Design Forum/Variant:

Choir Practice at the First Church of Lawful Evil (Orthodox):
The Ramifications of Alignment
Lawrence Schick

Gods' Abilities
The Prime Alignments
- -
Law Morilirom (Absolute Order) Cyrulliaa (Harmony/Goodness) Marly (Justice/Vengeance) Sedjima (Knowledge) Slarsken Obel (Evolution)  Tholtamooma (War)
Neutrality Manturin (Preserve the Balance)  Rillifloham (Nature)  Rasan Korya (Ambition)  Demyuritas (Esthetics) The Four Elements +
Gungger (Earth)
Hara (Air)
Zkracl (Fira)
Shalir (Water)
Hisk (Battle Glory)
Chaos Karnawenn (Absolute Randomness)  Bleskuta (Ambition) Temanamat (Life/Fertility)  Golod (Evil/Death)  Sog-Morthoth (Devolution) Thakta Tylden (War)
Dungeons & Dragons
Alignment (OD&D)
Dragon magazine
Alignment (AD&D)
The Dragon #24
- -

The author and I had occasion to have a couple of long chats at Gen-
Con Xl, which I enjoyed. The author has already collaborated with Tom
Moldvay on a series of pieces dealing with well-known fantasy characters
and D&D, which may or may not have debuted by now. (As I write
this, the piece is being edited and segmented for serialization. Whether
or not it has begun by the time you are reading this is up to too many
variables to stick my neck out.)
We got to talking about the problems and ramifications of alignments,
and he had some good points that I challenged him to elucidate
in an article. I feel he has done well, and that this system offers much
food for thought for all DM’s.

In my experience, a large percentage of D&D® players have only
a vague idea of what alignment is really all about. Most people simply
equate Law with good and Chaos with evil, despite the advanced rules’
explanation that morality and Law/Chaos are on separate, perpendicular
axes. Even among those who have a fairly clear idea of what Law
and Chaos are, you will generally find a pronounced prejudice in favor
of Law. Chaotics are automatically regarded with suspicion. This is unfortunately
aggravated by a subtle, perhaps unintentional favoritism in
the rules, usually as an implied assumption that player characters will be
Lawful or at least Neutral (and the explicitly “evil” Chaos in Andre
Norton’s Quag Keep doesn’t help either).

The D&D mating of Moorcockian Law/Chaos with medieval
Christianity has always caused a lot of problems for me. The “new”
nine alignments don’t really resolve them, though they are a good attempt
to make some sense and standardization out of the mess. I’m not
entirely sure that Good and Evil as absolutes have any business being
mixed up with Law and Chaos anyway. Have you ever tried to get a
consensus out of half-a-dozen people on whether some action is good
or evil, right or wrong? On inspection, Good or Evil usually boils down
to Nice or Nasty. Are Nice characters allowed to do Nasty things without
getting in serious alignment trouble? And if not, does that mean Evil
characters can’t do Good acts?

And where does religion fit into this framework? I don’t believe the
nine alignments are supposed to be religions as such (I can’t imagine a
character saying, “Yeah, I’m Lawful Evil. What’re you?"). Most D&D
groups at least pay lip service to politics, but ignore religion entirely,
except for those Chaotic Nasties and their Secret Death Cults. The
question of, say, an individual cleric’s actual religious beliefs is rarely
brought up, even though characters without religion are about as credible
as characters that don’t have to eat or sleep.

Our personal solution to this problem has been to attempt to integrate
the concept of Law/Chaos with that of believable religions, complete
with actual, physical gods who take an active interest in the doings
of humans. We’ve tried to look at Law, Chaos and Neutrality from the
viewpoint of those who would have proof that such concepts are the
basis of the physical universe. They would build belief systems based
upon various ways of looking at the balance of the cosmic forces. Of
course, since every religion thinks they’re right and all have varying
ideas of right and wrong, morality has to be regarded as flexible.
(Christian-chauvinists won’t like this much, but they can use another

We utilize the old idea that temporal gods are created and maintained
by their believers’ worship. There is a continual battle between
religions (and sometimes even gods personally) for quantity and quality
of worshippers. Each alignment represents some facet of Law, Chaos or
Neutrality. With a little help from the ideas in earth’s religious history,
we’ve organized what we conceive to be the most important concepts
into the prime alignments. Unfortunately, we ended up generating a
few more prime alignments than just nine, but the whole set-up is more

fluid than the original and allows for a lot of variation within an alignment.
Non-orthodox and splinter alignments (with correspondingly
weaker gods) are probably quite common. This, rather, deals the death
to the idea of alignment tongues (except possibly in the cases of High
Law, Chaos and Neutrality), but they always seemed a little too convenient
to me anyway. I’m sure everybody will have their own ideas about
what concepts we’ve chosen to use and how they’re described, but
using these guidelines anybody can create or alter the alignments to suit
themselves. The explanation of each alignment gives a general outline
of the beliefs of the average cleric or worshipper in that religion.

Gods' Abilities
Unless stated otherwise, it is assumed that all gods have the ability
to cast the following standard magical spells as often as they wish:
Gate ESP
Mind Blank Reincarnation
Wish Curse and Remove Curse
Permanency All Healing and Resurrection spells
Polymorph Any Object Comprehend Languages
Geas Teleport Others
Teleport Change Characters’ Abilities
In battle, the prime gods always hit their targets unless they roll a
one (d20). Of course, gods can’t really be killed as long as they have
sufficient worshippers. If they lose all of their hit points, they are merely
temporarily banished from the physical plane.

The Prime Alignments
(A) Absolute Order (High Law)
(B) Harmony/Goodness
(C) Justice/Vengeance
(D) Knowledge
(E) Evolution (Social Darwinism)
(F) War

(A) Preserve the Balance (High Neutrality)
(B) Ambition
(C) Nature
(D) Esthetics
(E) The Four Elements
(F) Battle Glory

(A) Absolute Randomness (High Chaos)
(B) Ambition
(C) Life/Fertility
(D) Evil/Death
(E) Devolution
(F) War

Law: ABSOLUTE ORDER (High Law) (Monks, Paladins)
Tenets: The only tolerable form of existence is one where everything
is in order and in its place. It is necessary that uniformity be imposed
upon the world to insure perfect control of all actions, thus
eliminating all disruption and dissent.

Prime Deity: MORILIROM
AC: irrelevant HP: 300 MOVE: instantaneous
MAGIC: all magical & clerical spells

Morilirom appears as a huge, blindingly white cube, tetrahedron,
octahedron or similar perfect geometrical object. He cannot be harmed
by physical weaponry. All Chaotic creatures must flee his presence or
be turned to stone (range: 200’). Morilirom has little or no interest in
dealing with individuals, but this indifference makes him utterly fair. He
cannot be insulted or flattered. He will appear personally only in the
event of a massive Chaotic incursion. He generally prefers to work by
granting power to those who can aid his purposes, though this power
may be revoked upon completion of the task. Talismans of protection
vs. various Chaotic creatures are his usual rewards.
(NOTE: In the case of the bi- or non-gendered deities, he has been
used as a pronoun of convenience. No sexism is intended or should be

Law: HARMONY/GOODNESS (Monks, Paladins)
Tenets: Order can be achieved only by all living things working
together in harmony and mutual respect. The prime goal is the greatest
good of the greatest number. The Golden Rule should apply to all
human interaction. Most creatures have some goodness in them and
can eventually be brought into the great brotherhood. Regrettably,
some are so unregenerately evil and quarrelsome that force must be
used to prevent them from damaging others. They must be excised like
tumors from society.

Prime Deity: CYRULLIA
AC: -4 HP: 300 MOVE: 18”
MAGIC: Standard plus all clerical spells
Cyrullia appears as a beautiful hermaphrodite dressed in flowering
robes or golden ornamental armor. He rides the white gelded pegasus
“Whickerwind” (HP: 40, MOVE: 56”), and often appears accompanied
by half-a-dozen unicorns. Cyrullia is often called “The Physician”
or “The Healer” (He is known to the Orcs as “The Leech”). One
end of his white-ash staff heals all wounds instantly at a touch: the other
end causes all wounds received during a lifetime to reopen and all diseases
to instantly relapse. Cyrullia’s Paladins can call upon him personally
for aid once in their lifetimes. In extremity, there is a 5% chance that
any of his priests above 7th level can call for a miracle. Usually he prefers
to work more indirectly, granting aid and rewards on a smaller scale.

Law: JUSTICE/VENGEANCE (Monks, Paladins, Assassins)
Tenets: Good (Law) must be rewarded and Evil (Chaos) must be
punished. All creatures are judged impartially by weighing their “good’
and “evil” deeds. Transgressors will be punished according to the
depth of their depravity. Criminals must be diligently pursued until
brought to justice. (Examples of this alignment’s enforcers might include
Solomon Kane, The Shadow, Mr. A., and Javert.)

Prime Deity: MARLY
AC: -4 HP: 300 MOVE:24”
MAGIC: Standard plus See Past plus Detect Truth/Lie.
Known as “The Inquisitor,” Marly appears as a man with blazing
eyes, wearing a black cowl and robes and wielding an ebony staff that
delivers 4-40 points damage in magical shock at a touch. He is always
accompanied by The Headsman, an eight-foot tall heavily-muscled
man wearing only black trousers and cowl (AC: -2; HP: 150; 100%
magical resistance). He is armed with a +5 two-handed vorpal axe.
There is a 10% chance that Marly will reward some meritorious avenger
with a talisman of protection, usually against reprisals. There is a 5%
chance he will send material aid to anyone engaged on a righteous
mission of vengeance (1% if non-Lawful). It is said that Marly’s spies are
everywhere, and that for everyone he has a list of good and evil deeds.
He demands respect, and punishes those foolish enough to forget it.

Tenets: Before true Law can be brought to the world, all things
must be known and understood. The measurings and methods of science
and magic are inherently opposed to the randomness of Chaos.
Once the possible is known, the impossible is proscribed. Only through
the gradual quantification and qualification of the world can Chaos be
totally expunged.

Prime Deity: SEDJIMA
AC: 0 HP: 300 MOVE: 12”
MAGIC: all magical and clerical spells.
Sedjima appears as an old, white-haired sage. He can answer any
question put to him (though he may choose not to). His priests’ Augury

and Divination spells will have a better chance of success than usual
(1½% per level of cleric). Magic-users professing his alignment will have
a 2% better chance per level with the Contact Other Plane spell, and
Legend Lore is unusually effective for them. Sedjima’s rewards and
punishments are always in the form of information. Otherwise, his participation
in human affairs is quite passive, consisting of encouragement
and cryptic advice through oracles.

Law: EVOLUTION (Social Darwinism) (Monks, Assassins)
Tenets: Evolution is the law of life. All species slowly tend toward
the perfect by weeding out the unfit. Those better equipped to survive,
in the jungle or society, are the favored of the gods. Those with the
ability to exceed and rule others are required by divine Law to do so.
Those who are on top obviously deserve to be, or they would not be
there. All must strive at the expense of their neighbors for the good of
the species.

AC: -5 HP: 300 MOVE: 36”
MAGIC: Standard plus all magical spells.
Slarsken Obel appears as a perfectly-formed man in the prime of
life (in matriarchies he appears as a woman). He is strong, dextrous,
cunning, inventive, charismatic, artistic, humorous and skilled in
weaponry far beyond the abilities of any mortal. He is the total entrepreneur,
taking advantage of any opportunity to advance his worship,
even at the expense of the other Lawful alignments. Capitalists, imperialists
and mercenaries are his primary worshippers. Somewhat to
his mystification, he never seems to make much progress among the
rank and file of humanity. Slarsken Obel goes into battle with any sort of
weapon he chooses, striking four times per round for + 10 damage. His
only reward to the faithful is praise and justification. He secretly covets
Morilirom’s power.

Law: WAR (Monks, Paladins)
Tenets: Militant Law. The simplest and most efficient way to exterminate
Chaos is by force of arms. Lawful existence will not be safe
until Chaos is eradicated, and with order and discipline on their side the
Lawful forces have an enormous advantage over Chaos. The spread of
Law is much simplified by the direct method. Humanity’s cardinal virtue
and Law’s strongest asset is discipline.

AC: -6 HP: 300 MOVE: 24” MAGIC: Standard
This god appears as a giant, bearded warlord in full armor of red
dragon scales. He strikes once per round with the Hammer of Law for
10-100 points damage. In his presence, all Lawful warriors fight at +4,
and all Chaotics at -4. Tholtanooma will only appear in a rare cataclysmic
confrontation between Law and Chaos. He usually prefers to send
one of his Paladin Bodyguard to aid those he deems worthy (AC: -2;
10th level; armed with Holy Swords). He expends his forces rarely and
carefully, however: years may go by without seeing one of his bodyguard
on earth. Tholtanooma will often send advice to lawful military
commanders in the form of omens or messages only they can see. He
may (5%) reward a mighty deed of Lawful valor with a powerful magical
weapon or a potion of Temporary Near-Invulnerability. He may also
(5%) instill courage in any Lawful warrior stricken with Fear.

Neutrality: PRESERVE THE BALANCE (High Neutrality) (Paladins)
Tenets: The perfect existence can only be achieved by carefully
balancing Law and Chaos in equal parts. Living creatures need both the
order of Law and the constant change of chaos. Through evolution, all
things move toward perfection: Chaos insures that all possibilities will be
tried, but Law insures that only the best will survive. Law and Chaos of
themselves are dead ends. “Both light and shadow are needed to see.”

Prime Deity: MANTURIN
AC: -5 HP: 300 MOVE: 24”
MAGIC: Standard plus all clerical spells.
Manturin appears as a mighty titan struggling under the weight of
an immense balance which he wears as a yoke. From the right pan of
the balance he can throw 15-dice lightning bolts, while from the left pan
he can throw 8-pointed stars that explode into 10-dice fireballs. He can
do either or both of these once per round. If Manturin is called upon for

aid, he always carefully considers all the factors before deciding whether
or not to help. Incautious supplicants may find him aiding their enemies!
His aid often comes in the form of granting warriors Javelins of Lightning
(20 points) or fireball stars (15 points): Magic-users or clerics may
find wands or scrolls of similar value. Those whom he aids may never
know who their benefactor was — Manturin prefers to work behind the
scenes. Neutral Paladinhood is possible in his service to those sufficiently
dedicated to the Balance. Such Paladins may find that Manturin
is subtly directing their actions through omens, signs, etc., visible only to

Neutrality: NATURE (Druids)
Tenets: Man is a part of nature, and must be fully integrated with
the ecology. The cycle of life is the closest thing to perfection on this
plane: there is a place and a part to play for each creature. Man, in his
arrogance, deems himself outside the Wheel of Nature, and thus causes
disharmony within nature and within himself. Only in the give-and-take
of the natural life can man find contentment. Those who ignore this
truth and would upset the ecology even further must be prevented from
doing so. Death, after all, is just one more turn of the wheel.

AC: -4 HP: 300 MOVE: 12”
MAGIC: Standard plus all Druidical spells.
Rillifloham appears as a 40-foot treant, bearing in his branches
fruits and nuts of every kind, and with squirrels, birds and other small
animals living in his leafy crown. He is slow to anger, but implacable
once his anger has been sitrred up. His friends have an easy time of it in
the wilderness, as all the plants and animals seem to aid them. His
enemies, however, find all the living things of the wild conspiring against
them. Rillifloham can strike with his fists for 8-80 points damage, and
can summon 3-18 treants (as well as any other wild creatures that are
around) to his aid. Fire does only normal damage against him. He may
(10% chance) reward meritorious actions on Nature’s behalf with a
wooden artifact of great power or the assistance of an animal as a familiar.

Neutrality: AMBITION (Assassins)
Tenets: Personal aggrandizement is the only goal of the followers
of this alignment. Law and Chaos are irrelevant to the individual save as
a means to an end. Total solipsism — self is all that matters. The fate of
others, even as a consequence of one’s own actions, is of no concern.
They are but tools. A person should rely on his own strengths and skills.

Prime Deity: RASAN KORYA
AC: -3 HP: 300 MOVE: 12” MAGIC: Standard
This god appears as a richly-appareled man or woman. He fights, if
he must, with a flaming sword that does 5-50 points damage and can

shoot fireballs of 10-dice value. Worshippers who have contributed
enough at his shrines may have a favor done for them (5% chance).
Rasan Korya is whimsical at times, bored or indifferently cruel at others.
A supplicant requesting aid in battle may receive the help of a Kobold or
a cavalry brigade, depending on Rasan’s mood. He really only looks
with favor on those who can manage without his help. Why should he
do anything for weaklings, who can do nothing for him?
Rasan Korya lives in a huge stone hall where he presides over a
continuous banquet. The guests there continually duel among each
other for the honor of sitting closer to the head of the table. Mortals may
be invited to this party as a reward for meritorious service. Rasan is
always scheming to usurp the power of other gods, and several minor,
forgotten deities have been his victims.

Neutrality: ESTHETICS
Tenets: Man’s highest achievements are in the arts, for only there
can he transcend his mortality. The only worthwhile occupation is the
creation and appreciation of beauty. Man can make himself an art form,
and appreciation thereof begets Love, which refines the senses and
further increases our appreciation of all that is beautiful. Anything that
must be done may as well be done with style and flair. What you do is
not nearly so important as how you do it.

AC: -2 HP: 300 MOVE: 24” MAGIC: Standard
Demyuritas appears as a stunningly beautiful youth who can be
either male or female. Beings who annoy him are merely teleported
away 1-20 hexes in a random direction when he points his finger at
them (once per round, no saving throw). Demyuritas can’t stand vulgar
types in his presence. He may be impressed by charismatic, stylish,
smooth-talking types (though he may not trust them, he will enjoy their
company). Extremely charismatic persons may even be taken as lovers
for a night. Bards are always a favorite with Demyuritas. His gifts include
musical instruments and artistic and magical implements of wondrous
beauty and power.

Tenets: This is basically a primitive philosophy. The powers that
rule the elements are propitiated in the hope that they will grant favors,
or at least withhold their wrath.

Prime Deities
AC: -4 HP: 200 MOVE: 12” MAGIC: Standard plus all earth
Gungger is the Overlord of the earth elementals. He strikes with his
fists for 10-100 points damage. He can summon 1-12 earth elementals
to his aid, and can cross water without trouble. Gungger is primarily
worshipped by the mining and subterranean peoples.

AC: -2 HP: 200 MOVE: 72”
MAGIC: Standard plus all air spells.
Hara is the Queen of the air elementals. She can hit six times per
round for 3-30 points damage each, and can summon 1-12 air elementals
to her aid. Hara cannot be touched by projectiles launched into the
air. Mariners and the flying races are her most common worshippers.

AC: -2 HP: 200 MOVE: 36”
MAGIC: Standard plus all fire spells.
Zkracl is the Tyrant of the fire elementals. He hits for 5-50 points
fire damage, and can throw a 20-dice fireball every round (save vs.
spells, ½ damage). He can summon 1-12 fire elementals to his aid, and
is not affected by water. It is said that he can spy through any fire. Many
hearths and forges have shrines to Zkracl.

AC: -2 HP: 200 MOVE: 12”/36” (H2O)
MAGIC: Standard plus all water spells.
Shaliroi is the King of the water elementals. He hits for 3-30 points
damage, and once per round can envelop and instantly drown any
creature that does not make its save vs. spells. He can summon 1-12
water elementals to his aid, and is not affected by heat. Mariners,
fishermen and the aquatic races are his primary worshippers.

Neutrality: BATTLE GLORY
Tenets: A man’s worth is best proved by his bravery and prowess in
battle. Nothing surpasses the glory of honorable contention, and the
best evidence for this is the fact that Man’s highest achievements in
magic and science are all related to the art of fighting. Those who refuse
to fight when called upon are weaklings who will be culled out of the
race by the inexorable forces of history.

Prime Deity: HISK
AC: -5 HP: 300 MOVE: 21” MAGIC: Standard
Hisk appears as a big, burly bear of a man, dressed in a sabre-tooth
tigerskin with the skull of same for a helmet. Any sort of weapon that he
wants will instantly appear in his hands. Though there’s nothing Hisk
likes better than a good scrap, he rarely appears on the Prime Material
plane, as he is too involved in the great battles and contests going on in
Gallarna, his kingdom in the clouds. An occasional feat of great valor
and prowess may (5%) catch his attention, especially if it was done in his
name. Then, the lucky hero may be given a sign that he can hope to
enter Gallarna upon his death (assuming he dies in battle). Those especially
favored by Hisk may receive the gift of an automatic bless spell
whenever they enter into battle.

Tenets: Co-existence of all possibilities is the ideal. This will come
about when the bonds of Law (and Time, which is a Lawful concept)
are broken. The ultimate goal is a return to that natural condition of total
randomness that existed before the imposition of Law.

Prime Deity: KARNAWENN
AC: -6 HP: 300 MOVE: instantaneous MAGIC: All spells
A formless, sizeless, timeless mass. The sight of Karnawenn in his
true form drives mortals instantly mad (no saving throw). Fortunately, it
is possible for no more than one of his tentacles to appear on the prime
material plane, and that must take some kind of a form (usually that of a
human). This tentacle contains only 10% of Karnawenn’s hit points,
and its appearance is continually changing subtly. With this form, Karnawenn
can throw any possible spell. More often he works through
agents. He rewards those who aid him by subtly altering them to improve
their abilities, and by absorbing them into his substance upon
their deaths.

Chaos: AMBITION (Assassins)
Tenets: The destruction of Law offers the greatest opportunities for
a clever person to take advantage of. Chaos holds the promise that
anyone can be great and powerful under the right conditions. The rigid
forms of Law offer no chance for the individual to get ahead. By fomenting
disorder, an unscrupulous person can get an “in” to the personal
power he desires.

Prime Deity: BLESKUTA
AC: -5 HP: 300 MOVE: 18”
MAGIC: Standard plus Shape Change
Bleskuta usually appears as a wereboar the size of a Frost Giant.
He fights with a huge granite club that strikes for 6-60 points damage.
He will aid supplicants only in return for large endowments of his temples
or the blood-price of a Lawful bureaucrat. His aid usually comes in
the form of a temporary doubling of the strength, level and/or hit points
of the beneficiary. In extremity, he may send 1-6 wereboars or others of
his servants to help (3% chance). Bleskuta is careful to appear stupider
and much less cunning than he is. He has been known to walk the earth
in many different guises, intriguing and fomenting discord. Generally,
the more successful his worshippers are, the more he favors them.

Tenets: Life in its infinite variety is the true finest expression of
Chaos. Fertility and change are the watchwords. Law, as the imposition
of order and stagnation, ultimately equals death. Such an end must be
fought vigorously so that life will have a chance to explore all possible

Prime Deity: TEMANAMAT
AC: -1 HP: 300 MOVE: 12” MAGIC: Standard
Temanamat appears as a full-breasted, wide-hipped woman carrying
a cornucopia from which she can pull any form of life she desires,
including creatures to fight for her (once per round). With a few spells

she can cause the driest wasteland to become fruitful. Her clerics’ healing
spells are more effective than usual (10% more so per level of cleric).
She usually uses Satyrs as her messengers and agents. Farmers, barren
women and sterile men are her most common supplicants.

Tenets: Random wickedness and cruelty is Chaos’ greatest
weapon against Law. Seemingly pointless violence and atrocities can
create more confusion and disruption of the social order then any other
cause. Ultimately, life must be completely eradicated: the only real difference
between living and unliving matter is that living beings actively
impose restrictions upon the world around them. Life is a product of
Law, and Death is a returning of organized substance to disorganized

Prime Deity: GOLOD
AC: -4 HP: 300 MOVE: 24”
MAGIC: Standard plus all Death spells.
Golod’s huge squat body has four arms that end in taloned hands.
His face is flat and apish, with tusks protruding from his mouth. Tattooed
on his chest is the Yellow Sign. Golod can only be appeased by
human sacrifice. He will look most favorably upon those who have sent
him the most lives. He fights with his four clawed hands, which hit for
3-30 points each plus paralysis (save vs. spells). His servants include a
Legion of the Undead, and he may send aid in that form if his followers
are in dire need (5% chance). Those who serve him in life can expect to
serve him afterwards as members of the undead. Golod may (5%) reward
some particularly evil deed with the gift of some terrible artifact or

Tenets: It is possible to return down the ladder of evolution to the
primal oneness of the beginnings of life. Great truths are hidden in the
primordial ooze from which we sprang. We must devolve in order to
understand these ancient cosmic secrets. Degeneration is first mental
and then physical. The first step in this sacred task is the sloughing off of
humanity for the bestial and depraved. It may actually take many generations
before the Devolving Ones can fully grasp the meaning of the
hidden knowledge.

AC: -2 HP: 300 MOVE: 18”
MAGIC: Standard plus Shape Change
Sog-Morthoth appears as an amorphous creature about 40 feet in
diameter, oozing greenish slime from its surface and sprouting thick
tentacles and psuedopods apparently at random. It radiates a permanent
Fear spell in a 100’ radius, which must be saved against each
round. If its worshippers call upon it for aid, it may (5% chance) help
them by temporarily doubling their strength and/or the effectiveness of
their spells (1-10 rounds duration). Those in Sog-Morthoth’s service
tend to gradually become less human and more bestial, and begin to
prefer subterranean living to the surface world. They may actually develop

Chaos: WAR
Tenets: War is the most inherently chaotic action humans can undertake.
Conflict is to be encouraged, not only against Law, but for its
own sake. A good all-out civilization-toppling war may disrupt things so
much that Law may lose its grip on the world completely.

AC: -6 HP: 300 MOVE: 24” MAGIC: Standard
This god appears as a huge warrior in black armor with red trim. In
his presence, all Chaotic warriors fight at +4, all Lawfuls at -4. He wields
the Whip of Chaos, which can strike up to three opponents at once for
4-40 points damage each. It is extremely rare for Thakta Tylden to appear
at anything less than Armageddon-sized battles. He prefers to send
one or more of his sons to fight for him:

LAKUNTH, a 15th-level Weretiger (AC: -1; HP: 75);
PAKUNTH, a Stone Giant (AC: 4; HP: 45; 50% magic resistance);
RAKUNTH, an Orcish demi-god (AC: -2; HP: 60; 3 attacks per round,
+6 to hit, +8 damage);
QUAKUNTH, a winged 10th-level Troll (AC: 2; HP: 45);

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