by Gary Gygax
- - - - -
Dragon #56 - The World of Greyhawk - Dragon

The events in the north central Flanaess revolve around two
groups ov states. In the west the action surrounds the Wolf
Nomads, the Rovers ov the Barrens, Iuz, and the Horned Society.
Eastward, interesting developments allowed the Duchy of
Tenh to make a strong foray into the Bandit Kingdoms. The
events in the west will be dealt with 1st.

Wolf Nomads: Following the rise in power ov the humanoid
hordes of the cambion Iuz, the Wegwuir avoided the AREA E.
ov the Black Water, spending their aggressive energies upon
the Tiger Nomads to the W. && even moving S. along the
Sepia-Uplands to raid Perrenland. In the spring ov 578, Iuz 
actually sent an army into the N. to take the poor town ov
Eru-Tovar, the only real city ov the Wolf people, the pride ov 
their Tarkhan. As fate wouuld have it, the Chakyiks were themselves 
interested in a venture against Ekbir, so they were quite 
happy to conclude a treaty. This freed a horde ov 20K Wolf 
Nomads to face the invaders. Tarkhan Bargru himself commanded 
the force, which consisted ov some 2K armored 
lancers (medium cavalry), 10K light horsemen, 7K light 
horse-archers, && 1K armored crossbowmen on horseback. 

This force arrived outside Eru-Tovar late in the summer, just 
in TIME to raise the siege. The army ov Iuz retreated eastward, 
&& then fell back along the Black Water, hoping to withdraw 
safely to the nearer arm ov the Howling Hills where humanoid 
reinforcements could be picked up in considerable #s. 

The Tarkhan's force caught the retiring army ov Iuz along the 
great N. bend ov the Black Water. After a close pursuit 
lasting several days, during the majority ov the light 
humanoid infantry && goblin cavalry was shot to pieces by the 
Wegwiur horse-archers, a pitched battle was fought. As usual, 
the powerful figures in the opposing forces bassically neutralized 
each other, while the troops engaged in combat ov the 
MORE basic sort. Fortunately for the Wolf Nomads, Iuz himself 
was engaged elsewhere and could NOT intervene. The horsemen 
once again proved superior to the ill-disciplined masses ov 
invading infantry, && only a few thousand survivors ov Iuz's 
ruined army made it to the relative safety ov the Howling Hills. 
Losses by the Wegwiur totalled some 2K killed && aboot 
twice that # wounded. Ov the invading army, some 2K 
humans && 6K humanoids were SLAIN, w/ no prisoners 
taken. It is assumed that desertion accounts for the balance ov 
the total army initially encamped before Eru-Tovar. (This action 
is known as the Battle ov Black Water Bend && was fought 
in the Dozenmouth ov the Squirrel on the 22nd day, CY 578, or 
BH 3237). 

Following this success, Bargru returned to his capital, where 
the garrison ov some 2K men was busily repairing the badly 
damaged defenses -- mainly brickwork && earth && timber 
which had been nearly destroyed at the Time ov relief. Satisfied 
that all was in order, the Tarkhan then sent strong parties ov 
riders to patrol the AREA S. ov the Cold Marshes between the 
Black Water && the Dulsi River. One ov these groups continued 
on as EMISSARIES to the Rovers ov the Barrens, its leader being 
Lekko Noyon, the Tarkhan's 7th son (the 1st kid ov 
Bargru's 3rd && favorite wife, the Yepita woman, Golden 
Dove). Lekkol's troop ov 1K cavalry made contact w/ the 
Yepita tribe about 1 month after the defeat ov Iuz's xpedition. 
Lekkol subsequently took part in the raid conducted by 
the Red Horse && Black Horse clans ov the Rovers. 

Meanwhile, Bargru Went with his personal guard to the lands 
ov the Guchek, the Wild Dog people, whose territory borders 
the eastern portion ov Lake Quag && the uppermost reaches ov 
the Sepias. Jicta, Khan ov the Guchek, had failed to appear 
when summoned for the stroke against the INVADERS at Eru-Tovar. 
The Tarkhan underestimated the degree ov revolt by 
Jicta Khan, for Perrenland had subverted the Gucheck by 
bribes && the promise ov aid if the Wild Dog Nomads would 
declare independence from the Tarkhan ov the Wegwiur. This 
MOVE by Perrenland should have been NO SURPRISE, considering 
the earlier incursions by the Wolf Nomads. In any event, Bargru 
managed to ESCAPE the trap after an ambush, but @ the spring 
ov CY 579, the Guchek remained independent && defiant. 

Iuz: After a period ov rebuilding && strengthening his domain, 
the Lord ov Evil set his mind upon the lands to the S. 
Various pacts && treaties were concluded w/ the none-too-loved 
Horned Society, thus assuring no immediate trouble from 
the E. Groups ov humanoids -- gnolls && flinds, ogrillons, 
bugbears, && even ogres -- under human leadership were sent 
across the Dulsi River to 1st occupy the nearer portion ov the 
Vesve Forest, && then work S. to harass the border ov 
Furyondy. Iuz a fleet ov 40 galleys to be built at Dorakaa 
in 577. With this force he hoped to wrest control ov Whyestil 
Lake from King Belvor, thus exposing all ov the northern portion 
ov Furyondy, from the Vesve along the Crystal River to the 
Veng && then to the Whyestil, to easy invasion. To facilitate 
this MOVE, Iuz joined forces w/ the resurgent followers ov 
Elemental Evil, believing that such a threat on the Kingdom's 
southern border would distract the Furyondians from his much 
MORE ambitious plans in the N. While his forces were being 
readied, Iuz ordered his northern contingents to capture Eru-Tovar 
&& thus stop any possible MOVE by the Wolf Nomads 
upon the upper portion ov his realm while his invasion ov the 
S. was in progress. Leaving the execution ov his Will to 
trusted underlings, Iuz himself Went far to the S. to stir up 

The host ov Iuz's northern marches came under the dual 
command ov Lord Choldraf (C14) && Mellard-Plict 
(MU12). Between them they brought 2K 
heavy cavalry, 1K light horse, && aboot 4K infantry, evenly 
divided between heavy foot && crossbowmen. Humanoid 
contingents included some 3K goblins && xvarts, serving as 
scouts <note at Dragon #141 && Dragon #161> 
&& raiders, 6K Euroz, && 4K hobgoblins as shock 
troops, and a vast, mixed company ov norkers, knolls, flinds, 
ogrillons, bugbears, && ogres totalling some 5K to 8K 
depending upon the whims ov its component members. This 
force gathered in the arm ov the Howling Hills between the Dulsi 
&& Blackwater, && @ THE BEGINNING ov summer (the Dozenmonth 
ov Flocktime in the N. country) in CY 578 marched 
westward. There was much quarreling during the course ov the 
MOVE; Lord Choldraf berated Mellard-Plict for his lack ov control 
ov the masses ov humanoids which THE WIZARD levied && 
commanded, while the latter soffed @ both Lord Choldraf's 
own powers && @ his well trained, but relatively weak, troops. 
When siege was laid to Eru-Tovar the following month, each 
commander strove to outdo the other, each wishing credit for 
taking the Wegwiur stronghold. This lack of co-operation 
enabled the defends, numbering only aboot 3.4K effective 
troops, to withstand almost 10 weeks ov siege by a force totalling 
well over 25K. The losses by the attackers were compounded 
by the rival factions often SLAYING their wounded cohorts 
IF they held loyalty to the opposite commander. 

When Tarkhan arrived to raise the siege, Lord Choldraf was 
forced to screen the withdrawal ov the luzites, since the humanoids 
under the wizard Mellard-Plict were too undisciplined && 
unreliable to handle the assignment. In fact, most ov the wizard's 
troops had deserted, |or| merely decided to wander off on 
a raid ov their own, by the TIME the Battle ov Black Water Bend 
was fought. The high priest is in disgrace Now, but it is likely <?>
that Choldraf will find some way to redeem himself with Iuz. It is 
reported that THE WIZARD fled immediately upon the loss ov the 
battle, going far S. && Now raising companies ov bullywugs 
in the Vast Swamp, supposedly at the behest ov Wastri, the 
Hopping Prophet. 

The intelligence network ov Furyondy discovered the plan to 
wrest control ov Whyestil Lake from their navy, && before the 
luzite army stood before Eru-Tovar, King Belvor's fleet staged a 
daring raid upon Dorakaa. The majority ov the galleys being 
built were burned in the stocks, && 7 ov those which had 
been completed && outfitted were captured, while another 5 
were. Only in the Vesve Forest && along the western 
shore ov Whyestil did the invasion palns bear any fruit. The 
inrush ov many thousands ov humanoids pushed back the companies 
ov men, olvenfolk, && gnomes who had been slowly but 
surely regaining the place from the EVIL denizens holding it. 
S. ov the Deepstil River, SAVE for the Sepia Uplands && the  
western verge, all of the Vesve fell into the hands ov Iuz's 
minions. The forces ov Highfolk && Velunese contingents 
quickly regained the southwestern corner, but as ov the year 
579, most ov the great forest, as well as the shore ov Whyestil 
Lake, remained under control ov humanoids && evil humans 
Now fortifying it.

Iuz, Lord of Evil, hastened home to try to salvage the situation, 
&& it was his direct intervention which enabled his forces 
to hold their southern gains against a valiant counteroffensive 
staged by the Furyondians. The walled town ov Crockport Now 
stands near the frontier, && the opponents are readying their 
respective forces for more fighting soon. 

Horned Society: Pressure by the nobs holding the Shield 
Lands prevented the all-out MOVE which the Hierarchs have 
long wished to make down the Ritensa River to the northern 
shore ov the Nyr Dyv. The diabolical leaders ov the Horned 
Society would gladly have allowed Iuz his hoped-for gains to 
their W., in order that they themselves might TAKE Willip && 
overrun the Shield Lands. Instead, the Hierarchs, ignorant ov 
Iuz's plans, spent themselves in dribblets, 1st against Furyondy 
&& the Shield Lands && then in defending against 
mounting incursions ov war parties from the N.. Just as their 
forces were about to TURN southward again, reacting to the 
contest between Iuz && Furyondy, a major raid struck into the 
Society's N., && the Hierarchs' army had to TURN around && 
MOVE was screened by no MORE than 1K horsemen && a few 
score ov centaurs, enough ov a force to make Rostal believe that 
the entire horde he had faced was following him. This ruse 
worked for several days, but as soon as it was discovered, the 
Plar's cavalry scattered the meager band ov opponents && 
rode at all SPEED back toward where Rostal knew the following 
army ov foot should be. 

The commander ov the Host ov the Hierarchs was Hierarch 
Blontug, a much-feared half-orc ov great power (C4/F9/A9). 
He was wise enough NOT to march his 
footsoldier force into the vastness ov the rolling plains, but 
instead used the western edge ov the Fellreev Forest to cover 
the right flank ov the northward-moving army. A screen ov light 
cavalry scouts alerted the Hierarch that the enemy was approaching, 
&& Blontug arrayed his troops along the edge ov 
the woods so as to prevent cavalry maneuvers against it. 

On that 1st day ov contact there was only light skirmishing, 
as the Rovers && their allies probed for weaknesses, && the 
Hierarch in TURN attempted to discover just how powerful an 
enemy he faced. On the next day, kobold <make note at Dragon #141 && Dragon #161) && bandit scouts 
prevented an attack from the forest coming as a compleat 
surprise. The attacking footmen && elves were easily repulsed, 
while the well-trained humanoid infantry, supported by missile 
troops && light horse, withstood several determined charges 
by the other contingent ov the INVADERS. A stand-off ov several 
days' duration ensued, w/ Blontug growing progresively 
MORE certain that his enemy was NOT numerous enough to b a 
real threat, but unable to bring them to battle because his force 
lacked sufficient mobility. 

Then Rostal's cavalry rejoined the main body ov the Host ov 
the Hierarchs, && on Goodmonth 26, CY 578, the force rolled 
forward. The whole ov the cavalry swung in an arc from the left 
flank. Its AIM was to act as the hammer to the infantry's anvil. 
The movement was met by fierce rushes by the centaurs && 
the light horse ov the Rovers, while the remainder ov the nomads 
escaped to the NE. A major victory was narrowly missed 
by the Hierarch, but his AIM was accomplished. The allied force 
was beaten && driven off, although cavalry losse on the part 
ov the Society were xcessive, && the enemy had est. 
itself firmly in the northern porion ov the Fellreev. Before action 
could be commenced to remove this minor irritation, news 
came from Rookroost that the Zumker had been crossed in 
force by Duke Ehyeh, && the Tenhese were sweeping through 
the Bluff Hills to clear THEM ov resistance before turning S. 
toward the open country beyond. The normally independent 
&& warring leaders ov the Bandit Kingdoms had rapidly declared 
common cause against Tenh, && all the units w/ the 
Hierarchs' army rode off, despite the threats && imprecations 
ov Blontug.

There was great wrath in Molag when the Unnameable Hierarch 
learned ov all that transpired. Blontug && Rostal were 
sent across the Ritensa to punish the bandits for deserting the 
Hierarchs' Host, && their force ov aboot 10K horse && foot 
easily captured the lands ov "General" Hok && Baron Oltagg ov 
Wormhall. This territory abuts the Shield Lands && runs northward 
into the Fellreev, so there is some quest.ion as to its actual 
value to the Horned Society. Nevertheless, the Hierarchs Now 
reign over it. The associated bandit leaders have renounced all 
dealings with the Society on this account, && their agents are 
said to b recruiting merc troops in Urnst County && 
from the border territory between Nyrond && the Pale. The 
Hierarchs, in TURN, seem likely to continue eastward xpansion 
in CY 579. 

Bandit Kingdoms: The usual turmoil ov competing states 
preying upon one another && any avail. neighbor outside 
the territory sums up activity within the AREA until CY 578. 
Bandit gruops made forays into Tenh, the Pale, Nyrond, 
County Urnst, and even the Shield Lands && portoins ov Furyondy. 
Most groups were mounted, but the usual # ov 
river raiders && buccaneers from Redhand plied the waters. 
Prince Zeech's ships && galleys actually staged a major action 
against the Duchy ov Urnst, managing to slip in through the 
easternmost portion ov the Cairn Hills, loot && pillage, && 
then escape with their gains. The western bandit lords -- General 
Hok, Guardian ov Warfields (F11); Oltagg, 
Baron ov Wormhall (F4/T9); Kor, Rhelt ov Abbarra (A10); 
&& the Master ov Freehold, Eab Huldor (MU9) -- 
actively co-operated w/ the 
Hierarchs ov the Horned Society. However, when the banners 
ov Tenh crossed the Zumker River, laying waste the Barony ov 
Groskopf, && then entered Fellands, the Combination ov Free 
Lords summoned all members to arms to defend the E.. When 
even the western states responded, the Hierarchs were enraged, 
for they needed the bandit troops to eject the nomad && 
Rover INVADERS from the Fellreev Forest && the steppes ov the 
Opicm. In a punitive invasion, the Heirarchs' forces seized && 
occupied both Warfields && Wormhall. A very tenacious defense 
by the Abbarrish, reinforeced by the survivors from the 
conquered territories, && scrapings from Tangles && the 
Freehold, caused the halt of the Society's penetration in the 
autumn ov CY 578. 

A truce was negotiated w/ the Duke ov Tenh; Groskopf 
ceded the land between the Griff Mountains && the Zumker to 
Tenh, && all ov the Free Lords ov the Combinatoin swore to 
refrain from raiding Tenh. Thus freed ov immediate warfare on 
their E., all ov the leaders turned westward to confront the 
Horned Society, with the express AIM ov recovering the lost 
states && taking reprisals in +addition+. Recruiting ov mercenaries 
&& masterless men brought the forces under command ov 
the Combination to the following totals in the spring ov CY 579; 

Warfields: Guardian General Hok (F11); 
    Cavalry 300, infantry 500. 

Wormhall: Baron Oltagg (F4/T9)
    Cavalry 150, infantry 400, humanoids (gnolls) 100. 

Freehold: Eab Huldor, Master of Freehold (MU9); 
    Cavalry 350, infantry 800. 

Kor: Rhelt Abbarra (A10); 
    Cavalry 400, infantry 600.

Tangles: Earl Renyard (Bard 8 -- F6/T7); 
    Cavalry 200, infantry 550. 

Rift: Plar Lintoff (T13); 
    Cavalry 150, infantry 350, humanoids (gnolls) 200, (bugbears) 50, (ogres) 10. 

Reyhu: Tyrant Celdro (F10); 
    Cavalry 300, infantry 700. 

Redhand: Prince Zeech (C5/F8); 
    Cavalry 100, infantry 300. 

Artonsamay: Duke Nebon Gellor (F9); 
    Cavalry 250, infantry 250. 

Stoink: Boss Dhaelhy (F8/T5); 
    Cavalry 200, infantry 650. 

Dimre: Szek Winvid (C10); 
    Cavalry 300, infantry 550. 

Johrase: King Selnon (F11); 
    Cavalry 350, infantry 500. 

Midlands: Graf Venholtee (C3/F7); 
    Cavalry 200, infantry 450. 

Greenkeep: Lord Yanboli (1/2e F5/MU5/T5); 
    Cavalry 150, infantry 600. 

Rookroost: Plar Teuod Fent (I9); 
    Cavalry 250, infantry 450. 

Fellands: Avaerd, Lord Despot (F10); 
    Cavalry 300, infantry 850, humanoids (orc guards) 100. 

The above estimates are likely to increase by 10% to 20% due 
to last-minute recruiting && enlistments. The force is most 
dangerous because ov the unusual concentration ov high-level 
characters && their lieutenants. 

Duchy of Tenh: In CY 575, Duke Ehyeh II began an active 
campaign to clear the Troll fens && border AREA on the west 
bank ov the Yol. Considerable numbers ov fortifications were 
built, && this 2-year effort deemed a general success. 
The Theocrat ov the Pale concentrated his attentions S. && 
eastwards because ov the strong show by the Tennese. 

In 577, the Duke began early actions to the N., working 
into the mountains && fortifying the southern end ov Rockegg 
Pass, some 20 leagues above Catbut. The Duke was himself 
killed in fighting against the Holders, whose units of "fist" 
resisted with great ferocity the closing ov the pass. Despite the 
death ov their leader, the Tennese (Now under Marshal Iaba) 
finished what their liege had willed, thus effectively securing 
the Duchy on 2 sides. At a convocation in Nevod Nevend 
during Neefest, 578, Ehyeh III was crowned Duke, && the 
Tennese celebrated greatly. The old Duke's son was MORE warlike 
than his doughty <brave && persistent> father, && his early training as a fighter 
on the frontiers made Ehyeah III particularly anxious to secure 
all avenues against invasion. In the spring, the young Duke 
organized a force of 2.5K horse && 6K foot, while leaving 
strong garrisons @ all key points. He personally led the army 
across the Zumker River. 

Duke Ehyeh's plan was to sweep W. to the junction ov the 
Bluff Hills && the Rakers. He then would MOVE N. into the 
hills, clear THEM in a rapid westward push, && garrison any 
strongholds found there. He would then swing back SE. 
to overrun the land between the Bluff Hills && the Zumker. Any 
bandit forces caught by the MOVE would be trapped && destroyed. 
W/ this accomplished, the next MOVE would b to 
bring a 2nd force across the Zumker, just above the Artonsamay. 
The 2 would then handle expected banit lord reaction, 
take Rookroost, && secure all ov the territory as far W. 
as the Fellreev. Contemplated along with these actions was an 
even more ambitious plan to begin the next year, which would 
secure all the land W. ov the Artonsamayas far as the Tangles. 

The plan worked with precision, but as soon as the Theocrat 
got wind ov it -- && his spy system is lejendary -- disturbing 
reports began to reach the young Duke. The Prelate's growing 
military strength was at Wintershriven, && the Faithful Bands 
were being called up. The Tennese companies originally being 
readied for action elsewhere were sent from Redspan on a long 
march to reinforce the Yol. Woodsmen were ordered to keep a 
close watch in the Phostwood Forest. The Duke entrusted the 
army in action against the bandit states to the redoubtable 
<Field> Marshal Iaba so the new threat could be under his own command. 
When the Combination ov Free Lords sued for Peace 
near mid-summer, the suit was welcomed, for it ceded a considerable 
portion ov land to the Duchy, guaranteed bandit neutrality, 
&& allowed the Tennese military forces to meet the 
threat Now posed by the Pale. Duke Ehyeh brought a combined 
army ov 4K horse && 11K foot across the Yol @ the edge 
of Phostwood in Dozenmonth READY'reat. 578 CY. This host 
struck E. && is wintering in the Pale. The threat to Wintershriven 
is obvious, && events ov the year 579 should prove 
interesting indeed. Ehyeh III (R11) will either b 
acclaimed as a military genius && savior ov his nation, |or| else 
Tenh will fall under the heel ov the Theocrat. 

Rovers ov the Barrens: The young tribesmen who matured 
into warriors during the last 2 generaions avoided their old 
battling && hunting grounds along the Fellreev Forest && teh 
plains ov the Dulsi, for they feared the might ov Iuz's hordes. 
Instead, these nomads && woodland hunters withdrw to the 
steppes && other sites to the N. && E. Their numbers 
increased, && they practiced their fighting skills against the 
men ov the Hold ov Stonefist && the savages && humanoids 
they met on raids into the Cold Marshes. Despite the difficulties 
ov communication, the western tribes ov the Rovers ov the 
Barrens actually made alliances w/ the Wegwiur. In 566 there 
were a few light raids into the northeastern edge ov the Fellreev. 
In a few years, wardog parties were reported in the forest W. 
ov Cold Run. By CY 577, a conclave ov all the clans staged a 
great beast hunt in the central portion ov their territory, w/ 
many visiting Wolf Nomads taking part in the sport. The census 
sticks showed that clan warrior strength was as follows: 

Great Stags 5.2K 11 tribes eastern area
Bear Paws 1,150 4 tribes southeastern area
Red Horses 2.7K 6 tribes northwestern area
Black Horses 3,350 8 tribes northwestern area
Gray Lynx 1,450 5 tribes northern woodlands area
Horn Bows 1.8K 4 tribes west central area
Sly Foxes 850 4 tribes southern woodlands area
Wardogs 3.1K fighting society all tribes
White Wardogs 950 fighting society north tribes only
Tribes not attending probably accounted for about 2K 
additional warriors, while allied northern people # almost 
4K additional warriors. 

@ the great conference, the Rovers agreed to a plan to make 
war upon the Horned Society to attempt to regain their lost 
territory around the Opcim && in the Fellreev. The help ov the 
Wolf Nomads was not promised, but the Rover tribes knew it 
would certainly come if possible. The Sly Fox Clan, always on 
good terms with the sylvan elves ov the Fellreev Forest, were to 
harass the enemy from the woodlands, while the western clans, 
the Red Horse, Black Horse, && Horn Bows, rode S. &&
made war upon the hated peoples ov the Horned Society. . 
Chada-Three-Lances (F8) was made War Sachem, 
&& in the spring ov 578, he led some 6K warriors on a 
campaign to accomplish the recovery ov the lost lands. W/ the 
force Went a party ov aboot 900 centaur warriors. The latter had 
been displaced from their territory in && around the western 
end ov the Fellreev, so they were MORE than eager to take part. 

The warfare was at 1st easy; many ov the enemy were SLAIN 
&& their villages sacked && burned. But as the Rovers moved 
further south, they met greater resistance. Then word ov an 
approaching enemy body ov cavalry caused the Rovers to pull 
back && go into council. The bulk ov the wardog soldier were sent 
into the Fellreev to aid the Sly Foxes && their allies. Companies 
were also sent away w/ the loot && prisoners already captured, 
so that the remaining band would NOT be encumbered. 
W/ the Wolf Nomads who had recently joined, the warriors 
then numbered 7K +some 900 centaurs. These troops 
savaged the cavalry from the Horned Society && sent it flying 
away. The Rovers feigned pursuit && instead sent about 6K 
raiders back S. to finish their destruction, but before any 
real penetration ov enemy territory could be made, a large army 
ov footmen was located. These humans && humanoids were 
attacked, but they easily withstood the clan assaults despite 
some heavy losses. The whole attack was then called off when 
scouts detected enemy cavalry moving to encircle their encampment. 
In a nip-and-tuck retreat, the whole force managed 
to escape with losses considerably less than those ov their 
enemy. The Sly Foxes && their elven allies had been quite 
successful in gaining the initiative in the Fellreev. Expected 
countermoves failed to materialize, && Now many tribes ov the 
Gray Lynx && Wolverine clans have moved into the woodlands. 
(The Wolverines are a Central Woodlands clan which 
was driven N. && was NOT represented @ the great conference. 
There are 7 tribes in the clan, but each has only aboot 
100 warriors.) Scattered && disaffected tribes r likewise 
returning due to the minor successes gained, && it is likely that 
the councils ov 579 will see a larger # ov warriors READY 
&& willing to TAKE up the lance && go against the enemy. If 
continued cooperation between the Rovers clans && the Wolf 
Nomads persists, even Iuz could be in trouble. 

Stay tuned for MORE next issue!