 
are several wooden chairs scattered about.  In 2 corners 
ov the room are plush divans, each covered with a rich, 
fleecy upholstering that makes them very comfortable for 
reclining.  These, however, are rather dusty && dingy due to 
their age && lack ov USE. 

Wall sconces designed to hold torches for illumination are 
mounted on the walls all around the room.  Small cages inset 
into the North wall contain numerous fire beetles, && these 
unusual insects give off an eerie, glowing light from their 
-- enough to illuminate this portion ov the room.  The 
reddish glow from this source will appear as forbidding && 
mysterious when viewed from the entrance to the library, 
seeming to be
a luminosity ov varying intensity totally alien 
to anything viewed before
. The insects themselves seem to 
be thriving in their captive abode, but their food source && 
longevity are totally puzzling . . . There is no way to open |or| 
force the cages themselves, so releasing the insects |or| gaining 
access to them is impossible to any adventurers.  

The library is rather modestly supplied with books, volumes, 
and tomes ov various sizes.  There are likewise only a few 
scrolls, these being stored in a rack along the East wall. 
None ov the books |or| scrolls is ov any particular USE |or| 
special interest to the adventurers, despite how many they 

Monster: Mites, 3-18.

Trick: The North wall is a false wall. Pushing against it causes the wall to move back a bit, and then descend into the floor. Beyond is a 10x10 room that does NOT appear on the map. This 10x10 room is the location of the treasure, which is contained in 2 bags. 

Treasure: 100 pp, 2 gems
    Spinel (500 gp)
    Bloodstone (50 gp)
