Caption Contest

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Dungeons & Dragons Dragon magazine - Classes The Dragon #26

winning entry:
So I said, "Stop or I?ll shoot . . . Stop or I'll shoot. . . Stop or
I'll shoot. . ."
Martin Connell, Mendham, NJ

2nd place:
"I would like to speak with the DM privately for a moment."
Michael J. SeStefano, Springfield, MO

3rd place:
"Stoicism at its best."
Larry Yang, Rancho Palos Verdes, CA

honorable mentions:
"He keeps muttering something about "pain" and "all in the mind". . ."
W. Morris, Canada

"You may think I'm worried, but the fact that be didn't dodge the arrows
proves he can't be very good."
E. Metheny, CA

"You sure are a pain in the neck . . . and the back, and the stomach,

and the arms, and the legs. . . ."
T. McQueen, Ml

"Could you move this one arrow, it hurts."
J. Ward, WI

"Fred, Flower says there's an ambush ahead."
G. Graves, WA

"We better advertise for a new arrow catcher."
L. Swedis, MA

"So much for the Quivering Palm!"
K. Thompson, NY

"I hate people who yell when I've got a headache."
W. Morris, Canada

"Don't tell me. He made his saving throw."    
R. Dushay, NY

"Faster than a speeding arrow, be's not."
W. Morris, Canada

"Wait till I find the guy who sold me these magic arrows."
C. Cottle, CT

We wish to thank those (over 200) others who submitted entries. Judging
them was a task of hilarity. We regret only that space limitations do
not allow us to print the many other amusing entries. Watch for the 2nd
semi-regular TD caption contest. . .