CHAINMAIL Revisited:
by Jon Pickens
Joust Matrix Joust Results Table - Explanation of Joust Results Injuries
Dungeons & Dragons - Dragon magazine - The Dragon #17

The peaceful slumber of the glen was shuttered by the sound of
thundering hooves as two men clad in mail careened toward each other.
A shock, a splintering crush, and a dull thud resounded as one of the
contestants measured his length upon the turf. Lord Alturic rose gingerly
and limped to his charger. “Again, Varlet,” he growled. The
scene was repeated again, and again . . . and again.
Wait one minute, thought Alturic, as he gazed upward from his
position of recline. I’m a Lord, and he’s a lowly Level 1. IT ISN’T
F A I R !

Thus was born the option you are about to read . . .

The jousting system used in the adventure above was the one in
TSR’s Chainmail booklet. Although the system is adequate for normal
tournaments, D&D adds the factors of experience levels and magical
equipment which the original system was not designed for. Hence the
need for this option, which builds these factors into the original Chainmail

The figure above is a representation of a shield, showing the possible
aiming points for an attacking knight. The other common aiming
point is the opponent's HELM.

The jousting matrix below summarizes the aiming points, the defensive
positions, and which defensive positions may be taken by an attacker
aiming at a specific target.

Defensive Position
Aiming Point 1
Lower Helm
Lean Right
Lean Left
Steady Seat
Shield High
Attacker's Position Considering AP
HELM 0 0 0 0* 12 0 4-6
DC 12 4 0 4 4 0 3-6
CP 9 12 2 4 9 12 Any
SC 2 0 4 2 2 12 2, 4-6
DF 4 9 0 4 0 4 4-6
FP 9 2 4 9 9 4 Any
SF 2 0 9 2 2 2 4-6
BASE 4 2 12 4 9 4 1, 4-6

Note: The numbers on this matrix we added to the roll of a 20-sided die and the result found on the
Joust Results Table

* — see, Joust Results
To resolve a jousting pass, or “ride”, take the following steps in

1 Knight A and Knight B both secretly select an aiming point and
a defensive position from the Joust Matrix.

2 Knight A’s pass is resolved. Knight A compares his aiming
point with B’s defensive position on the Joust Matrix to find his base
    3 Magical weaponry adjustment:
        a Add the “to Hit” bonus for A’s lance.
        b Subtract the bonus for B’s shield. Note that if A aims at B’s
HELM, B receives the shield bonus only if he played position #5, Shield

4 Subtract B’s experience level from A’s to find which column to
use on the Joust Results Table.

5 Knight A rolls a twenty-sided die, adds his adjusted base, and
reads off the result.

6 Repeat steps #2-5, reversing the roles of A and B. This completes
one “ride”. Continue rides until one knight is unhorsed.

Knight Level Comparison
Result -12 or more -11 to -8 -7 to -4 -3 to 3 4-7 8-11 12-up
U 25 23 21 20 19 17 15
UB 23 21 19 18 17 15 13
B 21 19 17 16 15 13 11
G 17 15 13 12 11 9 7

1 Numbers listed are the minimum adjusted score necessary for
the listed result.

2 Note that there are no bonuses for exceptional strength or dexterity.


U Unhorsed. Opponent is unhorsed with 10% chance of injury
(see Injury Table*)

U/B Same as above, but attacker’s lance is broken if non-magical.
Magical lances are broken only if the defender’s shield is rated
higher than the lance.

B Attacker’s lance is broken as above, but defender is not unhorsed.

G Glancing blow. This is effectively a miss, unless a hit is scored
on the opponent’s HELM (an “*” on the JOUST MATRIX).

* — HELM is hit and knocked off, shattering if non-protective. If
knight is unhorsed, injury is automatic with 20% added to the percentile
roll. If knight is helmetless, he will take maximum lance
damage in addition to other injury.

Any injured knight must pass a constitution check vs Ressurrection
or be rendered temporarily unconscious. Roll percentile dice for
hit points lost:
01-60 Knight loses 10% of total HP
61-75 Knight loses 25%
76-85 Knight loses 33%
86-95 Knight loses 50%
00 Knight is killed