From the Sorcerer's Scroll

by Gary Gygax

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Dragon #122 - 1st Edition AD&D - Dragon magazine

Copyright ®1987 Trigee Enterprises Corporation.
All Rights Reserved.

Many of you have probably wondered
why you haven’t seen anything from me in
these Exalted Pages for a year or so now.
In fact, some of you might have noted that
my very name has been absent from
DRAGON® Magazine. Well, TSR, Inc., has
been generous enough to allow me the
opportunity to explain what has been
going on.

Since October 1985, I have had no active
role in the management of TSR, nor made
any contribution to that company’s creative
efforts. At that time, the Board of
Directors of the corporation saw fit to
remove me as the company’s President
and Chairman of the Board, although I
remained on the board as a Director.
There was a dispute over stock ownership
and various other matters as well. Finally,
in October 1986, I resigned all positions
with TSR, Inc., in order to form and direct
another publishing enterprise. My association
with TSR ended absolutely at that
time. Since then, I have devoted all of my
energies to New Infinities Productions,
Inc. In December 1986, just before the
New Year, I settled all disputes with TSR.
As of that date, it became a very clear-cut
matter. No relationship between TSR and
Gary Gygax existed as of that point. What
does that mean?

Well, from now on, there is no question
of my total disassociation from not only
the corporation but from all of the games
and other products I created during my
relationship with TSR. The shape and
direction of the DUNGEONS & DRAGONS®
game system, for instance, or that of the
AD&D® game system, are now entirely in
the hands of others. Similarly, the adventures
of Gord will no longer appear under
the TSR banner. Stories of Gord will still
be published, but under a different title.
TSR has been good enough to allow me to
continue to write them, and TSR will
receive acknowledgment for this grant.

This is also my last foray into this journal
as well. It seems strange to say that,
since I have contributed to this magazine
on a fairly regular basis. Yet, it is true.
After this brief column, I’ll be absent from
the pages of DRAGON Magazine, but you’ll
run into me elsewhere, so stick around.
Most of you Gentle Readers are aware of
how hard it is to keep me quiet on any
thing that has to do with gaming. In a
short time, there will be yet another soap
box for me to clamber up on so that I can
continue to sound off.

That covers the disassociation pretty
well. Now for the association. In October
1986, I finally made up my mind as to
what I wanted to do. Until that time, I was
torn between remaining an independent
creator and associating myself with a new
publishing enterprise. Of course, I opted
for the latter choice. I guess it’s in my

In October, I became the Chairman of
the Board of New Infinities Productions,
Inc., and head of the company’s Creative
Committee. Frank Mentzer and Kim
Mohan joined New Infinities as Design
Executives, and also serve as the other two
members of the Creative Committee.
Those two are the ones who will really
determine the creative direction of the
company. All of our work, and the work of
other designers and authors, both
freelance and otherwise, will be published
by New Infinities from now on. In this
flow will be new games from me, more
Gord books, and articles, too.

Penny Petticord, former editor of the
POLYHEDRON™ Newszine, and Pamela
O’Neill, former assistant editor of
AMAZING® Stories, have also joined New
Infinities. In addition to other editorial and
creative responsibilities, both of them will
be heavily involved in the creation and
production of a gaming magazine to be
published by New Infinities.

Frank, Kim, and I are working together
to produce a broad-based line of materials
to be published by New Infinities. Some
will be my work, some Franks, others
Kim’s, and much of it will be co-written by
two or three of us.

New Infinities Productions currently
consists of only a few people. Forest Baker
is our Chief Operating Officer, Gail Carpenter
the treasurer, Pamela and Penny
are our Senior Editors, Karen Murphy
holds. down everything as Office Manager,
and Sam Lewis, formerly of Mayfair
Games, has recently joined as Director of

Sadly, this ends my appearances in these
pages, but I hope you’ll look for me elsewhere.
Until then, Prosper and Good.