(Why Did He Throw That Spell?!)
by Steve Miller

Spells Determination for Hostile MUs (revised)
Dungeons & Dragons
Dragon magazine
The Dragon #19

Once upon a time, many encounters ago, a group of hardy
adventurers were surprised in the wilderness by an enchanter (70 yards
away) and his minions (all of them “chaotic as the day is long”). After an
ice storm had decimated the group and a fireball was announced arriving,
a cry of protest rose from the players. Not only were they upset over the
loss of characters, but in the unimaginative and brutish manner in which
it was accomplished.

They reasoned that while the M/U might have used the icestorm
against the group, why should he use another of his (in this case) “Big
Three” spells right after the first one. A lower level would make more
sense they argued, as it would leave the spell caster more options to
choose from later in the encounter. Agreeing that this would make some
sense (a rare occurance for this group) we developed the following system
and table to add more sense and imagination to magical attacks by M/U’s
on the group.

The first step is to determine the level of the spell. To do this, first
determine how many spells of each level the magic user in question has
(Men & Magic page 17 and Greyhawk page 10). The enchanter in the
encounter has a total of 10 spells to choose from (4 first level and 3 second
level . . . ). Then roll a die (in this instance a 20 sided one) to determine the
spell level (i.e.: 1-4= First Level, 5-7= Second Level, 8-9= Third Level and
a 10= The Fourth Level). Thus a conjurer uses a four sided die, a magician
an eight-sided, etc. This system has magic users (non-player type) using
their more plentiful lower level spells instead of blowing groups away
with their big spells immediately.

Once the level has been determined one simply goes to the
appropriate column of spells and rolls percentile dice to determine which
spell. If the spell rolled has insufficient range, is a dungeon spell during a
wilderness encounter or is obviously inappropriate (throwing feeblemind
on a fighter, etc) a reroll is allowed. The charts can be modified to suit
individual campaigns.

In re-doing our previous encounter, the enchanter opens with a
lightning bolt and disposes of one of the magic users. Next, a magic
missile stabs out, striking another robed figure (scratch one cleric) and
arrows from his archers strike several characters. The group responds
with deadly effect (shield, draw weapons, etc.). The players winning the
first round of the melee begin to charge, cast their spells and the battle is

This system has added some interesting elements to our playing. One
wizard, before opening up on the group, hasted himself and his
henchmen, invisible, levitated and then opened up on the group. Later
when our bowmen started firing on him he put protection/normal
missiles on himself and sleep on the archers. If little else, it adds some
variety to encounters.

01-05 Hold Portal*
06-10 Protection from Evil
11-30 Charm Person
31-55 Sleep
56-75 Shield
76-95 Magic Missile
96-00 Ventriloquism

01-05 Levitate
06-10 Detect Invisible
11-30 Phantasmal Forces
31-40 Invisibility
41-50 Detect Evil
51-65 ESP
66-70 Darkness 5' Ft. Radius
71-90 Web
91-00 Mirror Image

01-05 Fly
06-15 Hold Person
16-20 Dispel Magic
21-40 Fire Ball
41-50 Lightning Bolt
51-55 Protection from Evil, 10 Ft. Radius
56-60 Invisibility, 10 Ft. Radius
61-75 Slow Spell
76-80 Haste Spell
81-90 Protection from Normal Missiles
91-00 Suggestion

01-10 Polymorph Self
11-20 Polymorph Others
21-25 Wall of Fire
26-30 Wall of Ice
31-40 Confusion
41-50 Dimension Door
51-70 Ice Storm
71-00 Fear

01-05 Teleport
06-25 Conjure Elemental
26-35 Telekinesis
36-45 Wall of Stone
46-55 Wall of Iron
56-60 Magic Jar
61-85 Cloudkill
86-95 Feeblemind
96-100 Growth/Animal

01-05 Stone to Flesh
06-25 Invisible Stalker
26-35 Projected Image
36-40 Anti-Magic Shell
41-60 Death Spell
61-65 Geas
66-75 Disintegrate
76-80 Move Earth
81-85 Control Weather
86-95 Repulsion
96-00 Monster Summoning IV

01-10 Delayed Blast Fire Ball
11-30 Reverse Gravity
31-55 Limited Wish
56-75 Power Word Stun
76-80 Charm Plants
81-90 Mass Invisibility
91-00 Monster Summoning V

01-35 Mass Charm
36-55 Power Word    Blind
56-60 Symbol
61-90 Polymorph Any Object
91-00 Monster Summoning VI

01-30 Meteor Swarm
31-45 Shape Change
46-50 Time Stop*
51-70 Power Word: Kill
71-75 Wish
76-85 Prismatic Wall
86-95 Maze
96-00 Monster Summoning VII

NOTE: If a spell has insufficient range or conditions are wrong for
it, re-roll for another spell.

*Dungeons only, re-roll for wilderness encounters.