
MOVE: 18" by himself, 18"/24" on dragon
HIT DICE: 155 points
% IN LAIR: 95%
TREASURE TYPE: unlimited
NO. OF ATTACKS: 1 (plus snake)
DAMAGE/ATTACK: 1-8 + (See MM for snake) <>
SPECIAL ATTACKS: <line left out>
SPECIAL DEFENSES: +3 or better weapon to hit
INTELLIGENCE: Supra-genius
SIZE: L (8')
    Attack/Defense Modes: Special

This arch-devil is the Treasurer of Hell. He used to
be third in the hierarchy behind Beelzebub and Adramelech, but now
he acts rather independently of the current regime. Nominally he is still
third, behind Asmodeus and Baalzebul, although neither of them would
try to pull rank on Astaroth except in a dire emergency. Likewise he
never orders other devils around, but sometimes he will exchange
favors if he wants something done. He appears as an awesome manlike
being who stands 8’ in height. He looks somewhat overweight and
richly dressed, reeking with filthy lucre. He is also reeking with a burning
stench which will cause 1-6 points of fire damage to all creatures within
30’, although a ring of fire resistance or its equivalent will protect a being
against this. Still, one must make a saving throw versus poison within
10’ or lose consciousness from the smell for 2-12 turns unless one can
get a Neutralize Poison within one turn. (Losing consciousness in the
presence of an arch-devil is not a very bright thing to do, if one can avoid
it.) Astaroth usually rides a huge ancient red dragon, and he carries a
large pit viper (giant poisonous snake) wrapped around his right arm.
He can also strike with his left arm for 1-8 points of damage because,
like most devils, he is left-handed.

Astaroth will willingly talk about the fall of the devils, but he does
not speak of his own part in that event. In fact, he acts as though he was
not subject to the fall, as if he were still working selflessly for the will of
God and the good of mankind. Nevertheless, he is a devil of great
power, and most devils give him great respect and a wide berth. One
must take what he says with a grain of salt. Curiously enough, a number
of sources state that Astaroth, in addition to his duties function as the
devil responsible for financial matters, is also the devil in charge of
supervising the activities of devils in the United Sates. This would seem
to indicate that the devils find the United States of great importance and
stature, for no other nation has a devil of such rank overseeing it. He
may also be partially responsible for all the commercial type that Americans
are subject to. Then again, it could just be that mere men create
such colossal inanity. No one knows for sure (except maybe God, in
which case He will hold those culpable to account for their actions).

N.B. The Lesser Key of Solomon warns that when conjuring Asmodeus,
the summoner must not be wearing anything on his head, or
else Asmodeus will deceive the summoner. That includes helms and
other headgear. Forewarned is forearmed.
<is that the correct text?>

by Alexander von Thorn