-- Bringing the Distaff Gamer into D & D
by Len Lakofka
- - - - -
Dungeons & Dragons - Dragon magazine - The Dragon #3

There will be four major groups in which women may enter. They
may progress to the level of men in the area of magic and, in some ways,
surpass men as thieves. Elven women may rise especially to high levels in
clerics to the elves. Only as fighters are women clearly behind men in all
cases but even they have attributes that their male counterparts do not!

Strength 18 sided die and 1 six sided die. <>
Wisdom, Intelligence, Dexterity and Constitution all use 3 6 sided dice.
(Any woman scoring 13 or 14 in strength may add 1 to her constitution
Instead of Charisma BEAUTY is rated on 2 20 sided dice numbered 1-
10 (so the range is 2-20, not 2-40.

Prime Requisites
Wisdom for clerics
Intelligence for Magic Users
Strength for Fighters (except that ‘average’ is not 7-10 and not 9-12)
Dexterity for Thieves
Intelligence is important to upper level thieves when magic is used
Beauty and exceptional Beauty (15-18) (19-20) are important to thieves,
fighters and magic users. Clerics may not use beauty if they are lawful or
neutral. Chaotic Clerics may use their beauty score.

    Experience Points for Advancement

Level Title - Hit Dice Fighting Capability Spells
1 Fighting Woman 0 1+1 Man none
2 Swordswoman 1600 2 Man + 1 none
3 Gladiator 3200 3 2 Men +1 none
4 Battle Maiden 6400 4 3 Men special for beautiful women
5 Shield Maiden 12,800 5 Hero special for beautiful women
6 Myrmidon 25,000 5+2 Hero +1 special for beautiful women
7 Heroine 50,000 6+2 Hero +2 special for beautiful women
8 Valkyrie 100,000 7+2 7 men special for beautiful women
9 War Lady 200,000 8+2 Superhero special for beautiful women
10 War Lady, 10th level 300,000 9+2 Superhero +1 special for beautiful women

If the Chainmail system (not man to man) is used the tables are wholly
correct. If the ““Alternate Combat System” is used subtract one level
from all levels over one in every combat. If this is not done females would
fight as well as a man at the same level for far fewer experience points.

Fighting Women
Fighting Women (warriors) may incorporate the spells of Seduction,
Charm Men or Charm Humanoid Monster depending on their level and
beauty scores (see spells of seduction, et al). Women’s strength scores
range from 2-14. Thus some weaponry and types of armor are too
difficult for them to wield/bear without undue fatigue. Women are
allowed 1000 points of encumbrance plus 50 times Strength rating at no
movement loss. Anything over that weight reduces figure to half speed.
Maximum load is 1.8 times encumbrance score. Women of ST 10 or
lower wield Flail Battle Axes, Morning Stars at -1; Pole Arms, Halberd,
Pike and Two Handed Sword at -2. Women of ST 12 or lower wield only
the latter group at -1. Plate armor has a 20% greater fatigue rating in
women of ST 10 or lower 10% in ST 11 or 12. Chainmail has a 10%
greater fatigue factor in women of ST 11 or lower. ALL WOMEN wield a
dagger at an additional +1.

Level Title - Hit Dice Fight as 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
1 Novice 0 1 man -1 - - - - - - -
2 Initiate 1200 2 man 1 - - - - - -
3 Postulant 2400 3 man +1 2 - - - - - -
4 Apostolate 4800 3+1 2 men 2 1 - - - - -
5 Sister 9600 4 3 men 3 1 1 - - - -
6 Deaconess 20,000 4+1 3 men +1 3 2 1 - - - -
7 Canoness 40,000 5 hero -1 3 2 2 1 - - -
8 Prioress 80,000 6 hero 3 3 3 2 1 - -
9 Superioress 160,000 6+2 hero +1 3 3 3 2 1 - -
10 Matriarch 240,000 7+2 hero +2 3 3 3 3 1 - -
11 Matriarch, 11th level 320,000 8+2 hero +3 3 3 3 3 3 2 -
12 Matriarch, 12th level 400,000 9+2 superhero 3 3 3 3 3 3 1

Neutral & Lawful clerics are never permitted to use their female
charms. Chaotic clerics, however, are allowed the spell of worship. For
neutral & Lawful clerics rate Charisma instead of beauty.

Spells & Abilities are the same as male clerics.

Worship is a 4th level cleric spell used by chaotic clerics of beauty
score 11+. All men will idolize the cleric (within 12”) — there is no
contact and she has no power over them save to prevent combat and
keep them in a trance for from 4+(1-8) turns. Those with 4+1 Hit Dice
may have a saving throw as in a 4th level seduction.

Level Title - Hit Dice Fight as Spells
1 Wench 0 1 man -1 -
2 Hag 1000 2 man -
3 Jade 2000 3 man +2 -
4 Succubus 4000 4 2 men 1 limited and special
5 Adventuress 8000 4+1 2 men 2 limited and special
6 Soothsayer 16,000 4+2 2 men +1 2 1 limited and special
7 Gypsy 35,000 5 3 men 2 2 limited and special
8 Sibyl 70,000 5+2 3 men +1 2 2 1 limited and special

THIEVES -- Women Statistics -- see BLACKMOOR
    Female thieves same as male except that higher level female thieves
can learn some limited magic, and Beautiful thieves are capable of the
spells of seduction and Charm Men. On page 11 of Blackmoor are
additional statistics regarding thieves. Copy the 6 classes of female
thieves down next to Apprentice through Master Pilferer. Dwarf, Elven
and Hobbit Women may act as thieves.

Spells. To cast spells the Thief’s intelligence score must be 12 or
higher for all spells except Seduction, Charm Men and Charm
Humanoid Monster where intelligence need only be 9. To cast
Seduction, Charm Men or Charm Humanoid monster (I) the thief must
have a Beauty score of 13 or better (plus intelligence of 9+).
1st level 2nd level 3rd level
Charm Man I Seduction I Charm Men II
Light Sleep + Seduction II
Read Languages Mirror Image Charm Humanoid Monster I
Tarot Reading Detect Magic + ESP +
- - Knock +

Charm men, Seduction and Charm Humanoid Monster will be
explained in the magic user section.

Tarot Reading. The Tarot (78 cards) may be asked simple yes/no
question ONLY. More complex divinings are beyond the highest level of
thief given here. If you wish to have higher level thieves you might
consider complex “Cross & Staff” readings also.

Yes/no questions must be precise and exact. They must relate to the
very immediate future (1 day at most) of the present. Every question
must be answerable by a yes or a no — there will be no embellishment.
(Sibyl level 9 and beyond can tell something from the three cards used in
answering yes/no questions but Sibyl level 8 and below can not.) The
card replies will be Yes, Probably Yes, Probably No and No. The judge
will cast a 12 sided die. He must weigh the most correct answer of those 4
choices with the numbers 1-6. 7-10 must be assigned to the remaining
affirmative/negative and 11-12 to the remaining “probably” opposite.

Level Title - - 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
1 Medium 0 man -2 1 - - - - - - - -
2 Seer 2400 man -1 2 - - - - - - - -
3 Sage 4800 man 2 1 - - - - - - -
4 Mystic 9600 man +1 3 2 - - - - - - -
5 Oracle 20,000 2 men 3 2 1 - - - - - -
6 Enchantress 40,000 2 men +1 3 3 2 - - - - - -
7 Illusionist 65,000 3 men 3 3 2 1 - - - - -
8 Sorceress 90,000 3 men + 3 3 3 2 1 - - - -
9 Witch 180,000 hero 4 3 3 3 2 - - - -
10 Witch, 10th level 27,000 hero +1 4 3 3 3 3 - - - -
11 Witch, 11th level 360,000 wizard 5 4 3 3 3 1 - - -
12 Witch, 12th level 450,000 wizard 5 5 4 3 3 2 - - -
13 Witch, 13th level 600,000 wizard +1 5 5 5 4 4 3 1 - -
14 Witch, 14th level 700,000 wizard +1 5 5 5 5 5 3 2 - -
15 Witch, 15th level 800,000 wizard +1 5 5 5 5 5 3 3 1 -
16 Witch, 16th level 900,000 wizard +1 5 5 5 5 5 4 4 1 -
17 Witch, 17th level 1,000,000 wizard +1 6 6 5 5 5 5 4 2 -
18 Witch, 18th level 1,200,000 wizard +2 6 6 6 6 6 5 5 2 1
19 Witch, 19th level 1,400,000 wizard +2 7 7 7 6 6 6 5 3 2
20 Witch, 20th level 1,600,000 wizard +2 7 7 7 7 7 6 6 4 2
21 Witch, 21st level 2,000,000 wizard +3 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 5 3
22 Witch, 22nd level 2,400,000 wizard +3 8 8 8 7 7 7 7 7 3

There is no limit to the levels to which a female may go in magic.
Experience points above 13th level are comparable to male magic users
and powers are nearly equal. You may make them equal, in fact, with no
problem, beginning with Witch Level 13 = Wizard Level 13.

The spells of female magic users are the same as with male magic
users with these additions. (“*” spells are for women only. “+” spells
can be used by men or women.)
Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4 Level 5 Level 6 Level 7 Level 8
Charm Man I* Charm Man* Charm Humanoid Monster I Charm Humanoid Monster II* Seduction V* Seduction VI* Seduction VII* Seduction VIII*
Seduction I* Seduction II* Seduction III* Seduction IV* - Charm Humanoid Monster III* Magic Mount + Charm Men III*
- - - - - Poison + Mind Meld + Charm Humanoid Monster IV*
- - - - - - Spirit + Horrid Beauty*

Seduction I-VIII. This spell may be used on living humanoid
unharmed males only by women with the proper beauty score.

                                                Male's Race
Woman's Race Men Elves Orcs Hobbits Dwarves
Elf 10 11 10 10 10
Woman 11 12 11 12 12
Hobbit 12 14 13 11 12
Orc 15 20 11 14 17
Dwarf 13 15 14 13 11

Women with a lower beauty score than given in the chart can not
Seduce the given man of the other race.

For Thieves add 2 to each score. For Fighters add 4 to each score.

Note that Female orc thieves can not seduce an elf nor can a fighter.
The spell enchants the victim. He will remove his armor and lay down his
weapon(s) (only talismans & Rings will not be laid aside) and attempt an
encounter with the lady. While so enchanted he will defend as with no
armor-l, will attack at 3 levels lower (use subtractions if he is a level 1, 2
or 3 figure). If weapon characteristics are used (per GREYHAWK) also
subtract -5 from his die roll. He is at this lower rate of ability for two full
turns if a first level seduction succeeds. On the turn after the seduction
spell wears off he may try to escape and retrieve his weapon (but not his
armor save for shield or magic helm). Cast a 20 sided die: 1-10 is locked
in melee (this is with ANY foe who attacks while charmed unless he
drives off/kills the attacker(s)), 11-15 obtain weapon but attack at 1 level
below normal for next two turns, 16-20 obtain weapon (and shield/helm)
and fight at full ability. Only if unmeleed may he don his armor again!
He is attackable by ANYONE while under the spell of seduction —
range 6” — 1 figure at a time (please!)

Duration of a Seduction spell:
Level of Magic User Seduction lasts
1 or 2 2 turns
3 or 4 1+ (1-2) turns
5 or 6 1+ (1-3) turns
7 or 8 2+ (1-3) turns
9 or 10 3+ (1-4) turns
11 or 12 3+ (1-6) turns
13 or 14 4+( 1-6) turns
15 or 16 4+ (1-8) turns
17 or 18 5+ (1-8) turns

Saving Throws against seduction. The Saving Throw is based upon
seduction level (spell # — not level of seductress). Beauty score. Wisdom
of person being seduced, and type of figure being seduced.

Sum seduction level and beauty scores.
Subtract the Wisdom of the Target Figure and add that product to a 20
sided die roll.

A Fighter needs a score of 13 or higher to be saved (That is NOT laid —
is that being saved???)

A Thief needs a score of 12 or better to be saved
A Paladin needs a score of 10 or better to be saved
A Magic User needs a 9 or better to be saved
A Cleric needs an 8 or higher to stay celibate.

Charm men
Charm men is used versus hirelings and low level fighters. Thieves
and Magic Users (it is ineffective on clerics). The men affected are those
with 3 or fewer hit dice for Charm Men I, 4 or lower for Charm Men II
and 5 or lower for Charm Men III. The Charmed Men will either 1)
attack men with more hit dice if those men are within 12” or 2) become
catatonic for:
Charm Men I 3 + 1-4 turns 4 + (1-4) affected
Charm Men II 4 + 1-6 turns 6+ (1-4) affected
Charm Men III 5 + 1-8 turns 8 + (1-8) affected

Catatonia occurs if no figure with more hit dice (or unaffected men
with fewer hit dice — weakest figures are always affected first) is within
12” of the charmed man (men). The Spell’s range is 16”. Men so
charmed, if and only if hirelings, may be taken over by the Charmer after
2 turns of catatonia. A figure with more Hit Dice (The captain of the
Hirelings, their Boss, etc.) may attempt to prevent the Charm through
the use of his Charisma. his Charisma score must be equal or greater
than the Charmer’s Beauty Score. Cast an 8 sided die and add the
difference (if any) between Charisma and Beauty scores. A 6 or higher
will dispel the Charm. Note: The stronger figure(s) must be with the
weaker figures at the time the charm is cast. His Charisma can not break
the Charm once it is in effect but the saving throw can prevent the
Charmer from taking over the men. If she does not take them over they
will stay in a state of catatonia for the full number of turns. Magic Users
require a Beauty Score of 11 to Charm Men, Thieves 13 and Fighters a

Charm Humanoid Monster
This spell may be used on the following male monsters: Hobgoblins,
Ogres, Trolls, Giants, Mummies, Vampires, Gargoyles, WereWolves
(either shape), Werebear (man only), Lizard Men and Centaurs. The
Charmer must have a beauty score of 11 or higher for Magic Users and a
13 or higher for Thieves or Fighters.

The effect of the Charm is to prevent battle. The monster will
disarm his victim but not try to harm/kill her. If the Charmer tries to use
her weapon(s) and does not proffer it she may break the spell and he will
try to kill her. The Charmed male monster either 1) Will become
catatonic for 1-4 turns only if not attacked by anyone. Any attack may
break the spell, 70% of breaking it. 2) Disarm and carry off the woman
to his lair. The spell will last indefinitely. If she tries to fight an 8 or
higher on a 20 sided die will mean that he’ll try to kill her or if a 9+ he
will try to grapple her and may harm her (50% chance).

Sum Beauty and Spell level, subtract his level and add to a 20 sided
die roll. A 12-16 he will carry her off. 17+ is catatonia. Note: Vampires,
Gargoyles and Centaurs add 2 points to their level for

Any food or water (by choice) may be poisoned from up to 18” away.
The poison is deadly inflicting 3 hits/turn and he will become
unconscious at once. Purify Food & Water will rid the affected
food/water only 40% of the time. Neutralize Poison will succeed only
60% of the time. Cure disease will succeed only 10% of the time. A
Detect Magic spell will detect the spell as it is being cast 30% of the time.

Magic Mount
The magic user, through the use of any long thin piece of cloth, may
summon a Wind Horse. He holds the cloth aloft and as the air catches it
(any draft or air movement is sufficient) a horse will appear. The MU
must place the cloth about the horse’s neck as a bridle at once or the
horse will dispel. The horse fights as 3 Heavy Horse and runs at 1½
times the speed of a light horse. Spell ends when the cloth is removed.
Two people may ride the horse at full speed.

Mind Meld
This spell can be used by any two magic users. Only the stronger
actually casts the spell the other does nothing (must be within 6” of each
other when casting). After 1 full turn the level of the lower ranked MU
increases by half the difference in their levels and the stronger MU’s
level goes up by 1. The MUs must be within 12” of each other at all times
while the meld is in effect. To break the spell neither must move or be
damaged for two full turns. If either receives damage points (note more
melee is not sufficient) there is a 85% chance of insanity of the MU
actually damaged and 50% for the other. Duration is for 1-12 weeks
(insanity). The Meld may stay in force for from 6 +(1-8) turns and the
spell must be broken. Any spell in effect at the time of breaking the meld
is also broken.

This allows the MU to have a non-corporeal body that can pass into
and. through solid objects — the MU is visible but he can be seen
through. Movement can be lateral only at a rate of 12”/turn. Duration is
from 4 + (1-8) turns. The judge will inform the player one turn before
the spell is to run out that it is coming to an end. While in spirit form
normal weapons and missiles have no effect. Magic Weapons do only
50% damage. Spells are only 30% effective. Combat is possible with
certain other non-corporeal forms; wraiths, specters, elementals of the
type in which the MU is moving, and Shadows.

Horrid Beauty
This may be cast by any witches regardless of their beauty score but
beauty will affect how the spell will act. Direct sight of the witch within
16” is required to have an effect.

    Grotesque witches — beauty score 2-5
    Ugly Witches — beauty score 6-9
    Ordinary witches — beauty score 10-12
    Beautiful witches — 13-16
    Gorgeous witches — 17+

Grotesque Witches will scare the victim! Those with 3 or fewer hit
dice will be scared to death! 3+1 or more hit dice will flee as from a fear
spell with morale lowered by 2 points for 4+(1-6) turns.

Ugly Witches will scare those with 2 or fewer hit dice to death.
Others will flee as from a fear spell with morale lowered by 1 point for 2-
(1-4) turns. Beautiful Witches will Seduce all with 4 or fewer hit dice as
with a 6th level seduction spell, no saving throw. 4+1 hit dice figures
may have a saving throw. Gorgeous Witches will seduce all with 5 or
fewer hit dice as with a 7th level seduction spell no saving throw. 5+1
may have a saving throw at -1.

Ordinary witches may have either effect on a 50/50 basis. Cast dice
for every figure individually. Duration — 6 turns (longer in the case of
seduction spells).