Leomund's Tiny Hut:
Mission Control
by Lenard Lakofka

Starting from Scratch” in this column
in DRAGON #39, was an essay on how to
design a beginning adventure and then
to create a party capable of attacking it.
The goal of this article is to give rules for
designing an adventure for characters of
any level and for any type of opposition.

First, a few definitions:

Kill Points are the points of experience
awarded for killing/subduing a monster.
Thus, Kill Point Value is a statement of
the value of a monster in experience
points. E.g., an orc with 7 hit points has a
Kill Point Value of 17xp.

Experience Point Value is the current
experience of a PC or the
equivalent value of any particular NPC/monster
in the terms of
XP. E.g., a second level
fighter has somewhere between 2,001
and 4,000xp to his/her credit.

Gold Piece Value is the value of an
item, be it magic or mundane, expressed
in Gold Pieces (gp).

The article will equate KPV to XPV.
Using a figure’s Experience Point Value
in conjunction with a formula will give
the reasonable Gold Piece Value of items
owned/carried/used by the figure. The
article will also define the Gold Piece
Value of items which might be possessed
by a character and will give the relative
strength of various magic items. The
question of which magic items should
be in the hoard of a particular monster
relative to its experience point value will
also be addressed.

All of the information herein is expirical
in nature and subjective. You might
feel that any relationship is incorrect.
Feel free to “massage” the numbers any
way you see fit.

Starting any adventure is a difficult
task. I suggest that you begin by determining
the party that will go on the
adventure and then build up the opposition
to meet the party. You can go backwards
just as easily, if you prefer to
design the opposition and then make up
a party to attack it.

A sample party
For sake of example, let’s make up a
party of six 7th-level characters: two
fighters, one ranger, one cleric, one thief
and one magic-user/thief.
Fighter 7th level 70,000xp

Fighter 7th level 70,000xp
Ranger 7th level 90,000xp
Cleric 7th level 55,000xp
Thief 7th level 42,500xp
Magic-user/Thief 7th/7th level
Total experience pts. 430,000xp
The major opponent of a party is
determined by adding 10% to the party’s
current experience point value; that will
be the maximum experience point value
of the major opponent of the party. In
this example the number is 430,000 +
.1 x(430,000) = 473,000xp.
The major opponent could then be
any of the following characters. (A method
of determining a monster’s experience
point value will be given later in the
Cleric 10th level 450,000xp
Druid 12th level 300,000xp
(A Druid 13th level would exceed
473,000xp by a considerable amount.)
Fighter 9th level
Ranger 10th level
Paladin 9th level
(Just because a character is of a
good alignment does not mean that
he/she could not be an opponent under
certain circumstances.)
Magic-user 11th level 375,000xp
Illusionist 11th level 440,000xp
Master Thief 12th level 440,000xp
Monk 9th level 350,000xp
Vampire 8HD 385,200xp
(The method of computing for monsters
will be explained later in the article,
but the calculation is outlined here: Basic
KP Value, 3800, plus 12 KP per hit point
(let’s say 40) gives a total of 4,280kp. The
vampire has 5 exceptional abilities so its
multiplier becomes 50+4x(10)=90. 90x
(4280) =385,200.)
Any of the figures on that list could
give the party in question a real run for
its money as an individual. Naturally, the
major opponent can hire additional figures
to work for him/her/it. The total
allowable experience point value of such
children/etc. would be as much as the
main opponent, or another 473,000xp.
Thus, the allowable grand total of opposition
for the party of six listed in this
example would be 946,000xp.
The following rules must be observed

in selecting the minions of the major
1. All of them must have fewer levels/
hit dice than the major opponent.
(An exception can be made for
stupid monsters. They can have up
to 1½ times the hit dice of the
major opponent.)
2. Each of them must have a lower
experience point value than the
major opponent. (This includes
stupid/non-intelligent monsters as
For example, the major opponent selected
is a Monk 9th level valued at
350,000xp. (These and all other character
class values come from pages 20-31
of the Players Handbook.) Minions are
added until the balance of the 946,000xp
is used up.
The Monk will have the services of
four major henchmen and two major
monsters. Major henchmen and major
monsters will never have less than half of
the number of levels/hit dice of the
major opponent.
Monk 9th level 350,000xp
Fighter 7th level 70,000xp
Magic-User 6th level 40,000xp
Cleric 8th level 110,000xp
(second in command)
Assassin 7th level 50,000xp
Spectre (20hp) 148,000xp
Umber Hulk (42hp) 90,200xp
Total of major opposition
This would leave 87,800 for hirelings
/minor monsters. The balance of the
allowable points could be allocated as
Captain of the Guard,
Fighter 5th level 18,000xp
Two sergeants,
Fighters 3rd level 8,000xp
Twenty men-at-arms
(value 1,500 ea.) 30,000xp
Two assistants to the patriarch; Clerics
5th and 3rd levels 16,000xp
Two Ghouls,
average 11 hp each 17,400xp
Grand total 947,600xp
(slightly high, but quite acceptable)
Experience point value
The Dungeon Masters Guide gives the
kill point value of monsters and charac

ter classes on page 85. However, the
explanation of how the calculation would
apply to a hostile wizard, lord, assassin,
hobgoblin with a Horn of Valhalla, etc. is
not given. Clearly the opponent’s level
/hit dice will give the “Basic X.P. Value”
and the “X.P. per Hit Point” is also
straightforward. The lists of Special and
Exceptional Abilities could be broader.
Other typical Special Abilities are as
Armor Class of 0 to 3 (for a character
+1 to hit due to strength or a magic
+1 to damage due to strength or a
magic weapon.
Intelligence or Wisdom over 13.
The ability to cast low-level defensive
spells or informational spells
(or devices that have those powers
and abilities).
Can move silently, i.e. is more likely
to cause surprise.
Is less likely to be surprised.
Can cast/fire normal missiles.
Can attack multiple figures per round
(e.g. a troll or an archer firing two
An item that enhances saving throw
by a factor of +1 (i.e. a Ring of
Protection +2 would count as two
special abilities).
Moves faster than 15” or can fly (not
Can heal damage on self under 12
points (potions of healing, Cure
Light Wounds, etc.).
Other typical Exceptional Abilities are
as follows:
Armor class of -1 or better (for a
character class).
A weapon that kills, paralyzes, drains
levels, has a Purpose versus someone
in the party, Charms by contact,
or creates a Fear Aura.
Can summon (by spell or device) a
monster of 4 or more hit dice/levels
or multiple monsters of at least
6 hit dice total (e.g. a Horn of Valhalla,
a Golden Lion, Monster Summoning
I, Shadow Monsters, Gate,
Conjure Elemental, etc.).
Can cast any spell that produces
paralyzation, death, form change,
or delivers over 30 points of damage
(Fire Ball, Lightning Bolt, Cone
of Cold, etc.) or has a device that
accomplishes one of the above
(Scarab of Death, Wand of Paralyzation,
Staff of Power, etc.)
Has multiple weapon attacks per
round (a Hasted thief, a fighter
above 7th level, a monk above 9th
Does multiple damage from behind
(a one-time award that does not
change if damage is double, triple,
quadruple, etc.)
Intelligence/Wisdom over 16.
Any powerful magic item that can

explanation of how the calculation would
apply to a hostile wizard, lord, assassin,
hobgoblin with a Horn of Valhalla, etc. is
not given. Clearly the opponent’s level
/hit dice will give the “Basic X.P. Value”
and the “X.P. per Hit Point” is also
straightforward. The lists of Special and
Exceptional Abilities could be broader.
Other typical Special Abilities are as
Armor Class of 0 to 3 (for a character
+1 to hit due to strength or a magic
+1 to damage due to strength or a
magic weapon.
Intelligence or Wisdom over 13.
The ability to cast low-level defensive
spells or informational spells
(or devices that have those powers
and abilities).
Can move silently, i.e. is more likely
to cause surprise.
Is less likely to be surprised.
Can cast/fire normal missiles.
Can attack multiple figures per round
(e.g. a troll or an archer firing two
An item that enhances saving throw
by a factor of +1 (i.e. a Ring of
Protection +2 would count as two
special abilities).
Moves faster than 15” or can fly (not
Can heal damage on self under 12
points (potions of healing, Cure
Light Wounds, etc.).
Other typical Exceptional Abilities are
as follows:
Armor class of -1 or better (for a
character class).
A weapon that kills, paralyzes, drains
levels, has a Purpose versus someone
in the party, Charms by contact,
or creates a Fear Aura.
Can summon (by spell or device) a
monster of 4 or more hit dice/levels
or multiple monsters of at least
6 hit dice total (e.g. a Horn of Valhalla,
a Golden Lion, Monster Summoning
I, Shadow Monsters, Gate,
Conjure Elemental, etc.).
Can cast any spell that produces
paralyzation, death, form change,
or delivers over 30 points of damage
(Fire Ball, Lightning Bolt, Cone
of Cold, etc.) or has a device that
accomplishes one of the above
(Scarab of Death, Wand of Paralyzation,
Staff of Power, etc.)
Has multiple weapon attacks per
round (a Hasted thief, a fighter
above 7th level, a monk above 9th
Does multiple damage from behind
(a one-time award that does not
change if damage is double, triple,
quadruple, etc.)
Intelligence/Wisdom over 16.
Any powerful magic item that can
affect/prevent melee (Helm of Teleportation,
Rod of Beguiling, Cubic
Gate, Amulet of the Planes, etc.)
Experience point value of non-character
An empirical formula is used to determine
the relative “level” of any noncharacter-
class figure (i.e., a classic
“monster”). This formula will allow the
DM to relate any monster to any character
The DMG gives the kill point value
(KPV) for monsters on pages 196-215
and the method used to obtain those
values on page 85. A method of amending
Special and Exceptional abilities
was just given. From the obtained KPV,
the EPV can be determined by multiplying
by a factor of from 50 to 150. Assigning
the multiplier is somewhat artificial
and difficult. Low-level monsters and
those that have magic items are difficult
to quantify. The system is as follows:
The base multiplier is 50.
Add 10 to the multiplier for every
Exceptional Ability of a character/monster
with less than 5 hit dice.
Add 10 to the multiplier for every
Exceptional Ability — over and above
the first one — for every monster with 5
or more hit dice.
Add 5 to the multiplier for every special
ability of characters/monsters with
less than 6 hit dice.
The maximum multiplier is 150.
Here are some examples of how to
apply the multipliers:
An Umber Hulk with 42 hit points
would be evaluated as follows: 1,300KP
+ 12x(42) = 1,804KP. Multiplier is 50
(only one Exceptional Ability, and the
monster has over 5 hit dice), so 50 x
(1,804) = 90,200xp.
A Spectre with 20 hit points would be
evaluated as follows: 1,650KP + 10x(20) =
1,850KP: Multiplier is 80 (four Exceptional
Abilities, but the first does not

count), so 80x(1,850) = 148,000xp.
An orc with a Shield +1 and Short
Sword +1 would be evaluated as follows:
Base KP = 10, 5 hit points x(1) = 5 for
XP/HP. Special Abilities are four: (armor
class 3 due to shield over basic armor of
5, +1 to hit and +1 to damage for a magic
weapon, +1 on saving throws from damage
spells — because of shield) for 4x(4)
= 16SAXPB. The multiplier is 50 +4x(5) =
70 (for four Special Abilities) so the orc
is valued at 70x(10+5+16) = 2,170xp. A
normal orc would be worth only 50x(15),
or 750xp.
While I have tried to show care in the
assigning of these empirical values you
might find that any monster/character is
over or undervalued in your opinion.
You can change the values as you see fit.
To apply the formula to a really tough
monster, take Bahamut for an example.
He is valued at 58,080KP. His multiplier
is 150 (14 Exceptional Abilities, but the
maximum multiplier is 150) for a value of
8,712,000xp, or equal to a 32nd-level
magic-user, a 45th-level cleric, etc. Since
I don’t believe in characters above 20th
level, Bahamut is quite safe from attack
by any single player character (especially
since he has been officially made a
lesser deity in the new DEITIES & DEMIGODS
™ cyclopedia and thus gains a
better saving throw and perhaps even a
Magic Resistance).
Experience point value of a figure and
the gold piece value of his/her/its treasure
A relation between a figure‘s experience
point value and his/her/its treasure
can be formulated. The total number
of magic items owned/taken by a figure
should not exceed his/her/its level/hit
dice; with 10 being the limit in any case.
(Items that come in sets, like arrows,
crossbow bolts, Ivory Goats, etc. count
as one item.)

Gold Piece value of carried/owned items including
all real wealth:
Experience points of a Of player characters and
character class, hench- and their henchmen
Of any opponent and
his/her/its minions
man, hireling or monster and hirelings
Less than 2,500xp* Three times xp value Four times xp value
2,501-5,000xp Twice xp value Three times xp value
5,001-10,000xp No multiplier Twice xp value
10,001-25,000xp .9 times xp value No multiplier
25,001-50,000xp .75 times xp value .9 times xp value
50,001-80,000xp .60 times xp value .8 times xp value
80,001-140,000xp .45 times xp value .65 times xp value
140,001-225,000xp .30 times xp value .50 times xp value
225,001-500,000xp .20 times xp value .35 times xp value
500,001-1,000,000xp .15 times xp value .25 times xp value
1,000,001-2,000,000xp .12 times xp value .20 times xp value#
2,000,000+ .10 times xp value# .175 times xp value#
*— Never consider any figure to be worth less than 1,000xp.
# —The suggested maximum value is 200,000 carried Gold Piece equivalents
per character.

April 1981 Dragon
The treasure of the major opponent,
including the value of items he/she
wears/wields, can be determined by this
basic formula as well. To obtain the total
value of the treasure of the major opponent
and all of his/her major hirelings,
double the value amount of the major
opponent. You may also calculate the
individual treasures of major hirelings
/monsters using this formula. Their treasure
calculation must be halved, however,
since they are only hirelings/
henchmen. Treasure means all items
and property owned by the major opponent
and his/her henchmen and hirelings.
This includes coins, gems, magic
items, furniture, foodstuffs, armor, weapons,
Above all, the DM must realize that
this article does not guarantee treasure
or magic for any opponent/henchman/
hireling/monster!! This article is only
intended to give realistic MAXIMUM treasures
in gold and magic for particular
Following is the Gold Piece Value of
the treasure owned by the major opponent
and his major henchmen/monsters
as used in the previous examples:
Monk, 350,000xp — .35x(350,000)
Champion, 70,000xp — .8x(70,000)
halved =28,000GP
Magician, 40,000xp — .9x(40,000)
halved =18,000GP

Cleric, 110,000xp — .65x(110,000)
halved =35,750GP
Assassin, 50,000xp — .9x(50,000)
halved =22,500GP
Spectre, 148,000xp — .5x(148,000)
halved =37,000GP
Umber Hulk, 90,200xp —.65x(90,200)
halved =29,315GP
Total value of treasure

The following list will give an indication
of what magic items to give to the
opposition and to the party who might
attack that opposition. The items on
pages 121-125 of the DMG are divided
into categories so that they can be
awarded according to the equivalent
experience points of the individual character/
opponent/monster. The item’s XP
values and GP values will, for the most
part, stay the same. In some cases,
higher GP values for items are suggested.

Type of magic item to be awarded:
Current XP value of a Player Henchman Major Henchman
player/opponent/monster Character Hireling Opponent Hireling
of PC Monster
of Opp.
Less than 2,500 1 1 2 1
2,501, - 12,500xp 2 1 3 2
12,501 - 30,000xp 3 2 4 3
30,001 - 50,000xp 4 3 5 3
50,001 - 80,000xp 5 3 5 4
80,001 - 120,000xp 5 4 6 4
120,001 - 250,000xp 6 4 6 5
250,001 - 500,000xp 6 5 6 5
500,001 - 1,000,000xp 7 5 7 6
1,000,001 - 2,000,000xp 7 6 7 6
2,000,001 - 3,000,000xp 8 6 8 7
3,000,001 + 8 7 8 7

To use the chart determine the current
XP value of a player character. Now find
the group of items that will (hopefully)
not unbalance a campaign/adventure
that he/she is playing in. Obviously, any
item(s) in a lower category can be selected
for the player character. The same
method applies for the player character’s
henchmen and hirelings as well as
the major opponent.
Group one treasures
Potions: Animal Control (Avian), Delusion,
ESP, Healing, Poison, Sweet Water.
Scrolls: 1 or 2 spells of first to fourth
level spells, Cursed.
Rings: Contrariness, Delusion, Swimming,
Wands: Magic Detection (10-100 charges),
Metal & Mineral Detection (10-100
charges), Wonder (2-5 charges).
Miscellaneous Magic: Boots of Elvenkind,
Bracers of Defense (Armor class
8), Brooch of Shielding absorbing 5-100
points, Cloak of Protection +1, Helm of
Comprehending Languages and Read
Magic, Helm of Opposite Alignment,
loun Stone (Sustain without food and
water) (Burned out), Necklace of Missiles
(3-5HD), Rope of Climbing.
Armor & Shield: Chain +1, Leather +1,
Scale +1, Splint +1, Shield -1, Shield +1.
Swords: All group one swords have a
maximum Intelligence of 12. They can
be +1, -1, or Berserking.
Miscellaneous Weapons: Arrows +1,
Axe +1, Dagger +1/+2, Hammer +1, Mace
Group two treasures
Potions: Animal Control (Fish), Clairaudience,
Levitation, Plant Control.
Scrolls: 1 spell of 5th level, 2 spells of
1st to 5th level, 3 or 4 spells of 1st to 4th
levels, 5 or 6 spells of 1st and 2nd level.
Rings: Feather Falling, Protection +1.
Wands: Magic Missile (4-16 charges),
Wonder (2-9 charges).
Miscellaneous Magic: Boat (Folding),
Boots of Dancing, Boots of Levitation,
Bracers of Defense (Armor Class 7 or 6),
Decanter of Endless Water, Dust of Ap-,
pearance or Disappearance, Figurine of
Wondrous Power (Serpentine Owl —
aligned 15% likely), Gauntlets of Swimming
and Climbing, Horn of Bubbles,
loun Stones (+1 Protection), Stone of
Good Luck or Weight.
Armor and Shield: Plate +1, Ring +1,
Studded Leather +1, Shield +1/+4.
Swords: All group two swords must
have a maximum Intelligence of 13. They
can be +1/+2 vs Magic Users and Enchanted
Miscellaneous Magic: Battle Axe +1,
Bow +1, Flail +1, Morning Star +1, Spear,
Group three treasures
Potions: Animal Control (Reptile &
Amphibian), Climbing, Diminution, Extra

Healing, Flying, Invisibility, Oil of Slipperiness,
Polymorph Self, Undead Control
(Skeletons or Zombies).
Scrolls: 3 or 4 spells of the same level
(1st through 5th), 5, 6, or 7 spells mixed
(1st to 4th levels), Protection from Wererats,
Protection from Petrifacation.
Rings: Free Action, Protection +2,
Staff: Striking (3-12 charges).
Wands: Enemy Detection (1-100charges),
Fire (2-7 charges), Frost (2-7 charges),
Lightning (2-7 charges), Magic
Missile (6-24 charges), Negation (5-100
charges), Paralyzation (2-5 charges), Secret
Door & Trap Detection (3-12 charges),
Wonder (3-12 charges).
Miscellaneous Magic: Alchemy Jug,
Amulet of Inescapable Location, Amulet
of Life Protection (20% likely to be aligned),
Arrow of Direction, Bag of Beans,
Bag of Transmuting, Boots of Striding
and Springing, Bracers of Defense (Armor
Class 5 or 4), Brazier of Sleep
Smoke, Bucknard’s Everfull Purse (Silver/
Electrum/Gold), Cloak of Elvenkind,
Cloak of Protection +2, Deck of Many
Things, Figurine of Wondrous. Power
(Onyx Dog — 15% likely to be aligned),
Flask of Curses, Gauntlets of Fumbling,
Incense of Obsession, Manual of Bodily
Health, Manual of Gainful Exercise, Medallion
of Thought Projection, Necklace
of Missiles (2-6HD), Periapt of Wound
Closure, Phylactery of Monstrous Attention,
Quaal’s Feather Token (20% likely
to be aligned), Trident of Yearning.
Armor & Shield: Chain +2, Plate of
Vulnerability, Scale +2, Splint +2, Shield
Swords: All swords of group three are
Intelligence 14 or lower. They include
+1/+3 vs Regenerating, Cursed -2.
Miscellaneous Weapons: Arrows +2,
Arrows of Slaying (monsters under 3HD),
Axe +2, Dagger of Venom, Hammer +2,
Military Pick +1, Spear +1.
Group four treasures
Potions: Animal Control (Mammal/
Marsupial, Reptile/Amphibian/Fish, Mammal/
Marsupial, Avian), Clairvoyance,
Dragon Control (Brass or White), Fire
Resistance, Giant Strength (Hill), Growth,
Heroism, Philter of Love, Speed, Undead
Control (Ghouls, Ghasts or Shadows),
Water Breathing.
Scrolls: 1 to 4 spells of 1st to 5th level,
5 to 7 spells of 1st to 3rd level, Protection
from Wereboars or Werewolves, Protection
from Possession.
Rods: Cancellation, Resurrection (2-8
charges), Smiting (4-32 charges), Curing
(6-24 charges), Striking (4-16 charges).
Rings: Fire Resistance, Protection +3,
Shooting Stars, Spell Storing (1st and
2nd-level spells), Telekinesis (250GP
maximum), Wizardry for first-level Magicuser
spells (40% likely to be aligned — a
variant for a cleric, druid or illusionist

can be considered).
Wands: Conjuration (2-12 charges),
Fear 2-12 charges), Fire 3-8 charges),
Frost (3-8 charges), Illumination (4-16
charges), Lightning (2-12 charges),
Magic Missile (6-36 charges), Paralyzation
(2-9 charges), Polymorphing (1-8
charges), Secret Door & Trap Detection
(4-24 charges), Wonder (4-24 charges).
Miscellaneous Magic: Apparatus of
Kwalish, Bag of Holding (250 Ibs.), Bag
of Tricks (Type 1-5), Book of Exalted
Deeds, Bracers of Defense (Armor Class
3), Broom of Animated Attack, Broom of
Flying, Bucknard’s Everfull Purse (Copper/
Electrum/Platinum), Chime of Hunger,
Cloak of the Manta Ray, Cloak of
Protection +3, Cube of Frost Resistance,
Drums of Deafening, Eversmoking Bottle,
Figurine of Wondrous Power (Obsidian
Steed — aligned 25% likely), Gauntlets
of Dexterity, Gauntlets of Ogre
Power, Girdle of ‘Femininity, Helm of
Underwater Action, Horn of Valhalla
(Silver — aligned 50%), Incense of Meditation,
Instrument of the Bards (Fochlucan),
Javelin of Piercing, Jewel of Attacks,
Keoghtom’s Ointment, Libram of
Conjurations, Libram of Ineffable Damnation,
Libram of Silver Magic, Mirror of
Opposition (battle occurs outside of the
mirror), Necklace of Adaptation, Necklace
of Missiles (3-7HD), Necklace of
Prayer Beads (with Atonement, Blessing
and/or Curing), Necklace of Strangulation,
Pearl of Power 1st or 2nd-level
spell), Periapt of Foul Rotting, Phylactery
of Faithfulness, Robe of Powerlessness,
Rug of Smothering, Scarab of-
Insanity, Wings of Flying (aligned 20%).
Armor and Shield: Plate +2, Splint +3.
Swords: Maximum sword Intelligence
in this group is 16. They include +1/+3 vs
Lycanthropes, +1/+4 vs. Reptiles, +1
Flame Tongue, +2.
Miscellaneous Weapons: Arrows of
Slaying (monsters under 6HD), Crossbow
bolts +2, Crossbow of Accuracy,
Dagger +2/+3, Javelin +2, Mace +2, Sling
of Seeking.
Group five treasures
Potions: Animal Control (any type of
animal), Dragon Control (Copper or
Black), Gaseous Form, Hill Giant Control,
Stone Giant Strength, Frost Giant
Strength, Fire Giant Strength, Invulnerability,
Philter of Persuasiveness, Super
Heroism, Wight or Wraith Control.
Scrolls: 1-4 spells of 6th or 7th-level
Magic-user spells or 6th-level spells of
other spell casters, up to seven spells
mixed in the 1st to 5th levels, Protection
from one type of Elemental, Protection
from Weretigers or Werebears, Protection
from Undead.
Rings: Summoning (40% are aligned;
if the alignment is good a Djinni will be
summoned, if evil an Efreet and if neutral
a Gynosphinx. Aligned monsters will not
serve the summoner. The monster might

provide a minor service that could be
considered as “unaligned” in nature. It
might try to take the ring by force.),
Invisibility, Protection +2, 5’ radius, +4 to
AC/+2 ST, +6AC/+1st, Regeneration
(Vampiric), Spell Storing (1st to 4thlevel
spells only), Telekinesis (500GP),
Wizardry (2nd-level spells, aligned 50%
likely — a variety for a cleric, a druid or
an illusionist is possible).
Rod: Resurrection (2-12 charges).
Staves: Power (6-24 charges), Serpent
(4-24 charges), Striking (4-20 charges),
Withering (2-12 charges).
Wands: Conjuration (4-24 charges),
Fear (3-18 charges), Fire (4-16 charges),
Frost (4-16 charges), Illumination (6-36
charges), Lightning (4-16 charges), Magic
Missile (7-42 charges), Paralyzation
(3-18 charges), Polymorphing (1-20 charges),
Secret Door & Trap Detection (5-
40 charges), Wonder (5-40 charges).
Miscellaneous Magic: Amulet of Proof,
Bag of Devouring, Bag of Holding (500
Ibs.), Bag of Tricks (6-8), Beaker of Potions
(group 1 to 5), Book of Vile Darkness,
Boots of Speed (20% likely to be
aligned), Bracers of Defense (Armor
Class 2), Bucknard’s Everfull Purse (Copper,
Electrum Gems), Candle of Invocation,
Carpet of Flying (1 person), Chime
of Opening, Cloak of Displacement,
Cloak of Poisonousness, Cloak of Protection
+4, Crystal Ball (aligned 30%),
Crystal Hypnosis Ball, Drums of Panic,
Dust of Sneezing, Eyes of Charming,

Eyes of the Eagle, Eyes of Minute Seeing,
Eyes of Petrification, Figurine of
Wondrous Power (Ebony Fly — aligned
30%), Girdle of Hill Giant Strength (value
30,000GP, not usable by thieves), Girdle
of Stone Giant Strength (value 32,500GP,
not usable by thieves), Helm of Telepathy,
Helm of Teleportation (aligned
35%), Horn of Collapsing, Horn of the
Tritons, Horn of Valhalla (Brass, aligned
50%), Horseshoes of Speed, loun Stones
(adds 1 to an ability, absorbs up to 4thlevel
spells), Instrument of the Bards
(Mac-Fuirmidh or Doss), Javelin of Lightning,
Jewel of Flawlessness, Manual of
Quickness of Action, Manual of Stealthy
Pilfering, Necklace of Missiles (2-8HD or
3-9HD), Necklace of Prayer Beads (with
Karma), Net of Entrapment, Net of Snaring,
Nolzur’s Marvelous Pigments, Pearl
of Power (3rd or 4th-level spell), Pearl of
Wisdom, Periapt of Health, Periapt of
Proof from Poison, Phylactery of Long
Years, Pipes of the Sewers, Robe of
Blending, Robe of Useful Items, Rope of
Constriction, Rope of Entanglement
(aligned 20%), Saw of Mighty Cutting,
Scarab of Enraging Enemies, Scarab of
Protection, Talisman of Pure Good, Talisman
of Ultimate Evil, Talisman of Zagy,
Trident of Fish Commanding, Trident of
Submission, Vacuous Grimoire.
Armor & Shield: Chain +3, Plate +3,
Shield +3.
Swords: Maximum Intelligence of a
sword in this group is 17, but it can have

no special Purpose. They include +1
Luck Blade, +2 Giant Slayer, +2 Dragon
Slayer, +3, +3 Frost Brand, +4, Dancing.
Miscellaneous Weapons: Arrows of
Slaying (monsters under 9HD), Axe +2
throwing, Axe +3 (aligned 20%), Crossbow
of Distance, Crossbow of Speed,
Mace +4 (aligned 25%), Spear +2, Trident
Group six treasures
Potions: Dragon Control (Bronze or
Green), Giant Control (Stone or Ettin),
Cloud Giant Strength, Human Control,
Longevity, Spectre Control.
Scrolls: 1-7 spells (Magic-user up to
7th level, other spell casters up to 6th
level), Protection from Demons, Protection
from Devils, Protection from Elementals
(all types), Protection from all
Rings: Elemental Command (aligned
20%), Mammal Control, Multiple Wishes
(4 or fewer), Protection +3, Regeneration,
Spell Storing (up to 5th-level spells),
Spell Turning, Telekinesis (1,000GP),
Three Wishes, Wizardry (third-level
spells, 60% likely to be aligned; or for
first and second level spells, also 60%
likely to be aligned. Variety for a druid is
possible but not a cleric or illusionist).
Rods: Absorption (2-12 charges), Beguiling
(1-10 charges), Lordly Might (7-
42 charges — 35% aligned), Resurrection
(4-16 charges).
Staves: Commanding (4-24 charges

—aligned 20%), Striking (4-24 charges),
Withering (4-16 charges).
Wands: Conjuration (6-36 charges),
Fear (5-30 charges), Fire (5-30 charges),
Frost (5-30 charges), Illumination (8-48
charges), Lightning (5-30 charges), Magic
Missile (8-64 charges), Paralyzation
(5-30 charges), Polymorphing (5-30
charges), Secret Door and Trap Detection
(6-60 charges), Wonder (6-60 charges).
Miscellaneous Magic: Amulet of the
Planes, Artifact (minor only), Bag of
Holding (1,000 or 1,500 lbs.), Bag of
Tricks (Types 9 and 10), Book of Infinite
Spells, Bowl Commanding Water Elementals
Bowl of Watery Death, Brazier
Commanding Fire Elementals, Carpet of
Flying (2 or 3 persons), Censer Controlling
Air Elementals, Censer Summoning
Hostile Air Elementals, Cloak of Protection
+5 (aligned 35%), Crystal Ball with
Clairaudience (aligned 45%), with ESP
(aligned 35%), Daern’s Instant Fortress
(aligned 45%), Efreeti Bottle, Figurine of
Wondrous Power (Golden Lions —aligned
45%), Gem of Brightness, Girdle of
Frost Giant Strength (Value 35,000GP;
not usable by thieves), Girdle of Fire
Giant Strength (Value 37,500GP; not
usable by thieves), Helm of Brilliance,
Horn of Blasting, Horn of Valhalla
(Bronze — aligned 50%), Horseshoes of
the Zephyr, loun Stones (Add 1 level,
Regeneration, Stores 2-12 spell levels),
Instrument of the Bards (Canaith or Cli),
Iron Flask, Manual of Golems, Manual of
Puissant Skill at Arms, Mattock of the
Titans, Medallion of ESP (30’ r, aligned
20%), Mirror of Mental Prowess (aligned
35%), Mirror of Opposition (draws victim
into mirror for melee), Necklace of Missiles
(2-10HD or 3-11HD), Necklace of
Prayer Beads (with Wind Walking), Pearl
of Power (fifth or sixth-level spell, or two
spells first to sixth level), Portable Hole,
Robe of the Archmagi, Robe of Scintillating
Colors, Spade of Colossal Excavation,
Stone Controlling Earth Elementals,
Tome of Clear Thought, Tome of
Leadership, Tome of Understanding.
Armor and Shield: Plate +4, Plate of
Etherealness, Splint +4, Shield +4.
Swords: Swords of this or any higher
group may have any intelligence and any
Purpose. They include +4 Defender,
Miscellaneous Weapons: Arrows +3,
Arrows of Slaying (character classes,
monsters under 13HD), Hammer Dwarven
Thrower, Mace Disruption, Spear +3
(aligned 20%)
Group seven treasures
Potions: Dragon Control (Silver or
Blue), Giant Control (Frost or Fire),
Giant Strength (Storm), Oil of Etherealness,
Treasure Finding, Vampire Control.
Scrolls: 1-6 spells of any level, 7 spells
of up to 6th level, Protection from Shapechangers.

Rings: Human Influence (aligned 30%),
Invisibility (plus inaudibility), Multiple
Wishes (six or fewer), Spell Storing (sixth
level or lower for non-Magic-users, seventh
level and lower for Magic-users),
Telekinesis (2,000 or 4,000GP maximum),
Wizardry (fourth-level MU spells
usable only by Magic users, aligned
65%; first to third-level spells with a variety
usable by druids, also aligned 65%),
X-Ray Vision.
Rods: Absorption (3-18 charges), Beguiling
(5-14 charges), Resurrection (5-
20 charges).
Staves: Magi (13-24 charges), Withering
(5-20 charges).
Wands: Conjuration (8-48 charges),
Fear (7-56 charges), Fire (6-36 charges),
Frost (6-36 charges), Illumination (8-80
charges), Illusion (5-40 charges), Lightning
(7-42 charges), Magic Missile (9-72
charges), Paralyzation (7-56 charges),
Polymorphing (7-42 charges), Secret
Door and Trap Detection (7-42 charges),
Wonder (7-72 charges).
Miscellaneous Magic: Artifact (medium
power), Carpet of Flying (4 persons),
Crystal Ball with telepathy (aligned
50%), Cube of Force, Cubic Gate,
Figurine of Wondrous Power (Ivory
Goats, aligned 20%, Marble Elephant,
aligned 15%), Gem of Seeing, Girdle of
Cloud Giant Strength (Value 40,000GP,
not usable by clerics or thieves), Horn of
Valhalla (Iron, aligned 50%), loun Stones
(absorb up to 8th-level, spells), Instrument
of the Bards (Anstruth), Maul of
the Titans, Medallion of ESP (30’ range
with empathy or 60’ range, aligned 40%),
Mirror of Life Trapping, Necklace of
Prayer Beads (with Summons), Pearl of
Power (seventh or eighth-level spell),
Robe of Eyes, Scarab of Death.
Armor and Shield: Plate +5, Shield +5.
Swords: +2/, Nine Lives Stealer, +5, +5
Defender, +5 Holy Avenger, Life Stealing,
Miscellaneous Weapons: Arrows of
Slaying (monsters under 18HD but never
unique beings like archdevils, demon
princes, named dragons, deities), Hammer
of Thunderbolts.
Group eight treasures
Potions: Dragon Control (Gold or Red,
Evil or Good —never a named dragon),
Giant Control (Cloud or Storm), Ghost
Scrolls: Up to seven spells of any level,
Protection from Magic.
Rings: Multiple Wishes (seven or eight),
Wizardry (fifth-level MU spells or fourth
and fifth level MU spells; either is 70%
likely to be aligned).
Rods: Absorption (4-24 charges), Beguiling
(5-20 charges), Resurrection (6-
24 charges), Rulership (6-24 charges —
aligned 40%).
Staff: Withering (6-24 charges).
Wands: Conjuring (9-90 charges), Fear
(9-90 charges), Fire (7-56 charges), Frost

(7-56 charges), Illumination (10-100 charges),
Illusion (8-80 charges), Lightning
(9-72 charges), Magic Missile (10-100
charges), Paralyzation (9-90 charges),
Polymorphing (8-64 charges), Secret
Door and Trap Detection (8-96 charges),
Wonder (8-96 charges).
Miscellaneous Magic: Artifact and
Relic (most powerful), Girdle of Storm
Giant Strength (Value 42,500GP), Instrument
of the Bards (Ollamh), Medallion
of ESP (90’ range, aligned 60%), Pearl of
Power (ninth-level spell), Sphere of Annihilation,
Talisman of the Sphere, Well
of Many Worlds.
Swords: Vorpal Weapon.
Miscellaneous Weapons: Arrows of
Slaying any monster (never a deity, archdevil,
demon prince or named dragon).
Alignment of treasure items
Within the above list of magic items,
mention is made of aligned items. The
suggestion that these items can be aligned
will give the DM even more control
over a design. He/she can give a powerful
item to a major opponent to make
that opponent very tough but when the
party finally defeats him/her/it they will
find that the item is aligned against them
and thus they can’t gain from it (in fact,
the item might even harm them). Only a
small quantity of items should actually
be aligned. Perhaps 20% would be a
good number to design by. The possibility
of alignment is only a DM option to
use on certain strong and powerful magic
items to offer the DM more control over
Aligned items or items with egos (if
you decide to include such things) should
be calculated at half value since the
party cannot benefit from them. Bogus
items do count toward the GP total.
Recall that the monk’s treasure plus
that of his major henchmen and monsters
was valued at 170,765GP. We can go
farther to say that his main hirelings (the
captain of the guard and the two sergeants)
might also have some treasure
value. The XP total of a hireling is divided
by four to determine the GP amount.
For example:
The Captain of the Guard, a 5th-level
fighter, has 18,000xp. The gold-piece
value of treasure for an opponent with
that many XP is equal to the number of
XP, with no multiplier used (from second
column of Gold Piece Value chart). Because
this character is a minor hireling,
the resulting number is divided by four,
so the Captain can possess up to 4,500gp
worth of treasure and other items.
Two Sergeants, 3rd-level fighters, have
4,000xp each. The gold-piece value of
treasure for an opponent with that many
XP is equal to the number of XP multiplied
by three, or 12,000. That number is
then divided by four, yielding a figure of
3,000gp for the maximum value of each
Sergeant’s belongings.

Dragon Vol. V, No. 10
Remember, no henchman, hireling, or
monster is guaranteed any magic
item(s). The Gold Piece value of possible
treasure is for calculation purposes
only, and is not an absolute formula.
Here is how the treasure amount of the
monk and his minions might be parceled
1. Furnishings for his cave/castle/
hideout/etc., 10,000GP.
2. Foodstuffs for 1 month, 2,000GP.
This first 12,000GP is almost entirely in
untransportable commodities and little,
if any of it can be converted to real gold.
3. The Monk’s treasure. He has
350,000XP, so his personal magic items
should come from Group 6 or lower, i.e.
he could possess many different magic
items. The value of his items should not
exceed (by very much) 122,500GP (.35
times XP amount, from chart as per the
examples above). The 17,000GP already
spent would come inpart from this
122,500GP. The DM is not obligated to
select any item from Group 6. But it is
suggested that at least one item come
from that list — and none from the Group
7 or 8 lists.
The monk’s items could include Carpet
of Flying (Group 6), 25,000GP; Bracers
of Defense Armor Class 3 (Group 4),
21,000GP; Ring of Invisibility (Group 5),
5,000GP; Staff of Striking (Group 3), 15
charges, 6,000GP; Coins and gems (not
necessarily carried), 9,500GP.
4. The Champion’s items. With
70,000XP, he can have 28,000GP maximum,
from up to Group 4 (he’s a henchman).
Plate +2 (Group 4), 10,500GP;
Sword, Flame Tongue (aligned for chaotic
evil)(Group 4), 2,250GP (valued at
half normal since the party can’t use it);
Ring of Fire Resistance (Group 4),
5,000GP; Coins and gems (not necessarily
carried), 750GP.
5. The Magician’s items. 40,000XP,
18,000GP maximum, Group 3. Ring of
Free Action (Group 3), 5,000GP; Ring of
Protection +2 (Group 2), 12,000GP; Wand
of Negation (Group 3), 7 charges,
1,050GP; Coins and gems (carried),
6. The Patriarch’s treasure. 110,000XP,
35,750GP maximum, Group 4. Splint +3
(Group 4), 8,500GP; Shield +1 (Group
1), 2,500GP; Mace +2 (Group 4) 4,500GP;
Scroll of 4 spells (2 third, 1 fourth, 1
fifth)(Group 4), 3,500GP (The formula
for calculating this value is not given
herein.); Temple trappings, 1,300GP;
Coins and gems, 3,100GP.
7. The assassin’s items. 50,000XP,
22,500GP maximum, Group 4. Cloak of
Displacement (Group 5), 17,500GP; Dagger
of Venom (Group 3), 3,000GP; Coins
and gems, 1,200GP.
Note that the Displacer Cloak is from
Group 5 but it was selected anyway
because it made a more interesting character.
The DM has the final say-so on all

8. The Spectre. 148,000XP, 37,000GP
maximum, Group 5. However, the spectre
guards no real treasure at all: 0GP.
9. The Hulk. 90,200XP, 29,315GP maximum,
Group 4.
The hulk guards no treasure, per se,
but near him is a Mirror of Opposition
(Group 4), 2,000GP; plus Coins and
gems (major trove), 7,300GP.
10. Captain of, the Guard. 18,000XP,
4,500GP maximum, Group 3. Sword,
+1/+2 vs Magic-users and enchanted
monsters (Group 3), 3,000GP; Coins,
11. Sergeants of the Guard. 4,000XP
each, 3,000GP maximum each, Group 2.
Sword, +1 (Group 1) for one sergeant,
2,000GP; Potion of Hill Giant Strength
(Group 5)* for the other, 900GP (Again,
the DM overrules the system.); Coins
and gems for both, 300GP.
12. Twenty men-at-arms. 1,500XP
each, 1,500GP maximum each, Group 1.
None own any magic; coins for all menat-
arms total 795GP.
13. 2 Ghouls. 8,700XP each, 4,350GP
maximum each, Group 2. No treasure:
14. Assistant to the Patriarch, 5th-level
cleric. 13,000XP, 3,250GP maximum,
Group 3. May possess treasure; see following
15. Assistant to the Patriarch, 3rdlevel
cleric. 3,000XP, 2,250GP maximum,
Group 2. Since both of these clerics are
hirelings of a henchman, they are not
automatically considered to possess treasure.
The DM always has the option to
assign items to such characters if desired.
In this case, the two assistants to the
Patriarch have a Mace +1 (Group 1),
usable by either character, 3,000GP; and
Coins for both totaling 200GP.
The grand total of all the Gold Piece
values is 181,065GP — about 1,000 over
the recommended maximum, but certainly
reasonable and equitable considering
the opponents and items involved.
I hope you will think so, too!
The party’s treasure total
The party itself would be taking along
treasure valued at the following amounts:
Fighter 7th level
(70,000xP) .6x(70,000) = 42,000GP
Fighter 7th level
(70,000xP) .6x(70,000) = 42,000GP
Ranger 7th level
(90,000XP) .45x(90,000) = 40,500GP
Cleric 7th level
(55,000XP) .6x(55,000) = 33,000GP
MU/Thief 7th/7th
(102,500XP) .45x(102,500) = 46,125GP
Thief 7th level
(42,500XP) .75x(42,500) = 31,875GP
Total treasure value 235,500GP
Remember that this is a maximum
suggested figure on a character-by-character
basis. More likely than not, the
party will not have all of that treasure

The 235,500GP maximum shown above
would only apply to a party made up
entirely or mainly of characters who
have previously adventured and accumulated
personal possessions. When creating
a party or outfitting one for a particular
expedition, the recommended
maximum GP amount is much lower. As
a rule of thumb, such a party should be
limited to either the same amount of GP
value as the opposition’s treasure (in
this case, the opposition’s treasure is
worth 181,065GP) or one-half of the
amount derived by using the calculations
above (in this case, 117,750GP) —
whichever is LESS.
Limiting a party in this manner may
cause some arguments from players
who are used to being more affluent. But
a group of characters loaded down with
“goodies” would not have much of a
challenge in knocking over the monk
and his minions.
Working backward
At the beginning of this article, I said
you could begin with the opposition just
as easily and go backwards. Here is an
example: You want to design a castle run
by a 16th-level Magic-user. From the
information herein you know that his/her
henchmen should be of 9th to 15th level.
His/her monsters should have 15 or
fewer hit dice. The XP value of any
henchman or monster cannot be greater
than that of the 16th-level Magic-user. A
16th-level MU has a XP value of between
2,250,001 and 2,625,000. Thus, he/she
could hire any minion or group of minions
whose total XP value was within
that same range. The party going to
attack this MU should be worth between
90 and 100% of the MU. Let’s say we
assign a current XP value of 2,300,000 to
the Mage. The party should then have
total experience of between 2,070,000
and 2,300,000XP. You decide that 8 adventurers
will go on this adventure and
they may hire 8 henchmen. Henchmen
will have roughly half of the experience
point value of full player characters.
Thus, if you take a median number, let’s
say 2,150,000, and divide it by 12 (8 +
8/2) you find that each adventurer will
have an average of 180,000XP and each
henchman about 90,000XP. That is, of
course, an average XP value. One or
more of the player characters might
have considerably more experience and
act as leader(s) of the group. 180,000XP
would equate to an 8th-level fighter, 9thlevel
MU, 10th-level thief or 8th-level
cleric, as some sample average characters.
Their carried treasures can be calculated
as detailed herein. The 16th level
MU would have treasure equal to .175 x
(2,300,000) = 402,500GP and could select
from Group 8 magic items. The
average player character would own
.30x(180,000) = 54,000GP of treasure
with magic items from Group 6 and