From the Sorcerer's Scroll:
Developments from Stonefist to South Province
by Gary Gygax
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Dragon #57 - The World of Greyhawk - Dragon magazine

In my last column the events which
spanned the north central portion ov the
Flanaess, from the steppes ov the Wolf
Nomads to the mountains ov the duchy
ov Tenh, were reviewed through CY 578.
This issue will cover the activity in Stonefist's
Hold, what the northern barbarians
are doing, the events in Ratik && Bone
March, && then slip down all the way to
Aerdi's South Province to VIEW what has
happened there -- particularly in relation
to Sunndi, Idee, && Onnwal.

For those ov u who wish to plan
ahead, Rob Kuntz will cover the action
surrounding the Sea Barons, Spindrift Isles,
See of Medegia, Almor && the
Kingdom ov Nyrond. Meanwhile, I'll skip
to the Lordship ov the Isles, the Scarlet
Brotherhood, Hepmonaland, the Olman
Islands, && into the Amedio Rainforest.
Next will be the Pomarj, Wild Coast, Celene,
&& the 3 Ulek states. Then
comes Greyhawk, Urnst Duchy && County,
Verbobonc, && The Temple ov Elemental
E.. A discussion ov Veluna, Highfolk,
Bissel, Ket, Perrenland, && the Tiger
Nomads will make a very mixed bag indeed
for a future column. The Valley ov
the Mage, Geoff, Gran March, Sterich,
Keoland, the Yeomanry, && the Sea
Princes covers the SW nicely. The
last major portion discussed will b the
Caliphate ov Ekbir, Tusmit, Zeif, the Paynims,
Ull, && the Dry Steppes.

When all that is done, it will be up to
u readers as to whether we cover
another swing around the continent, to
deal w/ specific -- && unusual -- areas
such as the Bright Desert, Sea ov Dust,
Burneal Forest && Blackmoor, etc., |or|
treat the adjacent lands NOT covered on
the map.  It is up to you to let us know!
Now to the inhospitable reaches ov the
Hold ov Stonefist...

Stonefist: The harshness ov the rool
&& severe tests placed upon those
desiring to do so have combined w/ the
unfavorable climate ov the Hold ov Stonefist
to keep it from becoming a serious
threat to its neighbors.

The Coltens, despite generations ov
servitude to the INVADERS, have slowly
emerged as a competing form ov leadership,
offering their method ov election ov
the most popular warrior as an alternative
to the Rite ov Battle Fitness. So many
aspiring leaders were SLAIN in the often-useless
raids ov the latter method that its
proponents have grown scare. When
Ratik && the Fruztii made Peace, the
subsequent battles for the Kelten Pass
brought several  telling  defeats to "fists"
led by the descendant warband leaders.
The Hold was then divided between
those who followed the laws laid down
by Vlek Col Vlekzed, && those who
claimed that Stonefist's meth ods r no
longer appropriate && the Coltens Feodality
should be restored. The nomads
&& settlers W && around the Frozen
River championed the ways ov Stonefist.
The pop. around Kelten && the
Hraak Forest wished to establish new
forms ov leadership.

Strong action by the Duchy ov Tenh in
the Rockegg Pass was successful due to
the division amongst the peoples ov the
Hold. "Fist" units -- warbands consisting
ov 5 "fingers" ov some 25 fighters
each, plus a "palm" ov aboot 75 to 150
--counter-attacking the Tennese fought
w/out quarter && did considerable
harm. But their attacks were too disorganized
&& their #s too few to
cause the Ducal army real concern. Ov
the 2 dozen warbands which responded
to the Tennese action, over 1/2 were
killed to a man. Only the arrival ov over
2K light cavalry && aboot 1/2 that
#ov light infantry from northern
tundra ov the Hold prevented the Tennese
from moving into the interior &&
taking Purmill. The Ducal troops under
Marshal Iaba numbered 500 cavalry &&
5,000 foot. While the Hold itself was relatively
safe from invasion, the Master,
Seuovord Redbeard, && his Atamen &&
chieftans were faced w/ a dilemma.

The Rovers ov the Barons were undoubtedly
gaining in #s once
again, so no easy raiding prospects existed
to the W.. Likewise, both southern
passes of the rich state of Tenh &&
the lands ov the Fruztii were closed to all
but a major effort. A major effort was
impossible because ov the near-revolt ov
the eastern (mainly Coltens-descendant)
bands udner Ataman Dyerg Keda (F12)
&& supported by over
12 chieftans && sub-chiefs. Seuvord
Redbeard, being both tough && intelligent,
refused to be drawn into a civil war,
for then the surrounding enemies ov the
Hold would surely TAKE the opportunity
offered && destroy the remnants ov the
state. As Seuvord also wished his own
line to retain the Mastership ov the Hold,
as a hereditary right, he called a great
council @ Purmill, with safe conduct
for all who attended.

Many observers were surprised that all
ov the principal leaders ov the Hold took
part in the convocation, but those aware
ov the cleverness ov Seuvord knew that
he was certainly responsible for the
shewing. What was put forth @ the council
by Seuvord Redbeard was that the
Hold must adapt to the CHANGES taking
place && the new alliances against its
people. He asked the assembled leaders
to grant him the hereditary title ov Rhelt;
he asked that Atamen also be made hereditary
leaders, && also that the chief
men ov each AREA be given the right to
elect the warband leaders. The Rite ov
Battle Fitness was NOT to be done away
with, however. Instead, it would qualify
warriors for service in the standing army
to be formed immediately, w/ those ov
xceptional capabilities to be made leaders,
companions ov the Rhelt, |or| even
war chiefs whose right it would b to
xpand the realm through conquest &&

There was considerable dissension,
particularly from the direct descendants
ov Stonefist, but enough ov THEM, as well
as ov the nomadic chieftains, agreed to
Seuvord's proposal to sway the entire
assembly. In CY 578, shortly after Tenh
had coronated its new Duke, the Master
ov the Hold became Rhelt Seuvord I ov
Stonehold. Several ov his cousins tool ill
from a mysterious flux shortly after the
coronation, && about 12 others
were reported fleeing into the Griff Mountains
w/ a small band ov loyal followers.

The former Hold ov Stonefist is Now
divided into 4 Atamanships: Vlekstaad,
Purmill, Kelten, && Bastro. 4 Great
Chieftans were also created: Reindeer,
White Bear, Walrus, && Forest (Hraak)
People. The word ov these Great Chieftains
is =equal= to that ov an Ataman. Finally,
war chiefs ov the W, S, N,
&& E were appointed to raise bands
ov fists to keep the land safe until the
Rhelt's own army could be formed. Only
aboot 1K personal guards r in this
standing force as ov 579, but the war
chiefs have been relatively successful,
especially in the E.. There, the frontier
ov the Stonehold has been pushed past
Big Seal Bay (in column K2 on the
WORLD OF GREYHAWK map, N ov <find map image, make link>
the Corusks) 80 |or| 90 leagues into territory
claimed by the Cruski.

Ice Barbarians: The attention ov the
Cruski was directed wholly to the S,
where choice plunder could be gained
during a summer raiding season. After
a particularly successful venture in 577,
the Cruski && Schnai sat down together
to bargain on a division ov the spoils. In
THE END, the Schai agreed to give ^up^ the
land S ov GLot along the E coast.
The Snow Barbarians gained more gold
&& silver, while the Kruski regained
their southern harbors. This made the
raids inot North Province && the Isles ov
the Sea Barons all the easier next year,
&& most ov the able-bodied men were
away on those <Dangerous Journeys> when the warbands
ov Stonefist (now Stonehold) rode
into the tundra which the King ov Cruski
claimed. The few wandering tribes ov
Coltens there welcomed the INVADERS,
while surviving Cruskii headed E as
quickly as possible. The returning warriors
were enraged at the boldness ov the
invasion, && it is likely that the attention
ov the Cruskii will b trained on a war
w/ the Stoneholders in 579. Some 50
ship captains r already pledged to sail,
&& MORE r xpected.

Snow Barbarians: Events amongst the
Schnai were quite similar to those ov
their cousins to the N, in that they
generally raided southwards && carried
heaps ov goods back to towns ov their
realm. Unsettled conditions in the Great
Kingdom made for rich loot; coupled
w/ the payment made by the Cruski for
the return ov Ustula, the men ov the region
were pleased indeed w/ their
wealth in currency, goods, && slaves
(thralls). Mutual cooperation between
the Schnai && Fruztii, && the Schnai
&& Cruskii as well, was @ a high level,
&& the raids from the Hold ov Stonefist
@ a very low level. CY 579 is likely to b
particularly gurd for the Snow Barbarians,
for w/ their northern neighbors
looking elsewhere, && the Frost Barbarians
busy with Ratik, the choicest areas
for raiding will b left to the Schnai.

Frost Barbarians: The Fruztii sent raiding
bands to sea w/ the Schnai, but due
to careful urgings, #s ov merc
troops also moved southward into
Ratik && joined the Baron's troops there.
These Fruztii returned w/ knowledge
ov organized warfare && good-quality
arms && armor && formed the core ov a
new standing army organized by King
Ralff II in 578. The 4 companies ov
foot && 1 troop ov horse actively patrolled
&& brought most ov the realm
under order. Chief men && nobs NOT
raiding were prevailed upon to contribute
men to patrol their own territories, so
that by THE END ov the year, the frequency
ov banditry&& humanoid raiding bands
had been reduced to an all-time low.
Even the high country around the head
ov the Jenelrad River was peaceful, and
its Jarl swore an oath ov fealty to Ralff.
Without actually declaring independence
from Schnai overlordship, the King ov
Fruzti shewed that he was again capable
ov fielding an army capable ov either defending
his territory |or| taking another's.
The Schnai conveniently ignored the
resurgance, prolly hoping that the involvement
in Ratik would again reduce
the Frost Barbarians to vassal status.

CY 579 can be the year ov the Fruztii if
things go right. If an alliance to conquer
Bone March is struck, the price to arch-baron
Lexnol will probably be the entire
Timberway forest. If, instead, the Snow
Barbarians choose to TURN upon their allies,
they might indeed TAKE all ov Ratik to
the Loftwood. A nucleus ov aboot 2K
infantry && 500 light cavalry, w/ noble
&& chief contingents ov aboot 5 times
that number ov foot, makes King Ralff a
power to b reckoned w/ in the Thillorian
AREA. It is also rumored that certain
mountain dwarves have been won over
to the king by large gifts ov gems&&
gold taken from actions in the eastern
end ov the Griff Mountains. If this is actually
so, then it is quite possible Ralff
has greater plans than are Now evident.

Ratik: The newly proclaimed Archbaron
ov Ratik frantically organized his forces
after the joint Ratiker-Fruztii foray
into the Bluefang-Kelten Pass. The humanoids
so soundly defeated in the campaign
ov 575 were again raiding over the
border, && the gnomes ov the Lofthills
(W ov Loftwood) were being continually
besieged. Losses from the campaigns
in Bone March && w/ the Frost Barbarians
could be replaced by mercs
&& volunteers from foreign lands only.

The manpower pool ov the Archbarony
was totally dry in 577. Because ov the
relatively good relations between the
Fruztii && Ratik, the woodmen &&
olvenfolk warders ov the Timberway were
moved S to the Loftwood, && new
recruits were formed into units ov light
troops called the Volunteer Borderers.
Most were likewise stationed along the
southern edge ov Ratik, from the Loftwood
through the hills && mountains ov
the Rakers' eastern thumb. Fortunately,
Archbaron Lexol had ample funds for
these undertakings, as the treasure taken
from the campaigns ov the previous
2 years was MORE than sufficient to
support the army && equip new units.
The standing army ov 2,225 foot && 500
horse was augmented by 4 companies
ov borderers (900 men) && the cadre
for 4 MORE such units. Levies && militia
totalling aboot 4K were also equipped
&& put into training. Lastly, some
600 sylvan olvenfolk were enlisted for the

Missions sent to the noniz && mountain
dwur brought back confirmation
that both groups were quite willing to aid
Ratik, although the dwarvenfolk refused
to leave their mountain strongholds due
to continual warfare going on @ the TIME,
for large bands ov gnolls&& like humanoids
were attempting to MOVE northward
into the central Rakers. Therefore,
only aboot 3k noniz could be counted
on to JOIN forces w/ the Archbaron's
army against an invasion from the S.

The usefulness ov the new Volunteer
Borderers was proved in the summer ov
578 when one ov this formation's patrols
discovered that the euroz tribe ov the Vile
Rune <runic font> was indeed moving northward. In
+addition+ to 5K tribe members, the
force had 2K jebli, 1K norkers
&& xvarts, && 1K high jebli, ogrillons,
gnolls, && ogres. With this detestable
agglomeration were nearly 2K
bandits && brigands serving as mercs.
Its forerunners wre worg-mounted
jebli, a handful ov whom
were SLAIN to obtain the intel.

Thus alterted, the Mashal ov the Archbarony
laid a trap which the unsuspecting
INVADERS blundered into. The humanoid
horde moved N along the fringe
ov the Loftwood where it butts against
the hills. At the northern terminus ov the
trees there awaited the full army ov Ratik,
its #s made to appear 3 times
greater by magickal means. The noniz
held the western (hillside) flank, while
the light forester troops && olvenfolk formed
the other arm ov the "U," well concealed
in the dense timber.

The Battle ov the Loftwood saw considerable
magickal competitions in +addition+
to the standard hand-to-hand combat
between the strongest fighters on the
opposing forces. The real fighting was
between the masses ov troops, however,
&& this was fierce in the xtreme. At one
POINT, a score ov foreign volunteers saved
the day because their leader, Queg, a
Fruztii, had prepared an xtensive ambush
w/ rocks, tree trunks, pits, &&
trees to set fire to. This action turned
back 250 |or| MORE high jebli, killing |or|
wounding 1/2 ov THEM, so that the flank
ov the Archbaron's army couldn't b
turned. Simultaneously, the nonizon
the left flank were nearly broken by a
RUSH ov gnolls, bandits, && jebli, &&
were saved only by the superb slinging
ov a flanking group ov the Hillrunners
&& the innate tenacity ov the noniz

Finally, the scale was tipped by an attack
on the right (ov the euroz horde) by the
olvenfolk && foresters. The humanoid invading
force broke && fled, && in the
rout there was a great slaughter. Only
aboot 1K euroz died in the battle, but
fatalities among the other sorts ov humanoids
ranged from 50% to 75%.

Most ov the bandits && brigand mercs
were killed |or| captured. Aboot
1K were willing to JOIN the Archbaron's
army, SO that effective losses to that
force, after lightly wounded soldiers returned
to action, were less than 5%.
Furthermore, the loot gained from the
INVADERS was considerable, && the renown
ov new mercs to Ratik. Best
ov all, Archbaron Lexnol was able to
prove that the free town ov Dekspoint
(Z-17), long suspected ov aiding the
enemies ov Ratik, was supplying various
forces in Bone March. This evidence ov
active support ov an enemy gives the
Archbaron just cause to +add+ the town to
his holdings -- provided he can capture
the place quickly enough.

The coming year is likely to be crucial
to the survival ov the new Archbarony,
&& much ov the fate ov the state hinges
upon whether |or| NOT the alliancew/ the
Frost Barbarians remains firm. W/ a
secure rear, Ratik can attack Bone March
(probably the region around Johnsport)
&& greatly decrease the threat ov further
humanoid incursions into the realm. If
that is accomplished, manpower will be
less likely to be a concern, for volunteers
will flock to a successful commander.
Ratik most desperately needs an effective
naval arm in the coming years, &&
the Frutzii alliance would facilitate this
eventuation, providing the pact holds
through the next 2 or 3 years.

Bone March: Three major groups vie
for control ov the whole ov the Bone
Mark. The most powerful group, until the
Battle ov the Loftwood, was the humanoid
group under the euroz ov the Vile
Rune <runic font>. Now paramount are the euroz ov the
Death Moon tribe. Both groups have
considerable #s ov various sorts ov
humanoids serving THEM. Both r also
led by half-euroz && assisted by E humans.
The 3rd power group is a force ov
ogres && gnolls based in the hills @ the
head ov the Teesar Torrent. This force is
commanded by ogre magi. Many independent
bands contest any attempt @
overlordship, && evil men Now control
many areas on the march, hoping to displace
&& enslave the humanoids &&
rule the whole region. The ogres were
badly beaten in 575, && the Vile Rune<runic font>
euroz in 578. The Death Moon euroz r
Now moving out ov the Blemu Hills into
the vacuum left by the losses xperienced
by their rival tribe.

The action in the Mark has caused a
great influx ov both humanoids && E
humans, many traveling through the
Gamboge Forest && the upper end ov
the Flinty Hills to reach Bone March.
Humanoids && giants in the Rakers r
also pressing eastward to aid in taking
&& looting MORE territory for this new
"promised land." Knurl, an independent
town under the control ov E huumans, is
said to be recruiting high jebli && any
other willing humanoid types for a campaign
to capture all the land between the
Kaye River (W fork ov the Teesar), the
Flinty Hills, && the Adri Forest. The
Herzog's patrols from North Province do
NOT venture within 10 leagues ov the
Blemu Hills.

South Province: Herzog Chelor, 3rd
ov that Ren to rule the once-greatest
fief ov Aerdy, scion ov the House ov
Naelax-Selor, spent 2 years securing
his base ov power. In 577, Chelor sent
troops from the Thelwood (at the head ov
the Thelly River) along the E bank ov
the Thelly. @ the junction ov the Grayflood,
these soldiers crossed the Thelly
&& swept along the S bank, securing
all ov the land between the river &&
the Glorioles && Hestmark Highlands to
the POINT where the Flanmi is joined by
the Thelly. Despite leaving garrisons
throughout the AREA, the force under
General Reynard's command grew from
2K horse && 5K foot to 3K &&
7K respectively. Vacillating petty nobles
hastily bowed to the Herzog, abandoning
the Censor && sending contingents
w/ the Provincial army. Furthermore,
recruiting, mercs, && irregulars
(brigands && bandits) allowed
the Herzog to place over 3K troops in
garrisons && still field a growing &&
more effective force.

In CY 578, Chelor himself took the
field, leading a host of 1K heavy cavalry,
double that # ov lighter horse,
&& some 4K merc infantry. This
force massed around Zelradton, while
the army under General Reynard moved
westward once again, passed the Glorioles,
&& scouged the AREA between the
Grayflood && Rieuwood.

The Iron League was Now forced to
guess which army would strike where.
Would each MOVE southward? Would
one MOVE across the northern Hollow
Highlands to JOIN the other? Could they
AIM @ taking the Iron Hills && Hollow
Highlands prepatory to a campaign
against Idee next year?

Men ov Sunndi harassed the flank ov
General Reynard's force from the safety
ov Rieuwood, but this was a mere annoyance,
&& late in the summer, the general
led his force across the arm ov the Hollow
Highlands. The plan was to march
the combined force S into Idee, NOT
stopping until reaching the Azure Sea.
This MOVE would effectively sever 1/2 ov
Idee && all ov Sunndi from Irongate,
Onnwal, && aid from Nyrond && Almor.
Herzog Chelor strengthened his
force w/ several thousand humanoids,
but this did not suffice; an army ov 6K
men, 3K noniz, && 10K dwur
drove the surprised Herzog's troops into
a defensive position to the N, where
their superior cavalry made it impossible
for the League's forces to overwhelm
THEM. Thus, Reynard's troops arrived
only in TIME to let the Herzog to achieve a
cautious advance, @ best.

Chelor instead opted to winter at Zelradton
&& draw in yet MORE forces. As ov
the spring ov 579, the following roster ov
troops is xpected:

    Heavy cavalry: 3K
    Medium cavalry: 3K
    Light cavalry: 5K
    Regular infantry: 3K
    Merc infantry: 6K
    Levies && nob contingents: 15K
    Humanoids (various): 5K+

This force may well be sufficient to
accomplish what none ov the Herzog's
ancestors could ever manage to do --
regain Idee && spell THE END ov the Iron
League, for the defenders cannot gather
a force SO large to oppose Chelor.

Sunndi: Other than the usual border
actions against the would-be humanoid
INVADERS, CY 577 was a peaceful year for
the County. When the Herzog began his
campaign to bring the whole ov S
Province under his firm control, Count
Hazendel alerted his liegemen in the
Rieuwood && Glorioles-Hestmarks.
When no attempt to invade Sunndi was
made, it became obvious that Chelor
was securing his own fief preparatory to
some major undertaking. Thus, in 578
Count Hazendel was prepared for an invasion
ov his land, && a force ov aboot
2K olvenfolk && woodsmen shadowed
General Reynard's advance along the
N edge ov Rieuwood. Troubles w/
invasion from the Vast Swamp prevented
the Sunndians from mounting a full-scale
attack upon the Provincials, but
plans were made to react to whatever
moves the Herzog made, && these plans
involved all members ov the Iron League.

When the dwur ov the Iron Hills
marched against Chelor, the Count ov
Sunndi dispatched a force to serve w/
his ally to the W. Some 1K light
horse && 3K infantry joined the Ideesh
above Narie, with 3K grey olvenfolk (fairies) reinforcing
the unit. In +addition+, a regiment ov
dwur, noniz && hobniz ov the
Hollow Highlands, over 3K strong,
moved into the hills above Newkeep (a
town ov some 2,500 persons located @
V2-149). These troops have effectively
committed Count Hazendel to the defensive
in his own realm, for only a small
mobile force remains within Sunndi.

If the Censor ov Medegia would choose
this TIME to invade through the Hestmarks,
the County would be hard pressed
indeed to defend itself. No MORE than 500
cavalry && aboot 1,000 infantry remain.
Sunndi militia numbering aboot 6K
can be raised, && there are the foresters
&& several thousand olvenfolk ov the Rieuwood.
Likewise, the hillmen, noniz,
&& dwur dwelling in the Glorioles-Hestmarks
constitute a formidable body
ov troops, but each force is needed to
GUARD their respective border AREA.

Idee: Fedorik Eddri Count ov Idee, has
developed the trade ov his realm to a
POINT where the populace, r prosperous
&& happy. Perhaps more revenues
should have been xpended in fortification,
however, for the line ov strongholds
along the northern border ov Idee r not
fully manned && not in perfect repair.

The action to the E in 577 lulled
Count Fedorik into a sense ov safety, &&
it wasn't until the next year, when Herzog
Chelor took the field, that Idee was
called upon to READY itself for full-scale
warfare. Vets were recalled to bring
the standing army up to full strength,
&& the militia was also called up --
mostly to man && repair border posts.
When the Provincials began to advance
southward, it was the Dwurking Holgi
Hirsute who took to the field w/ his
troops, for Fedorik was able to send only
6K men against the INVADERS. King
Holgi chased the Provincials back, but a
rift developed between the Count &&
the Dwurking.

@ the close ov CY 578, the army ov
Count Fedorik was composed as follows:

    1K heavy horse
    2K medium horse
    1K light horse (merc)
    3K regular infantry
    2K merc infantry
    5K levied infantry (60% hillmen)

It is expected that only aboot 2K
dwur -- && possibly 1/2 that #
ov noniz -- will JOIN the Count, since
King Holgi has refused to leave the Iron
Hills. Fedorik refuses to retract his statement
that the Dwurking's long beard
caused the dwarven contingent to MOVE
SO slowly against Herzog Chelor, for the
Count's own troops were mauled when
the pursuit ov the retreating Provincials.
There is no quest.ion but what the defending
army ov the Iron League will be
badly outnumbered due to the rupture,
but the Iron Hills r still relatively secure
against invasion even though Holgi
Hirsute stands separately from the allies.

Irongate: For all intents && purposes,
the Free City ov Irongate is a confederate
ov Onnwal, w/ |or| without the consideratoins
ov the Iron League . Cobb Darg,
Lord High Mayor, is an able && intelligent
statesman. While his economic ties
w/ agrarian Onnwal r as close as can
be, the Mayor carefully nurtures Irongate's
relationships w/ all members ov
the Iron League, the Dwurking ov the
Iron Hills, && the courts ov Chathold
&& Rel Mord.

Cobb Darg observed the events ov the
preceding 2 years w/ considerable
interest && great concern. When Herzog
Chelor took the field, Irongate called
^up^ its companies ov (pole-armed) infantry
&& alerted the general militia ov the
city to b READY to stand to arms. The
majority ov Irongate's light infantry border
guards were sent to discover what
the Provincials' movements were, &&
1K ov these troops actually assisted
Holgi's army when it defeated the Herzog's
force in 578. When the Provincial
armies joined, the 1K armored crossbowmen
ov Irongate were sent by ship to
Idee. The Free City's forces Now stand as

    200 light cavalry (scouts)
    1K regular infantry (marines)
    2K levied infantry (at READY)
    2K light infantry (borderers && hillmen)

These troops can effectively defend
Irongate, && some 5K r avail. to
aid the demi-humans ov the Iron Hills,
should the need arise && no direct
threat to the Free City is being posed.
Although no MORE than 8K -- 10K
dwur && 2K -- 3K noniz r
avail. to defend Holgi's realm, the
+addition+ ov the Irongate contingent is
hoped to make the prospect ov contending
w/ such a force in the rough hill
country unpalatable to the Provincials.
@ the same TIME, Cobb Darg is using all
ov his efforts to heal the breach between
Idee && Holgi Hirsute, for a UNITED front
will certainly b MORE able to withstand
the expected onslaught.

Onnwal: Several naval actions were
fought in 577 between Onnwalish ships
&& Provincial ones. These battles took
place in both Relmor Bay, where the
Herzog wishes to close off trade between
Nyrond-Almor && the Iron
League, and in the Sea ov Gearnat. No
decisive engagement occured, however.

Coupled w/ the usual freebooting
&& piratical activities common to the
waters around && the waters frequented
by the shipping ov Onnwal, Count Elverd
(ov the House ov Destran) had no
easy TIME. CY 578 was better, with victories
over the Pirate Blidg Fanger fought
near Blue (Pomarj) w/ a huge amount
ov loot captured, && then a squadron
action off Norland POINT when raiding
ships from Ahlissa were caught in Dunhead
Bay (between Onnwal && S
Province) by 4 warships<what kind?>. The latter
brought considerable irritation ot Herzog
Chelor, for Onnwalish vessels then
began raiding in Relmor Bay && along
the coast ov Ahlissa from Prymp to Galdol
below the Tusk (ES-159 && F3-160
respectively). This caused the Provincials
to withold several thousand troops
from the army being mustered @ Zelradton.

A council ov men && demi-humans
was held @ Killdeer (H3-158) in the autumn
ov CY 578. It was decided there that
the dwur ov xcellent fighting skills helped
assure Irongate's ability to withstand

Szek Elverd && his peers decided to
reinforce the marine contingents aboot
Onnwalish war vessels <what kind?> && to increase
the size ov both the regular army && the
militia. From a strength ov 1,600, the regular
army was brought up to 2,400 men
&& 600 sergeants && officers. The militia
Now trains all able-bodied men between
the ages ov 15 && 45. There r
aboot 4K Now in training. 1/3 ov
the standard army, all light infantry, r
to b sent eastward in the spring ov 579,
either stopping @ Irongate, |or| moving on
to aid Idee if the Free City is NOT being