Scientific name: Symphytum officinale
Other name: Healing Herb
- - - - -
Wounds && Weeds - - - Dragon

Appearance: Comfrey has large, hairy
green leaves, and hairy stalks which can
grow to 2-3 feet in height. The stalks are
hollow, and the leaves have a gummy resin
which is apparent if the leaves are chewed
gently. At the tops of the stalks are small,
bell-shaped flowers of a violet, or occasionally
white, color that bear tiny black seeds.
Comfrey has a large root system; its roots
are black on the outside and white on the
inside. The roots are brittle and are filled
with a clear, nearly tasteless sap.

Location: Comfrey grows by ditches,
watersheds, and moist fields. The plant
flowers in mid-summer and goes to seed in
late summer.

Uses: This herb can be employed as both
an immediate first aid and a secondary
treatment. Almost all of the parts of this
"wonder weed" can be used. The root is
most effective on fresh wounds ? clean one
root, bruise it so that the clear sap flows
out, then bind it up against the fresh injury.
This will bring about rapid healing. Similarly,
the root dried and powdered can be
sprinkled on a fresh wound. To use the herb
as a strength-restorer, boil a dozen flowers
(either fresh or dried) along with the leaves
to form a tea, or mix the flowers and several
leaves with wine, and drink the liquid twice
a day.

Game effect: If comfrey root is applied
immediately to a wound, roll ld4 to see how
many HP the wounded character
?never lost in the first place? and subtract
this number from the damage done. If
comfrey is used as a tea or mixed with wine
during recuperation, it has the same qualities
as adders-tongue (see above).