Dragon 115: Thieves

<art --> pegasus, MM>
Thieves' Guilds Thieves Guilds Climb walls Oaths & codes of thieves guilds Climb walls
Thief equipment Weapons of choice for clerics Snakes 9 magical harps from the FR Floors
Ecology: The harpy Troop tables for demi-human lords 50 Doors Roger E. Moore Dragon

Housebreaker harness or spider







Tools of the (Thieving) Trade:
A look at a thief's best friends
by Vince Garcia

<Observe the creation of any 1st-level thief.
Without exception, one sees 30 gp going towards the immediate purchase of thieves' tools.

Picking Pockets
If the victim is moving and the thief must also move to keep pace with his target,
the chance of success on either roll is half as great as normal,
rounded up to the nearest 5% (15% for a 1st-level human thief with 15 dexterity,
5% for the same thief at 13th level, etc.).

Opening Locks
This set of equipment is priced at 30 gp.

[magnifying lens]
If at least part of the lock's mechanism is exposed to view and illumination is sufficient for the thief to see what he is doing,
the use of a magnifying lens adds 5% to the thief's chance of success (up to a maximum of 99%).
Using this magnifying lens to find traps adds a 5% bonus to this ability as well.

[metal-eating acid]
Pouring this liquid inside the lock machanism gives a thief a chance of opening the lock in 3-12 turns (this amount of time must be allowed in the event of either success or failure).
This chance is expressed as a function of an item's ability to save vs. acid,
as illustrated on page 80 of the Dungeon Master's Guide (use the "metal, hard" category when referencing this table).

Any attempt to use this method (or the filing method described hereafter) on the internal mechanisms of a door lock causes a 40% chance per attempt of damaging the lock,
and thereby making the door unopenable except by removing the door or its internal mechanism (a difficult task, requiring great effort and time).

Finding/Removing Traps
If he attempts to remove a trap with his bare hands when it would be more prudent to use tools,
his chance of success is half as great as normal (rounded up to the nearest 5%).

Moving Silently
If a thief is wearing hard-soled boots or any other footgear that might make noise when impacting with a hard surface,
his chance of being able to move silently is half the normal chance of success (rounded up to the nearest 5%).
A thief can offset this disadvantage by choosing to move at half speed (6' per round instead of 12'),
in which case his chance of success is the normal amount.

[leather straps]
To minimize this problem,
the thief may decide to carry a pair of 3' leather straps;
the placement of these straps distributes the thief's weight over a larger area,
thus preventing the annoying creaks.

Hiding in Shadows
[Utility suit]
This outfit provides an additional 5% to a thief's ability to hide in shadows,
with a maximum chance of 99%.

Using soot or charcoal lends a thief an additional 2% to the ability to hide in shadows,
with a cumulative maximum chance of (when a utility suit is worn as well) of 99%.

Hear Noise
[Hearing cone]
Using such a device gives a thief a bonus of 5% to his ability to hear noises.

Climbing Walls
For climbing purposes,
a thief's kit might include a small hook secured to a 20' length of fine line (possibly braided horsehair).
This climbing aid can bear the weight of an unarmored thief (200 lbs., or 2,000 gp weight) and an additional 250 gp of encumbrance.

[Miniature lantern]
For a price,
a thief may also invest in a miniature shuttered lantern which casts a tight beam for a distance of 15',
keeping ambient light to a minimum.

[Drills and chisels]
Removing a lock in this manner takes from 1-4 turns and spring any concealed traps that have not been removed from the lock prior to this activity.

It pays to know what you're getting for your 30 gp.

Item Cost Encumbrance
Belt pouch (to store picks) 1 gp 10 gp
Sharpened silver coin 1 sp 1 gp
Picks and wires 30 gp 0
Magnifying lens 7 gp 1 gp
Metal-eating acid 100 gp 10 gp
File 5 gp 5 gp
Leather straps 10 sp 50 gp
Boots, high, soft 1 gp 30 gp
Boots, low, soft 8 sp 30 gp
Utility suit 5 gp 25 gp
Charcoal/soot 1 cp/free 5 gp
Hearing cone 5 gp 5 gp
Climbing hook and line 10 gp 50 gp
10 spikes and hammer 2 gp 60 gp
Tiger claws, pair 30 sp 5 gp
Candle 1 sp 5 gp
Tinderbox 1 gp 2 gp
Miniature lantern 20 gp 30 gp
Knife and sheath 1 gp 1 gp
Clay/beeswax 1 sp 3 gp
Drill and chisels 75 gp 350 gp
Keymaking set 150 gp 250 gp