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Plane facts on Gladsheim
What it's like in the land of the Norse gods
by Roger E. Moore

The three layers of Gladsheim are the home of many supernatural
beings of chaotic good and chaotic neutral alignment. Though some
gods who reside there are of other alignments, they often have large
numbers of worshipers who are chaotic and support a benevolent
individualism, with a heavy emphasis on personal freedom and

Warfare and personal combat are the preferred manners of handling
disputes by most inhabitants of this region. Native beings may
become extremely violent if attacked. Fearlessness is considered a
great virtue, and excellence in adventuring and conquest is much
admired. Fortune and fame are emphasized, as one would expect
from the chaotic nature of the planes.

This article focuses on the first plane of Gladsheim, on the part
which contains the four realms known to readers of Norse, Teutonic,
and Scandinavian myth -- Asgard, Vanaheim, Alfheim, and the
peculiar country known as "Giant Land," or Jotunheim. Other
deities reside upon the planes of Gladsheim, most notably Bast and
several Shinto and Indian gods, but their realms and kingdoms are
not dealt with in this adventure setting.

The first plane of Gladsheim connects directly with the Astral
Plane, the first layer of Olympus, and the first layer of Limbo. A
special interplanar nexus exists which leads directly to the Prime
Material Plane from a point near Asgard; this nexus is called Bifrost,
the Rainbow Bridge, and is further described in the geographic
glossary below.

Several regions often mentioned in Norse mythology are not
found in Gladsheim. One is the land of the dead, Niflheim, which is
part of the gloomy realm of Hades. Niflheim is ruled by the keeper
of the dead, the goddess Hel (also known as Hela). Hel is also the
name of the immense citadel in which the goddess Hel lives in

Muspelheim, the "Land of Fire," is another separate area. Also
known as Muspell or Muspellheim, this land is found on the Elemental
Plane of Fire. Muspelheim is filled with fire giants, and is
often visited by Surtur, the god of the fire giants, who lives in
Jotunheim. Muspelheim may be reached by passing through interplanar
corridors in certain volcanic regions.

Nidavellir (?Dark Home?) and Svartalfheim (?Dark Elf Land?)
are regions found on the Prime Material Plane of Midgard (see
below), in which dwarves and gnomes dwell in underground

Unlike other planes previously described in issues of DRAGON®
Magazine (such as the Astral Plane in #67 and the Nine Hells in
issues #75 and 76) or in AD&D game modules (the Abyss in TSR
module Q1: Queen of the Demonweb Pits), Gladsheim is a region in
which many gods who are worshiped by player characters exist. For
the most part, the inhabitants of Gladsheim will react in a friendly,
though rather guarded, fashion toward adventurers who make their
way there. However, the opportunities for adventure, danger, and
intrigue in Gladsheim are great. It is recommended that only player
characters of levels 9 and above adventure in Gladsheim due to the
nature of the encounters there.

Geography of Asgard and its environs
The layout of Asgard is shown on the map on p. 55. All four lands
of Norse mythology found on the first plane of Gladsheim (Alfheim,
Asgard, Jotunheim, and Vanaheim) have regular day-night periods
and undergo regular seasons (snowy winters, hot summers, etc.).
Further information is given in the geographic glossary below.

Alfheim -- A brilliant, sunlit region in which live the spirits of
elves who worshiped Frey and Freya. Alfheim is commanded by
Frey himself, and its lands are wild and beautiful, untouched by
civilization. The elven spirit-folk live in the outdoors and have no
regular dwellings.

Asgard -- The region of the first layer of Gladsheim in which all
the Aesir gods (Odin, Thor, Frigga, etc.) dwell. Asgard is characterized
by numerous huge estates, upon which gold and silver mansions
are raised. The terrain resembles that of an idealized
Scandinavia or Northern Europe, with all the geologic and topographic
features found therein. This land is surrounded by a solid
stone wall 40 feet thick and 80 feet high. Several gates lead out from
Asgard into the surrounding countryside.

Bifrost -- The ?Trembling Road,? also known as the Rainbow
Bridge. Bifrost is a rainbow-shaped nexus leading from the first
plane of Gladsheim, near the walls of Asgard, to the worlds of the
Prime Material Plane. Bifrost contacts only one alternate Prime
Material world at a time, whichever one the gods desire. Heimdall
guards this nexus.
When the gods choose to have Bifrost be visible to adventurers on
the Prime Material Plane, the Rainbow Bridge will appear to be a
particularly vivid rainbow of magenta, yellow, and cyan, reaching
from the ground to a distant cloud high in the sky. If the base of the
rainbow is sought, it will be found to be about 10 yards across
(though it can be widened by the command of a deity if necessary).
The Rainbow Bridge appears to tremble and shudder in the wind,
but offers very solid footing.
Bifrost cannot be harmed or affected, by any magical or physical
power. While walking up the Bridge, characters will discover that
their magical talents and items no longer function; the Bridge radiates
an anti-magic field that temporarily negates the magical powers
of any being except those of godlike status. This also applies to
magic weapons wielded by anyone less than a deity; the weapons?
magical characteristics will not function, but they can still be used as
normal weapons.
It takes about 6-36 turns to climb Bifrost into the cloud, which is
actually a gate leading directly to Gladsheim. Once through the
cloud, characters will exit in Gladsheim next to Heimdall?s hall.

Bilskirnir ? Thor?s hall in Asgard, in Thrudheim.

Breidablik ? ?Broad Splendor,? Balder?s beautiful hall in Asgard.
The hall radiates a double-strength protection from evil spell. Evil
beings must also save vs. spells when they come within 100 yards of
the hall or they will be repelled by the sight of it and will flee.

Fensalir ? The mansion of Frigga, found in Asgard.

Folkvang ? Translated as the ?Field of Folk,? this is a great field
in which Freya?s hall, Sessrumnir, stands in Vanaheim.

Gladsheim ? The common hall of the Norse gods in Asgard,
after which the Outer Plane of Gladsheim (as depicted in the
AD&D® game rules) was named. The Norse deities often gather
here for feasts and celebrations.

Glitner ? Forseti?s hail in Asgard, in which the pillars are of
bright gold and the roof is inlaid with silver. Forseti holds court here
for the gods.
Himinbjorg ? ?Cliffs of Heaven,? the massive and beautiful hall
of Heimdall, found next to the entryway of Bifrost into Gladsheim.
Himinbjorg is one of the very few Aesir halls found outside Asgard?s
Ida, Plain of ? The great field between the point where Bifrost
enters the planes of Gladsheim and the hall of Gladsheim.
Jotunheim ? ?Giant Land,? the country in which the Norse

giants live. Jotunheim is a land of desolate plains and snow-capped
mountain ranges. Only sickly vegetation grows here. Some giants
run a ferry over the river Iving between Asgard and Jotunheim.
Iving River ? A river that never ices over and which forms part
of the boundary between Asgard and Jotunheim. The Iving cannot
freeze; any cold spell cast against it will have no effect upon the
water, which remains warm all year around.
Lake Amsvartnir ? A lake outside Asgard. In the middle of the
lake is Lyngvi Island, where Fenris is chained. The wolf's saliva
forms the river Von, which flows into the lake.
Midgard ? Also known as ?Middle Earth,? Midgard is an alternate
Prime Material world completely dominated by
barbaric cultures which worship
Norse deities. Many sages
and religious leaders believe
that Midgard is the original
home of mankind and most
demi-humans and humanoid
races, but this (of course) is
much disputed. Midgard is
similar to other Prime Material
worlds, though its inhabitants
make less use of magic and rely
more heavily upon fighting
skills than those of many other
Prime Material worlds. Runes
play an important part in
magical ritual and spellcasting
there. The land masses of
Midgard are surrounded by a
vast, uncrossable sea in which
the Midgard Serpent (Jormungandr)
Noatun ? The word means
?Shipyard.? Noatun is a great
hall built near an ocean in
Vanaheim, in which the Vanir
god Njord dwells.
Sessrumnir ? Freya?s hall in
Vanaheim. Some of the Einheriar
warrior-spirits make their
home here as Freya?s servants.
Thrudheim ? The part of
Asgard where Thor lives. This
area is subject to violent
storms, floods, and landslides.
Utgard ? The major city
and fortress of the giants who
inhabit Jotunheim. Utgard is
heavily defended, and protected
by illusions and camouflage.
Utgard is ruled by a
cleric/illusionist giant king,
Valaskialf ? Odin?s hall in
Asgard, where his ?all-seeing
throne? Hlidskialf stands.
Valaskialf has a roof of silver.
Valhalla ? ?Hall of the
Slain.? Valhalla is the council
hall of Odin, in which the souls of the greatest heroes dwell. These
souls are the Einheriar, who will fight the giants at Ragnarok.
Einheriar who are slain in Gladsheim are resurrected here each day.
Valhalla is immense and has lodging and dining space enough for
several hundred thousand men at once. The roof is made of shields,
and the rafters and walls are built from spears. The hall has 540
doors through which the Einheriar pass when entering or leaving.
The river Thund flows by Valhalla, and must be crossed by wading
in order for anyone to get to Valhalla?s main gate.
Vanaheim ? A region next to Asgard in which the Vanir gods
(Frey, Freya, etc.) usually dwell. Vanaheim is similar to Asgard.
Vidi ? A land of tall grass and saplings in Asgard where Vidar

keeps his hall and stables.
Vigrid, Plain of ? A great green field that stands between the
walls of Asgard and the nexus point Bifrost. It is at Vigrid that the
final battle between gods, men, monsters, and giants (Ragnarok)
will be fought. Vigrid stretches 120 leagues across and is roughly
circular, partially bounded by forests.
Well of Mimir ? Guarded by Mimir the Wise, this is a magical
well with water that increases the wisdom of the drinker by 1-4
points (effective only once for any one character). This well is found
in Jotunheim, where one of the major roots of Yggdrasil enters the
land. Heimdall often keeps his horn Gjaller here.
Well of Urd ? A magical spring that flows from the ground in
Asgard, where one of the major
roots of Yggdrasil enters the
land. The Norns, the goddesses
of Fate, live here. The waters
of this well will heal anyone
who drinks from it.
Ydalir ? A yew grove in
Asgard. Uller, the god of archery,
lives here, because yew
wood makes excellent bows.
Yggdrasil (Ygdrasill) ? The
?World Ash.? An infinitely
large, living tree that branches
through the Astral Plane, with
roots extending into numerous
other planes such as Midgard,
Hades, and Gladsheim.
Yggdrasil is without question
the largest living thing in existence.
It is possible to climb
Yggdrasil from the Prime
Material into the Outer Planes,
but the dangers involved are
extreme, and it has never been
successfully done.
The four lands of Asgard,
Vanaheim, Alfheim, and Jotunheim
share many of the
same encounter possibilities,
though in differing proportions.
More giants will be seen
in Jotunheim than in Asgard,
for one obvious example. A
generalized table for determining
the frequency of encountered
creatures in these lands is
presented below. This may be
altered or added to by the
game referee as he sees fit. In
general, roll for an encounter
on a d10; a roll of 1 indicates
an encounter. The local terrain
will determine how often to
check for encounters (see the
DMG, p. 47).
Encounter Alfheim Asgard Jotunheim Vanaheim
Animals, wild 01-55 01-30  01-10  01-30
Animals, tame 56-60 31-40  11-20  31-40
Dwarves 61-62 41-45  21-25  41-45
Einheriar/Valkyries -- 46-65  26-35  46-50
Elves 63-82 66-70  36-40  51-65
Giant(s) 83-85 71-72  41-85  66-70
God, Aesir 86-88 73-87  86-90  71-75
God, Vanir 89-98 88-92  91-95  76-95
Men 99-00 93-00  96-00  96-00

Animals, wild ? Though these beasts appear to be normal animals,
they are considered monsters for all purposes of spell effects.
Some of these beasts possess unique magical powers; a white stag
might grant a wish if captured (but it runs at 48? and can teleport
once per day); a squirrel might speak with all passersby and trade
information with them. The referee may moderate such encounters
as desired. Use the sub-arctic wilderness encounter charts in the
DMG or MM2 for wintertime
encounters and the temperate encounter charts for the rest of the
seasons. Ignore all ?monster? encounters, using only ?normal?
animals, like stags and goats. In Alfheim, the faerie and sylvan
setting table may be used as is.

Animals, tame -- These creatures will be goats, cattle, or tame
deer found grazing, guarded by 1-4 human shepherds who are actually
Einheriar of random levels, doing temporary herding duty. For
more information on Einheriar, see the listings for raise dead and
monster summoning in the following section on spell alterations.

Dwarves -- From 1-6 dwarves will be encountered. However,
these are not dwarves as described in the AD&D® game, though
they closely resemble them in appearance. These dwarves are from
Midgard (see geographic glossary) and have supernatural talents.
Each dwarf will be a fighter of 7th-12th level, with magic-user ability
of 12th-18th level (they do not always carry memorized spells with
them, however). They have no bonus on their saving throws vs.
magic, like ?normal? dwarves do, but are still resistant to poisons.
Norse dwarves are dour, greedy, and materialistic, and talk of
little except making money, losing money, getting revenge on enemies,
or making new tools or weapons. They are neutral and will
not go out of their way to harm adventurers, unless they are attacked.
They often hide their wealth and covet the wealth of others.
Assume that each dwarf encountered will have a 50% chance of
owning 1-4 random magic items which he has personally made. (If
he cannot use an item he possesses, assume that he was hired to
make it for someone else.) Midgard dwarves will work for no one
except those who can offer them the greatest rewards for their labors.
Each dwarf will carry treasure types Q (x5) and M (x20) on his
person. Midgard dwarves cannot ever be used as player characters.
Einheriar or Valkyries ? The chosen warriors of Valhalla, the
Einheriar are well described in the following section on spell alterations
under the raise dead and monster summoning spells. They will
appear in groups of 1-20, of random levels, either searching for
opponents to fight (meaning the player characters, who will be attacked
unless they can quickly demonstrate that they are on an
important mission or are under the protection of the gods) or performing
an errand for a deity. Einheriar are immune to all fear
spells. Weaponry for Einheriar may be varied by referees as desired.
Valkyries are treated as per the DEITIES & DEMIGODS? Cyclopedia.
They are 75% likely to be airborne, riding their pegasi on
some mission known only to themselves and the gods. Valkyries will
generally not bother adventurers unless they were ordered to apprehend
or warn them of some event. Assume that 20% of all encounters
with Einheriar will instead involve Valkyries.
Elves -- These beings radiate light (as per the spell) naturally, and
cannot be blinded by any light source. Elves are very friendly, but
care little for anything but play and the enjoyment of nature. They
are the same as normal (in the AD&D game) high elves in all other
respects ? but members of this race cannot be used as player

Giants -- The giants of Jotunheim are of the sorts generally familiar
to most adventurers. Most of them are frost giants or mountain
giants (35% chance of meeting either type), with a fair number of
cloud, hill, and storm giants as well (8%, 10%, and 7% of the total,
respectively). The rest of the giants (5%) are of other assorted types.
Fire giants are actually rare here; most of them dwell in Muspelheim
on the Elemental Plane of Fire. A few fire giants will be found at
Surtur?s palace in Jotunheim. Ogres, trolls, and the like also roam
the mountains of this area.
Giants are generally crude, rough, and surly. The few good ones
who live here are still cautious in their dealings with strangers, but
they and most neutral giants will share what they have if visitors are
polite. Evil giants hate gods and humans alike, and will do all they
can to enslave, trick, or slay them.

Like the dwarves of Gladsheim, the giants found in Jotunheim
have special talents that make them especially dangerous. Some are
capable illusionists, achieving the 14th level of ability or better, and
others have cleric and magic-user spells as well. Many have magic
weapons, magic armor, and other devices that are simply huge versions
of commonly seen items. For example, a powerful giant jarl
(chieftain) might go into battle wearing +2 chainmail armor, holding
a +3 axe and using a +1 shield. He might also be wearing a girdle or
gauntlets to increase his strength. When it comes to fighting giants,
even Thor has his rough days.

Rather than spell out a system for determining the exact powers
and possessions of giant bands, the following guidelines may be
used. Usually only 1-4 giants will be met, and at least one of the
number will be an illusionist. Cleric and magic-user giants rarely
roam the countryside, preferring to stay in their immense halls.
Most giants will have few or no spell powers, but they generally
know how to use what they have to their best advantage.
There is a 10% chance in Jotunheim that an encounter with giants
means that the party has found a giant?s hall and surrounding
lands; the rest of the encounters in Jotunheim and in all other lands
will be with wandering giants. A giant?s hall will have a whole family
of giants, between 1-20 in number, with varying treasure types.
The DM should work out possible encounters with
giants before a session of adventuring in Gladsheim begins, and
outfit the giants to make them roughly equal in strength to the adventuring
Gods, Aesir -- From 1-3 gods or goddesses will be encountered,
either on a mission or simply out for a walk. The Dungeon Master
may select whichever deities are felt to be appropriate for the encounter.
The Norse gods do not mind talking to humans, and may
even get to be surprisingly chummy with them, but will never do
more than exchange a few words or make a superficial contact without
good cause. Gods encountered in Jotunheim will either be fighting
with or sporting with giants; Thor is the most likely god to be
encountered here, since he prefers killing as many giants as he can.
Vanir gods are generally quite peaceful and pleasant to be around,
while Aesir gods tend to be more warlike and rough.
Men -- These encounters will be with living men from the Prime
Material Plane, either adventurers like the player characters or
workers hired by a god or giant for some petty task. The DM should
try to disguise encounters with men so that the party might confuse
them with Einheriar or confuse greedy and evil adventurers with
good ones.

Spell alterations
Below is a list of certain spells which will have altered effects when
cast on the planes of Gladsheim, with particular attention given to
Asgard and related environs (Jotunheim, Vanaheim, Alfheim, etc.).
In general, divination spells are well regarded, and are considered
the special blessings of Odin (who seeks wisdom and knowledge),
Heimdall (who represents all guardians), and Forseti (who stands for
justice and truth).
Necromantic spells, particularly curing and healing spells, are
generally looked down upon; those who can bear pain and wounds
and still accomplish their tasks are much respected. Necromantic
spells are used by Norse clerics, although sparingly. Clerics of Hel
make extensive use of the destructive forms of these spells, however.
For details on illusion/phantasm spells, see illusionist spell alterations
Enchantment/charm spells are acceptable and are often thought
to be the special province of followers of Balder, Bragi, or Freya (see
the DEITIES & DEMIGODS Cyclopedia).
Abjuration (protection) spells are regarded as gifts of Heimdall the
guardian. Nearly all Norse deities support spells or powers enhancing
combat ability and strength.
Note that the above connections between spell types and deities
are not absolute and totally restrictive. In other words, clerics of
Heimdall can use spells other than divination magic, and clerics of
Freya can get through a day without using an enchantment/charm
spell. In general, however, clerics of the above-mentioned gods will
tend to pray for and use spells that are related to their deities?
spheres of influence.

Clerics and druids (as well as higher-level paladins) will not be
able to recover any spells of the 3rd level or higher upon the planes
of Gladsheim, unless they worship a deity who resides on those
planes. This is because the higher-level cleric and druid spells must
be granted directly by deities or their agents, and other gods will not
meddle in the affairs of another plane if they can help it.
A number of spells will not function, or will have altered effects, if
cast on the planes of Gladsheim. A list of spells from the Players
Handbook follows, with notes on unusual results if casting them is
attempted. A letter in parentheses after a spell?s name indicates that
the spell?s normal effect is totally or partially negated or altered for a
certain reason:
(P) indicates that the spell
involves communication with
or travel to a plane that does
not contact any of the planes of
Gladsheim, and for that reason
the spell will not work.
(N) indicates necromantic
spells that will not affect any
inhabitant of Gladsheim who
can only be hit by iron, silver,
or magical weapons, or who
has no corporeal form. This
category includes all deities and
demigods who live on the
planes of Gladsheim, as well as
many of their servants (see the
cure light wounds spell description
in the Players Handbook).
However, necromantic spells
cast by deities of Gladsheim are
capable of affecting other gods
and supernatural beings. No
god slain on his home plane
can ever be raised or resurrected,
(C) indicates that will-force
?charm? spells may not work
against beings with exceptional
wisdom scores (19 or above);
check the table on p. 7 in the
Book to see if the spell in question
will work against an encountered
foe. Under no
circumstances can a mortal
(any normal player character)
use a spell or power of this type
against a god or demigod with
success. Valkyries are also
immune to these effects.
(I) indicates that illusion/
phantasm spells may not work
against beings with exceptional
intelligence scores (19 or
above); check the table on p. 7
Cyclopedia to see if the spell in
question will work against. an
encountered foe.
(E) indicates that the environment of Gladsheim is not a natural
one, and spells that control or draw upon natural forces, or affect
?natural? creatures like insects or mammals, will not work. Any
animals encountered on Gladsheim must be considered ?monsters?
for spell purposes. If adventurers bring along animals or plants from
the Prime Material Plane to Gladsheim, then certain spells directed
at such things will work, though they will otherwise be wasted.
Cleric spells
Aerial servant ? (P); no link to Elemental Plane of Air.
Animate dead ? (N); regarded as a dishonorable spell by all

Vanir and Aesir gods of Gladsheim, except Loki; its use is discouraged.
Animate object -- No object so animated will attack any god,
demigod, supernatural servant, or other permanent resident of
Astral spell -- A cleric may use this spell to travel from the Prime
Material Plane to the first plane of Gladsheim (where Asgard lies),
and may travel from Asgard to the Astral Plane or Prime Material
Plane, or to the first layer of Olympus or Limbo. However, this spell
cannot be used from any other plane of Gladsheim (one of the lower
layers). See dispel magic.
Command -- (C)
Commune -- (P); the cleric will realize before this spell is cast
that it will not work unless the
cleric?s deity resides on one of
the planes of Gladsheim.
Conjure animals ? (E); all
?animals? found naturally on
Gladsheim are considered
?monsters? for spell purposes.
Control weather ? (E); only
the gods can control the
?weather? on Gladsheim.
Cure/cause blindness ?
These spells have no effect on
any deity or demigod.
Cure/cause disease ? These
spells have no effect on any
deity or demigod.
Cure/cause wounds
(all) ? (N)
Detect evil/good ? The
planes of Gladsheim radiate
?good,? but not overwhelmingly
so; evil beings may be
easily detected, but there is a
25% chance this spell will fail
to detect good beings as such.
Detect magic ? All of the
planes of Gladsheim are magical,
making this spell useless
except to detect non-magical
items. The environment, including
the very earth and
rock, all radiates a magical
aura; animals and plants native
to Gladsheim also radiate
Detect lie/undetectable lie ?
These spells are ineffective
against any deity or demigod.
Lying to certain gods (such as
Forseti) can prove dangerous.
Dispel evil/good ? This
spell is ineffective against inhabitants
of Gladsheim,
whether good or evil. It will
work against beings summoned
from other planes (including
visitors from the Prime Material
Plane), but will not dispel
good or chaotic beings
summoned from the adjoining planes of Limbo and Olympus.
Dispel magic ? This spell has no effect on the magical properties
of the planes of Gladsheim. If cast at a spellcaster or associated
person who has traveled to Gladsheim using an astral spell, it will (if
successful) hurl the person(s) back to their plane of origin.
Divination ? (P); see commune.
Earthquake ? Deities and demigods cannot be automatically
slain by this spell.
Exorcise ? This spell has no effect on items that have had their
properties and powers altered by the influence of the planes of Gladsheim
(such as a loss of ?plusses?).

Feign death ? (N)
Gate ? No deity who does not live upon Gladsheim will come
through a gate cast upon these planes. Any being summoned from
another plane will instantly know where it is, and may well elect to
leave if required to fight a being more powerful than it is. No being
will elect to fight a god or demigod. It is also a good bet that if the
gate opens in the first layer of Gladsheim, one or more deities there
(Odin being a prime example) will know that something has been
gated in; within 2-8 rounds after the gate opens, a force of 1-4 valkyries
will appear to check out the situation and report back to their
ruler. Within Asgard itself, there is a 70% chance that Odin will
immediately note the presence of the gate from Hlidskialf, his ?allseeing
throne,? and will take appropriate action.
Glyph of warding ? Any deity or supernatural being able to
magically detect invisible objects will note the presence of a glyph,
and will be able to pass safely by it if the being has any magic-user
characteristics or abilities.
Heal/harm ? (N)
Hold person ? (C)
Holy (Unholy) word ? Neither version of this spell will send
residents of Gladsheim away, since they are already on their home
plane. In fact, unholy word won?t work at all, because of the innate
?goodness? of the plane. A holy word will send evil creatures from
other planes ? including the Prime Material ? back to their home
plane. It will adversely affect natives of Gladsheim who are evilaligned
(such as some giants) according to the spell description. Note
that holy word will affect members of the spellcaster?s party who
happen to be evil, if they are within the area of effect of the spell at
the time it is cast.
Insect plague ? (E)
Know/obscure alignment ? See detect good/evil.
Neutralize poison ? This spell and its reverse will affect deities,
but the reverse (poison) will only do 4-24 points damage to a deity or
demigod if a save vs. poison is failed (and half damage if the save is

Plane shift ? This spell works in the usual fashion, allowing the
recipient to travel directly to another plane, even one that does not
border on Gladsheim.
Protection from evil/good (all) ? These spells are ineffective
against good beings and all permanent inhabitants of Gladsheim.
Evil creatures from other planes may be affected. Neutral beings, of
course, are not affected.
Quest ? (C)
Raise dead/slay living ? (N); if a human character is being revived
in Asgard, there is a 45% chance that the soul of an Einheriar
(see the following section on inhabitants of Asgard) will inhabit the
body. The Einheriar?s statistics are determined using the following
Table A
d% roll level
01-50 4
51-75 5
76-88 6
89-94 7
95-97 8
98 9
99 10
00 11-20
Table B
d20 roll class
1-8 fighter
9 ranger
10 paladin
11-13 barbarian
14-16 cleric
17-18 thief
19 magic-user
20 two classes (roll twice) or bard
(determine level as bard using
Table A)
The strength, dexterity, and constitution scores of the raised
Einheriar body remain the same as they were for the previous character;
if any of those scores are too low to meet the minimum requirement
for the designated class, the DM should re-roll on Table B
until a suitable result is obtained. The intelligence, wisdom, and
charisma scores of the raised Einheriar body are determined randomly
(or assigned by the DM) and must be at or above the minimum
requirements for the class(es) in question. If a two-classed

character is generated, it cannot contain any conflicting results (such
as a thief-paladin double-classed character); if such a result is obtained,
the DM should re-roll on Table B until there are no discrepancies.
Hit points for the raised Einheriar are rolled randomly, and
other statistics and characteristics are left to the DM?s discretion.
Einheriar are always human, and most (95%) are male, since
Norse societies tend to be male-dominant in fighting professions.
If a body being raised is possessed by an Einheriar soul, the system
shock roll for the body is considered to be automatically successful.
The player of the character who who being raised should be
taken aside, given the necessary facts, and asked to role-play the new
personality. Einheriar are fearless (having already been slain hundreds
of times), aggressive, ruthless, and dangerous; they will attack
any opponents until they or the foes are slain, and they are immune
to all fear spells or powers. They will attempt to kill all giants on
sight, friendly or not, and will even attack unfriendly gods. An
exorcise spell will be required to remove the Einheriar?s soul, after
which a new attempt to properly raise the dead person must be

Regenerate/wither -- (N)
Remove/bestow curse? See exorcise.
Remove/cause fear -- (C)
Restoration/energy drain -- (N)
Resurrection/destruction -- (N); there is a 25% chance that if
resurrection is attempted on a human character in Asgard or associated
environs, the soul of an Einheriar will possess the body (see
notes for raise dead).
Sanctuary -- This spell is ineffective against deities and demigods.
Slow poison -- (N)
Snake charm -- (E); this spell is certainly of no use against the
Midgard serpent!
Speak with animals -- (E)
Speak with dead -- (N); if cast in Asgard, there is a 30% chance
that a random soul will be contacted, most likely a worshiper of the
Norse gods. The DM may arbitrate this encounter as desired.
Speak with monsters ? All ?animals? encountered on Gladsheim
may be spoken to by means of this spell.
Speak with plants -- (E); a speak with monsters spell is required
to communicate with vegetation native to Gladsheim.
Spiritual hammer -- (P); see commune.
Sticks to snakes/snakes to sticks -- (E); see the note for the snake
charm spell. Sticks to snakes is regarded as a ?bad spell? by most
clerics of Thor, since know of the prophesied doom of their deity
from the Midgard serpent.
Stone tell -- (E)
Symbol -- Symbols of persuasion and hopelessness will not affect
any deities or demigods; a symbol of persuasion will further not
affect any supernatural servants of the deities, such as valkyries.
True seeing/false seeing ? True seeing will reveal the whirling
chaos that makes up Gladsheim in all of its violence and majesty.
The spellcaster will be stunned for 20 rounds, less one round for
each point of intelligence he possesses. A stunned character cannot
fight or defend himself, and will babble meaninglessly for the duration
of the duration of the stunning effects. The reverse of this spell
functions normally. Deities, demigods, their servants, and other
residents of Gladsheim may use true seeing normally; they are immune
to the stunning effect.
Wind walk -- The inherent chaos of the winds of Gladsheim
make it difficult to control the direction and speed of flight. There is
a 50% chance per turn of flight that the spellcaster will be unable to
control his movement, and during that turn will move at a random
speed in a random direction.
Word of recall ? There is a 20% chance that a cleric in Asgard
who has a sanctuary on the Prime Material Plane will be lost upon
casting this spell (see DMG, p. 42).
Druid spells
Animal friendship -- (E)
Animal growth/reduction ? (E)
Animal summoning (all) ? (E)
Animate rock -- See cleric spell.

Anti-animal shell -- (E)
Anti-plant shell ? (E)
Call lightning -- (E); lightning is also considered Thor?s special
province in Asgard.
Call woodland beings -- (E)
Chariot of Sustarre -- (P); this spell draws upon the Elemental
Plane of Fire.
Charm person or mammal -- (C), (E); note that a god, demigod,
or supernatural servant is not a ?person,? so this spell has no effect
against such a being.
Commune with nature -- (E)
Confusion -- (C); persons from the Prime Material Plane save at
-4 against this spell, since it is amplified by the chaos of Gladsheim.
Conjure elemental (any) -- (P); the Elemental Planes cannot be
Control temperature, 10? radius ? (E)
Control weather -- (E); only the gods can control the ?weather?
on Gladsheim.
Control winds -- (E)
Creeping doom -- (E)
Cure/cause disease -- (N)
Cure/cause wounds (all) -- (N)
Detect magic -- See cleric spell.
Dispel magic -- See cleric spell.
En tangle -- (E)
Feeblemind -- (C)
Feign death -- (N)
Finger of death -- (C); this spell will not work against any deity,
demigod, or supernatural servant who lives on Gladsheim.
Hallucinatory forest -- (I)
Hold animal -- (E)
Hold plant -- (E)
Insect plague -- (E)
Invisibility to animals -- (E); no effect upon gods, demigods,
humans, etc.

Locate animals -- (E)
Locate object  -- This spell cannot be used to locate deities, demigods,
or their servants; it will also not locate artifacts or major weapons
or devices of the deities.
Locate plants -- (E)
Neutralize poison -- See cleric spell.
Pass plant -- (E)
Pass without trace -- Any deity or demigod with ranger skills and
a wisdom score of 19 or better may easily track a being using this
Plant door -- (E)
Plant growth -- (E)
Predict weather -- (E); only the gods can control the ?weather?
on Gladsheim.
Reincarnate -- There is a 30% chance when casting this spell on
a human body in Asgard that the character will be reincarnated as
an Einheriar; see notes on the cleric spell raise dead for details.
However, unlike a raised body containing an Einheriar soul, a reincarnated
Einheriar cannot be affected by an exorcise spell. New
ability scores must be generated for the ?reborn? character; then his
level and class are determined (taking care that his ability scores
qualify him for the designated class), hit points are rolled, and other
characteristics are generated or assigned by the DM. The reincarnated
Einheriar can be a regular player character, at the DM?s discretion;
he must be somehow outfitted with weapons and
equipment, which could be loaned or given to him by other members
of the adventuring party. The new Einheriar character will
worship one of the good-aligned Norse deities, and the character
should be role-played forcefully according to the guidelines given
under the previous notes for the raise dead spell.
Repel insects -- (E)
Speak with animals -- (E)
Speak with plants -- (E)
Sticks to snakes/snakes to sticks -- (E); see cleric spell.
Summon insects -- (E)
Transport via plants -- (E)
Weather summoning -- (E); only the gods can control the
?weather? on Gladsheim.
Magic-user spells
Animal growth/reduction -- (E)
Animate dead -- See cleric spell.
Anti-magic shell -- Effective vs. characters using astral spell to
wander the first plane of Gladsheim from another plane. Note that
creatures native to Gladsheim are not considered ?summoned or
conjured? monsters, and may enter or leave the spell?s area of effect.
Antipathy/sympathy ? (C)
Astral spell ? See cleric spell.
Audible glamer ? (I)
Blink ? (P); contact with Ethereal Plane required.
Cacodemon ? (P)
Charm monster -- (C)
Charm person -- (C); see druid spell charm person or mammal.
Charm plants -- (E)
Clone -- Gods, demigods, and supernatural servants cannot be
Contact other plane -- Keep a careful record of how far away an
other-planar power is. A god on the Elemental Plane of Fire would
be 4 planes removed from Asgard, for example; the spell has to cross
the Astral, Prime Material, and Ethereal Planes to get to the deity.
Confusion -- (C); see druid spell.
Conjure elemental -- (P); no contact possible with Elemental
Control weather -- (E); only the gods can control the ?weather?
on Gladsheim.
Dancing lights -- Residents of Gladsheim will know a ?fire elemental
? figure created by this spell to be false.
Death spell  -- This spell will not function against any supernatural
inhabitant of Gladsheim, including gods, demigods, and valkyries.
Detect evil/good -- See cleric spell.
Detect invisibility -- No ethereal or out-of-phase objects will be

seen, since Gladsheim does not connect with the Ethereal Plane. An
observer on any plane of Gladsheim other than the first layer will
also not be able to see astral objects or beings.
Detect magic -- See cleric spell.
Dimension door -- Will function only on the first plane of Gladsheim,
since a direct connection to the Astral Plane is required.
Disintegrate -- Deities and demigods cannot be permanently
destroyed with this spell; greater gods will re-form their essence into
material form in 1-4 hours, lesser gods in 2-8 hours, and demigods
in 3-12 hours. Valkyries and other servant creatures can be destroyed,
Dispel magic -- See cleric spell.
Distance distortion -- (P); no earth elemental can be summoned
(see conjure elemental).
Drawmij?s instant summons -- Note transplanar distances over
which items must be summoned (see contact other plane).
Duo-dimension -- Only works on the first plane of Gladsheim,
since contact with the Astral Plane is required.
Enchant an item -- Items enchanted on an outer plane will be
altered in effect when taken to various other planes; see the section
below on magic item alterations.
Enchanted weapon -- See enchant an item.
Explosive runes -- Any deity or demigod with at least average
intelligence and any magic-user ability will immediately know these
runes for what they are, without detonating them.
ESP -- Anyone attempting ESP targeted on a deity or demigod
will be overwhelmed by the force of the god?s personality, and must
immediately save vs. will-force spells (wisdom bonuses apply) or be
affected as if by a symbol of persuasion, as per the cleric spell. This
effect lasts 1-20 turns. Even if the spellcaster saves, he will understand
none of the deity?s thoughts.
Fear- (C), (I)
Feather fall -- If cast at a magic weapon hurled or fired by a deity
(such as Thor?s hammer Mjolnir), the item saves as if against disintegrate
to see if its mass is reduced by the spell.
Feeblemind -- (C)
Feign death -- (N)
Find familiar ? This spell, if it works, will only be answered for
chaotic neutral and chaotic good mages. The spell will be answered
by a baltir (see DRAGON® Magazine #86) or a pseudo-dragon.
Fire charm ? (C);
Fly -- See cleric spell wind walk.
see druid spell charm person or mammal.
Forget -- (C)
Friends -- (C)
Fumble -- (C)
Gate -- See cleric spell.
Geas -- (C)
Guards and wards -- Note separate effects for spells such as suggestion.
Hallucinatory terrain -- (I)
Haste -- Deities, demigods, and their servants will not age if this
spell is cast upon them.
Hold monster -- (C)
Hold person -- (C); see druid spell charm person or mammal.
Hold portal -- A deity or demigod will automatically negate this
spell?s effect by touch.
Identify -- Only very vague information will be given if this spell
is used on an artifact or major weapon or device used by a deity,
such as Odin?s bow or rune wand.
Imprisonment/freedom ? The former spell has no effect, but
freedom will instantly summon 1-100 warrior spirits (Einheriar) in
the flesh if the spell is cast in Asgard or related environs. The warriors
will be generally distributed as per the table given in the cleric
spell raise dead. The Einheriar will not be under the spellcaster?s
control, and will move off, seeking combat with evil or disliked
beings (possibly including the player characters).
Invisibility (all) ? (I); note the chances for detecting invisible
beings based on intelligence and hit dice/level, in the DMG on p.
60; this applies to all beings on Gladsheim.
Invisible stalker ? (P); no contact can be made with the Elemental
Plane of Air.

Legend lore -- Only the vaguest information will be given about
beings, places, or things native to Gladsheim.
Leomund?s secret chest -- (P); contact with Ethereal Plane required.
Levitate -- See cleric spell wind walk.
Limited wish -- No wish -type spell will ever affect a deity or
demigod on its home plane. If a wish would upset the balance of the
game or directly affect a deity or demigod, the spell will fail, and the
spellcaster will be attacked within 1-4 rounds by numerous supernatural
servants of the gods (for example, 4-24 valkyries, heavily armed
and armored). A limited wish will allow a being to leave Gladsheim
for another plane, but will not summon any creature from another
plane. Deities cannot be contacted by this spell, and servants such as
valkyries are immune to this spell in Gladsheim.
Locate object -- See cleric spell.
Magic jar -- (C); a spellcaster?s body has a 10% chance per turn
of being taken over by the spirit of an Einheriar, if this spell is cast in
Asgard or related environs. See cleric spell raise dead for details on
Magic mouth -- One cannot simply command this spell to function
if a ?god? comes near. A deity must be described specifically.
Mass charm -- (C)
Mass invisibility -- (I); see invisibility
Massmorph -- (I)
Maze -- This spell will cause the victim to be affected as if he
were seeing Gladsheim through a true sight spell.
Mirror image -- (I)
Monster summoning (all) -- If this spell is cast in Asgard or associated
environs, the only ?monsters? summoned will be Einheriar,
their numbers and level determined by the type of spell:
Monster summoning I, II, or III: 1-4 warriors of 4th level.

IV: 1-3 warriors of 5th level.
V: 1-2 warriors of 6th level.
VI: 1-2 warriors of 7th level.
VII: 1-2 warriors of 9th level.
All Einheriar will be fighters with AC 7 (leather and shield),
armed with broadswords. Einheriar, as noted under the notes for the
cleric spell raise dead, are immune to all fear spells and effects. The
warriors summoned will obey the spellcaster?s commands as per the
spell only 25% of the time. If attacked at any time, they will fight
back as a group against their attacker (even if it is the spellcaster).
Note that these warriors will never attack any native of Asgard or
allied regions and will certainly never attack a Norse deity of any
sort, even Loki or Hel. This spell will produce very different results
if cast in other areas of Gladsheim.
Mordenkainen?s sword ? This sword will only attack astral beings
if cast from the first layer of Gladsheim, and cannot reach into
the Ethereal Plane or hit out-of-phase opponents.
Otto?s irresistible dance -- (C)
Phantasmal force -- (I)
Plant growth -- (E)
Polymorph any object -- There is a 40% chance that a random
shape will be assumed, due to the innate chaos of the plane. See the
note for the illusionist spell major creation.
Polymorph other -- See polymorph any object.
Polymorph self -- This spell cannot be used to assume the appearance
of a specific deity, as per the spell shape change in the Players
Handbook. Anyone attempting to pass himself off as a deity risks a
horrible death if found out, and all residents of Gladsheim can see
through disguises when they involve imitating gods. See polymorph
any object, noting that a random shape might be assumed every
time a new shape is taken on.
Power word (all) -- Note that most deities and demigods will not
be affected by these spells.
Prismatic sphere -- The plane shifting power can send people to
other planes, even those not directly connected with Gladsheim.

Project image -- (I); if the image of the spellcaster is recognized
as a false image, a being capable of casting dispel magic at the projected
image (or otherwise negating it) will do so.
Protection from evil/good (all) -- See cleric spell.
Protection from normal missiles -- This is effective against hurled
weapons from deities, such as Thor?s hammer, though such weapons
will still cause enormous damage.
Ray of enfeeblement -- (C)
Reincarnation -- See druid spell reincarnate.
Remove/bestow curse -- See cleric spell exorcise.
Rope trick -- There is a 25% chance that the extradimensional
space reached will be located elsewhere on the plane of Gladsheim.
Scare -- (C)
Shape change -- The power of this spell allows it to be better
controlled than the polymorph self spell, but there is still a 5%
chance per shape assumed that it will be a random shape.
Simulacrum -- (I)
Sleep --No effect upon any deity, demigod, or supernatural
Slow -- This will affect a deity for only one round before its effects
are negated.
Spiritwrack -- Ineffective against good and neutral beings from
Suggestion -- (C)
Symbol -- Most deities and demigods will be immune to symbols
of death, insanity sleep, and stunning because of their high hit
points. All Norse gods are considered to be immune to fear and
hopelessness (as are valkyries) because of their innate natures.
Teleport ? This spell cannot be used to cross planes.
Time stop ? Though they may be caught in a time stop spell, all
deities and demigods will still be able to use their innate magical
talents (such as teleport) to escape death, and will be aware of all
that transpires (their minds work very quickly).
Trap the soul ? No effect against gods or demigods.
Unseen servant ? This spell will summon a 4th-level Einheriar
fighter (see monster summoning and cleric spell raise dead) if cast in
Asgard. The warrior will only remain for half the normal spell duration
and will be controllable by the spellcaster only 25% of the time.
Vanish -- (P); contact with Ethereal Plane required.
Ventriloquism -- (I)
Wish -- See limited wish. A wish differs in effect from a limited
wish in that it will allow entry or exit from Gladsheim, it can duplicate
any spell effect (presumably at the 18th level of power, except
for druid spells), and servants such as valkyries can be affected by it.
Deities and demigods on their home plane cannot be affected by
wishes in any respect, and actually have the power to negate cast
wishes at will if they so desire. Deities can be contacted by this spell,
as per the usual spells of this type (contact other plane, commune,
gate, etc.).
Illusionist spells
First-level magic-user spells may be referenced under the magicuser
section. In general, illusion/phantasm spells are not well regarded
by most Aesir deities, particularly by Thor, since some giants
use these spells against the gods. However, the mere act of using an
illusion will not brand a character as an enemy (though he will be
carefully watched). Loki is regarded as the ?patron? of such spells,
though other gods may use or grant them.
An enchantment/charm or illusion/phantasm spell that would not
affect a deity or demigod if cast by a mortal (i.e., player character)
may work against the same deity or demigod if the spell is cast by
another godlike, being. A god who is immune to such spells because
of his intelligence, wisdom, or other personal characteristics will not
be so affected, however. The DM may decide, for example, to have
Loki suggest something to Thor in a scenario, and have Thor act on
the suggestion. Player characters should not be able to perform such
actions, since that would threaten game balance and fantasy ?realism.
? The DM may arbitrate such events as he sees fit.
Alter reality ? See m-u spell limited wish.
Astral spell ? See cleric spell.
Audible glamer ? (I)
Blindness ? (I)

Blur -- (I)
Change self -- (I)
Chaos -- (C); fighters and illusionists get no saving throw vs. this
spell, because its power is amplified by the chaotic nature of the
Confusion -- (C); see druid spell.
Conjure animals -- (E); see cleric spell.
Dancing lights -- See m-u spell.
Deafness -- (I)
Demi-shadow magic ? (I);, victims who fail their saving throws
take only one-half normal damage.
Demi-shadow monsters ? (I); see shadow monsters.
Detect illusion -- This spell (happily) is effective even against
illusions cast by deities.
Detect invisibility -- See m-u spell.
Detect magic -- See cleric spell.
Dispel exhaustion -- (I)
Dispel illusion -- Carefully note the level of the being whose
illusion is being dispelled, as per the Players Handbook spell description.
Emotion -- (C)
Fear -- (C), (I)
Hallucinatory terrain -- (I)
Hypnotic pattern -- (I); no effect against any deity, demigod, or
supernatural servant.
Hypnotism -- (C)
Illusionary script ? (I); ineffective against any deity or demigod.
Improved invisibility ? (I); see m-u spell invisibility, and note
DMG comment on the spell (p. 47).
Improved phantasmal force -- (I)
Invisibility (all) ? (I); see m-u spell.
Magic mouth -- See m-u spell.
Major creation -- There is a 40% chance that any creation will be
of a random, chaotic sort, from the same family as the desired creation
but not what was wanted. If rope was asked for, thread might be
received, for example. Permanent residents of Gladsheim, including
giants, deities, and demigods, know how to avoid having this bad
effect occur; visitors from other planes do not.
Mass suggestion -- (C)
Massmorph -- (I)
Maze -- See m-u spell.
Minor creation -- See major creation.
Mirror image -- (I)
Misdirection -- (I)
Non-detection -- This will not prevent detection by deities or
Paralyzation -- (I); this does not prevent the use of spell-like
powers and talents of deities and demigods (or supernatural servants)
that may be used at will.
Permanent illusion -- (I)
Phantasmal force -- (I)
Phantasmal killer -- (I); ineffective against gods and demigods.
Prismatic spray -- See m-u spell prismatic sphere.
Prismatic wall -- See m-u spell prismatic sphere.
Programmed illusion -- (I)
Projected image -- (I)
Rope trick -- See m-u spell.
Shades -- (I); see shadow monsters.
Shadow door -- (I); this spell will not fool any deity or demigod of
average or better intelligence.
Shadow magic -- (I); see demi-shadow magic.
Shadow monsters -- (I); all monsters have one-half the given hit
points and inflict half the given damage against victims who make
their saving throws, due to the remote position of Gladsheim with
respect to the Plane of Shadow.
Spectral force -- (I)
Suggestion -- (C)
Summon shadow -- (P); no link to Negative Material Plane.
True sight -- See cleric spell true seeing.
Veil -- (I)
Ventriloquism -- (I)
Vision -- No contact can be made with powers or deities on the

Elemental, Ethereal, or Positive or Negative Material Planes. The
DM should carefully consider the probable reaction of any specific
deity or being called upon.
Magic item alterations
Any power of a magic item that duplicates a spell or spell-like
effect described in the above section on spell alterations will be altered
in the same way if used in Gladsheim. Notes on specific magic
items with unusual effects are given below.
Scrolls: Most protection scrolls function normally. Artifacts and
highly powerful weapons owned and used by deities will not be
drained of energy by the field of a protection from magic scroll. If
someone using an astral spell contacts or is caught within the area of
effect of a protection from magic scroll, the person (including the
scroll-reader, if he is also using an astral spell) is immediately cast
back to his home plane and the protection is cancelled.
Potions: Neither a potion of etherealness or one of treasure finding
will work in Gladsheim. Anyone who tries to use a potion of
levitation, flying, or gaseous form will have the same problems
described in the notes for the cleric spell wind walk. A potion of
animal control is useless on the local wildlife. Giants in Jotunheim
get a +2 to their saving throws vs. potions of giant control. A potion
of growth, used at the wrong time, can have the user mistaken for a
giant and dealt with appropriately by onlookers. A philter of persuasiveness
has no effect on deities or demigods.

Rings: Neither a ring of djinni summoning nor one of elemental
command will work, since a connection to the appropriate Elemental
Plane cannot be opened. A resonating field between two rings of
spell turning will drain both devices rather than drop the users into
the Positive Material Plane. Protection rings are altered as noted
below for magic armors.

Wands/Staves/Rods: Neither a rod of beguiling nor one of rulership
will affect beings who have exceptional wisdom scores; consult
the DEITIES & DEMIGODS Book, p. 7, for more information. In
addition, these devices have no effect on natives of Gladsheim, and
neither will a staff of command. A staff of withering has no effect on
gods, demigods, or their servants. A wand of metal and mineral
detection will not function in Gladsheim. All weapon-like effects of
devices such as a rod of lordly might and a staff of striking are reduced
as outlined under the following section on weapons and other

Weapons, armor, and protective devices: All magic weapons and
magic armor (including rings of protection) constructed on the
Prime Material Plane will have their ?plusses? lowered by 2 when
they are brought to Gladsheim, making many items effectively nonmagical.
Items such as a +1 sword, +3 vs. regenerating creatures will
retain some of their powers if not made totally non-magical; in the
given case, the sword would be ordinarily non-magical, but +1 vs.
regenerating creatures.
The same stipulation applies to cursed weapons and armor, in the
opposite direction: a sword -2, cursed will be non-magical. If a
cursed item becomes non-magical, its curse will be lifted unless it is
returned to the Prime Material Plane.
This loss of magical power or potency does not apply to artifacts
or other items which have a multiplanar existence, and thus lose
none of their ?plusses? when they are taken from one plane to another.
Any devices or weapons used by gods can be assumed to have
such a multiplanar existence.
Note that bracers of defense are not affected and still bestow the
same armor class benefit that they would on the Prime Material

Miscellaneous devices: Any device that summons creatures from
the Elemental, Positive or Negative Material, or Ethereal Planes will
not be able to use such powers. Artifacts, however, function normally
in all respects.
An amulet of the planes can connect with only those planes that
border on the plane the user is occupying. A book of infinite spells
won?t work if left on another plane. A cubic gate or well of many
worlds may open a path to any plane from any other plane. Devices
requiring contact with or assistance from deities (candle of invoca-
tion, incense of meditation, necklace of prayer beads) will not function
unless the user?s deity normally resides on Gladsheim.
An iron flask will not capture natives of Gladsheim, but will capture
beings not native to these planes (like player characters). A
talisman of ultimate evil will not work on Gladsheim. Spheres of
annihilation do not and cannot exist on these planes.
A horn of Valhalla will produce twice the normal number of warriors
when sounded, and all warriors will obey the user (unless ordered
to attack a neutral or good Norse deity, at which time they will
attack the user). A horn of blasting will not weaken or destroy any
structure within Gladsheim. A portable hole will function normally,
except that 20% of the time, a gate will be opened into another part
of the plane of Gladsheim that the user happens to be on.
Psionic alterations
The use of psionic talents on Gladsheim is very risky, since many
deities are psionic and will undoubtedly be attracted to any sources
of psionic ?radiation? they detect. Psionic combat is conducted
Several psionic talents will have no effect against deities, demigods,
or other creatures with Class VI psionics, as explained in the
DEITIES & DEMIGODS Book on p. 6. These talents are labeled
below with a (P6) symbol. Beings with Class VI psionics are also
immune to all psionic attacks, including psionic blast.
Animal telepathy -- (P6); treat all natives of Gladsheim as ?monsters.
Astral projection -- See cleric spell astral spell. Note that dispel
magic will not affect this talent.
Aura alteration -- Use of this ability to remove a quest, curse, or
geas from a character may be considered a very risky business at
best, if such a spell was cast by a deity or demigod.
Cell adjustment -- This will not affect the wounds of deities,
demigods, or other supernatural beings.
Detection of good or evil -- See cleric spell detect evil/good.
Detection of magic -- See cleric spell detect magic.

Dimension door -- This spell will function on the first plane of
Gladsheim, but not on the other two lower layers (which do not
connect with the Astral Plane).
Dimension walk -- Though the user will not be able to cross
planes with this talent, he might end up in some dangerous places if
the power ?malfunctions? (e.g., ending up in Jotunheim from
Domination -- (P6), (C)
Empathy -- (P6)
ESP -- (P6); see m-u spell.
Etherealness -- (P); no contact can be made with the Ethereal
Expansion -- This talent might cause the user to be mistaken for
a giant using a magical/illusionary disguise, possibly leading to the
character?s abrupt demise if certain Aesir gods like Thor see him.
Hypnosis ? (P6); note the intelligence ranges involved. No deities,
demigods, or supernatural servants can be affected by this
Invisibility ? (P6); this is not treated as an illusion/phantasm
spell, and the table in the DMG on p. 60 does not apply to this
power, since it is a mind-control talent.
Mass domination ? (P6), (C)
Molecular agitation ? The magical weapons and tools of gods
and demigods cannot be affected by this talent.
Molecular manipulation ? See molecular agitation.
Molecular rearrangement ? See molecular agitation.
Object reading ? If this is used in Gladsheim, the user will experience
visions of past events from the mythos of the dominant pantheon
of the area. Thus, scenes from Norse mythology will be seen
in Asgard, etc.
Probability travel ? See cleric spell plane shift.
Sensitivity to psychic impressions ? If this is used anywhere on
the planes of Gladsheim, the user must save vs. will-force spells or
be overcome by the innate nature of the plane for 3-18 turns. He
temporarily gains a +4 save vs. all fear spells and powers, and will
attack all beings encountered in that time who appear to be hostile in
the slightest degree. The character will not obey any orders and will
tend to act in a contrary fashion, doing whatever pleases him most at
the time. These actions will not cause an alignment change, though
certain classes (paladins and clerics in particular) might need to do
Shape alteration ? See m-u spell polymorph self.
Telempathic projection ? (P6), (C)
Telepathy ? (P6)
Telepathic projection ? (P6); see notes for domination.
Teleportation ? See m-u spell teleport.
Character ability alterations
Combat: Note that magical weapons that lose power when
brought to Gladsheim might not be usable against the beings that
live there. For example, a +5 weapon would be needed to hit Odin,
since it would turn into a +3 weapon in Asgard when brought there
from the Prime Material Plane.
Sensory powers: The five normal senses (hearing, vision, touch,
taste, and smell) function as usual on the planes of Gladsheim. Unusual
senses such as infravision and ultravision function normally as
well; ultravision range is considered to be that received under a
normal nighttime sky.
Character classes: Deities and demigods with average or better
intelligence will immediately be able to tell what class a given character
is, even if the character is disguised (unless certain illusionary
or shape-altering spells or powers are used). Some specific changes
that occur in class abilities are listed below.
Assassins cannot successfully disguise themselves as any deity,
demigod, or supernatural servant such as a valkyrie, when confronting
another such being; to do so is to virtually beg for destruction.
See also the notes below concerning thieves.
Barbarians will have trouble hiding in natural terrain; see notes
below for the thief class. The environment of Gladsheim is always
considered to be unfamiliar to barbarians, and their skills at hiding
in terrain are always equal to that of a thief of equal level. Their

ability to attack monsters affected only by magical weapons is not
affected by going to this plane. Animal handling skill will not work
against the native
craft skills may be
wildlife of Gladsheim, and survival and outdoor
modified as the DM sees fit. Barbarians will
immediately sense that their surroundings are completely magical,
and their detect magic ability will thus become worthless when used
against a specific item. Charisma bonuses for level are never applied
when meeting gods, demigods, or supernatural servants.
Bards should check the relevant notes for thieves and fighters.
Bards are favored in Asgard and Vanaheim, and higher-level bards
may be invited to stay with one or more gods (particularly those who
have some amount of bard ability themselves). Such visits will be
brief, but can prove worthwhile. Gods have been known to reward
minstrels with gifts (at the DM?s discretion). Bards, like druids,
cannot regain spells of more than the 2nd level of power while on
Gladsheim, unless their gods live on those planes. The charm and
suggestion powers of bards have no effect on gods, demigods, and
their servants. Their legend lore capability is not considered magical
in nature, and will not be affected as the magic-user spell of the
same name. Special bardic instruments may have altered spell abilities,
as detailed per each spell applicable.
Cavaliers are not immune to the divine awe or horror powers of
deities (see the DEITIES & DEMIGODS Book, p. 7). Cavalierpaladins
should see the notes concerning paladins.
Clerics have increased power
against undead on Gladsheim; treat
clerics as one level higher than they
actually are for purposes of turning
undead. Also refer to the section
detailing spell alterations above.
Druids will find many of their
spells are useless in Gladsheim. The
powers they receive at 3rd and 7th
level (see the Players Handbook) are
not affected. Deities having druid
abilities will understand the druids?
secret tongue.
Fighters are the least affected of all
character classes by the environment
of Gladsheim (except that their magical
weapons and armor may be altered
in power). Note the loss of a
saving throw vs. the illusionist spell
Illusionists are little affected by
Gladsheim, except for their spell
abilities (see above). Note the warning
concerning the casting of illusion/
phantasm spells in Asgard.
Magic-users will find many of their spells have altered effects in
Gladsheim. Otherwise, they function as usual.
Monks will have certain of their functions altered, as per thieves.
The chaotic nature of Gladsheim is distracting to monks; for the first
2-8 days they are on these planes, monks will suffer a -1 ?to hit?
penalty on all attacks, and a -1 on all saving throws. Their speak
with animal and speak with plant powers will not function, as per
the spells of the same name. Their quivering palm attacks will never
work against a deity, demigod, or supernatural servant, or any other
creature only affected by magic weapons.
Paladins are not affected by Gladsheim?s chaos as monks are, but
still find the plane distracting and uncomfortable. Their laying on
hands power to cure wounds will not affect deities or supernatural
creatures from Gladsheim. Cleric spells are affected as per the notes
on normal clerics, and undead-turning abilities are improved so that
paladins function as clerics only one level below their own. If a
paladin worships a Norse deity and calls for his warhorse in Asgard,
he will receive a pegasus of maximum hit points.
Rangers will receive their full damage bonuses when attacking
giants in Jotunheim or elsewhere on Gladsheim. A ranger?s druid
spells of 1st or 2nd level and all of a ranger?s magic-user spells may
be relearned while on these planes.
Thieves will find hiding from deities and demigods is impossible,

since such beings have a wide variety of skills and sensory abilities.
They may try hiding from valkyries and other servant creatures, but
the notes concerning detection of invisible characters in the DMG
(p. 60) must be taken into account. The penalty for theft from a
deity or demigod, of course, is death, such sentence to be carried out
as soon as the god can manage and in the most effective possible
manner. Because nearly all residences in Asgard are owned by deities
or other supernatural beings, breaking into any of them is very
dangerous. The DM may impose penalties on various thieving
functions such as opening locks or removing traps to take into account
a deity?s skill at creating such (particularly if the deity had
some degree of thieving skill himself). Thieves are not disliked in
Asgard, for they can perform some useful functions that help the
Aesir or Vanir gods.
Character races
Humans should have no particular problems wherever they go in
Gladsheim ? except, of course, in Jotunheim, where the giants will
sometimes attack intruders for sport or treasure.
Dwarves and gnomes are not welcome in Alfheim, though they
are regarded neutrally by Frey and the other Vanir. The elven spirits
that live there will do everything possible to make dwarves and
gnomes feel as uncomfortable and unwelcome as possible. Dwarves
and gnomes are hated by some giants in Jotunheim because Mjolnir
(Thor?s hammer) was invented by
Norse dwarves.
High elves are welcome within
Alfheim and are neutrally regarded
elsewhere. The elven spirits
will want good and neutral elves to
remain with them for as long as possible,
dancing, singing, playing, etc.,
in the vales and glens of the land.
Halflings, like humans, should
have no particular problems while
adventuring in Gladsheim. Because
they are rare, many beings might not
immediately recognize halflings as a
non-human race, and might consider
them to be human children (even a
few deities might do this by accident).
Half-orcs will not be well regarded
in Asgard, since they are generally
seen as allies of giantkind and competitors
of humanity. It has happened
that half-orcs have worshiped Norse
gods, however; in such cases they are
accorded the respect that any other
worshiper receives. They are hated
in Alfheim and Vanaheim, and are neutrally regarded in Jotunheim.
Other races will receive varying treatment from the inhabitants of
Asgard, depending upon their general alignment and interaction
with humanity and giantkind. Half-ogres (see DRAGON® Magazine
#73) will be disliked strongly, since ogres are generally allied
with giants; they are liked in Jotunheim.

Bulfinch, Thomas, Bulfinch?s Mythology (Dell Publishing, New York,
Crossley-Holland, Kevin, The Norse Myths (Pantheon Books, New York,
Esakof, Darryl, and Simonsen, Redmond, the RAGNAROK? Game,
from ARES? Magazine #8 (Simulations Publications, Inc., New York,
Hamilton, Edith, Mythology (Mentor Books, New York, 1942).
Hammack, Allen, the VIKING GODS? Minigame (TSR, Inc., Lake
Geneva, 1982).
Marsh, Steve, the SAGA? Minigame (TSR, Inc., Lake Geneva, 1981).
New Larousse Encyclopedia of Mythology (Hamlyn Publishing, New
York, 1978).
Shwartz, Susan, ?Ragnarok: the mythic story of the twilight of the gods,?
ARES? Magazine #8 (Simulations Publications, Inc., New York, 1981).

Plane answers
Dear Dragon,
In the article on the Plane of Gladsheim (issue
#90), it is stated that magical weapons and armor
are lowered by 2 of their "plusses." The article
also says that weapons and items used by the
Norse deities are multiplanar and are not subject
to this effect; however, no mention is made as to
if these items will increase in power on the Prime
Material Plane.

If adventurers managed to return to the Prime
Material Plane with a weapon or item used by the
Norse deities (a very dangerous and probably
suicidal venture to undertake indeed), would this
item increase in its plusses?

Julian Rodriguez
Los Angeles, Calif.
(Dragon #92)

No; immunity to this effect means just that.
Multiplanar weapons have the same “numbers”
no matter what plane of existence they are taken

— R M

(Dragon #92)

Dear Dragon,
In issue #90 there seems to be a typographical
error of some sort. On page 37, Odin's throne
hall is called Valaskialf. However, in the map of
Gladsheim on p. 55, the name is written as
Valasrialf. What is the correct spelling and pronunciation
Also, where is the alternate Prime
Material world called Midgard?

Tim Hale
Westland, Mich.
(Dragon #92)

The correct spelling of the throne hall is the
first usage on p. 37. As for pronunciation, you're
on your own; we couldn’t find a phonetic spelling
for the word in any of our references. 

The same goes for getting to Midgard — you'll

have to find your own way. The usual planetraveling
methods should work for getting to an
alternate Prime Material Plane as well as they
work from the Prime Material to another type of

- K M
(Dragon #92)