BAHAMUT, the Platinum Dragon, King of the Good Dragons, Angel of the Seven Heavens
By Lenard Lakofka

Frequency:  Rare
No. appearing:  1; also see guards below
Armor Class:  -3
Move:  9”/30” but also astral, ethereal, teleport
Hit Dice:  21 (168 hit points)
% in Lair:  75%
Treasure type:  100% H, I, R, S, T, V
No. of attacks:  3
Damage/attack:  2-12/2-12/6-48
Special attacks:  Breath weapons and magic use
Special defenses:  Shapechange, immune to Disintegration, Flesh to
Immunities:  Holds, Charms, Death Magic, Suggestions
Magic Resistance: 80% in the Prime Material, 110% in Tri Paradises,
130% in the Seven Heavens
Intelligence:  20
Alignment:  Lawful Good
Size:  L (75’)
Psionic Ability:  Nil
Sleeps only 5% and only if guard present.
Bahamut can use any of the following (or has) at will: Shapechange, Infravision, Ultravision, Detect Invisible, Know Alignment, Limited Wish, Teleportation (no error). In addition he can have 21
spells, 14 magical?2 each of 1st to 7th-levels?and 7 clerical?one
each of 1st to 7th-level?which must be determined by the DM prior
to the meeting. A suggested common list is given below but can be
altered by the DM to suit the particular situation:

Write; Identify; Wizard Lock, Locate Object; Fire Ball, Dispel
Magic; Minor Globe of Invulnerability (can bestow on another),
Polymorph Other with no system shock if he wills it; Feeblemind,
Hold Monster; Geas, Spiritwrack; Drawmij?s Instant Summons (for
his Magic User?s Book), Power Word Stun; Purify Food and Water;
Silence; Remove Curse; Tongues; True Seeing; Heal; Holy Word. 

Bahamut?s breath weapons do 168 points of damage, or 84 if a
saving throw is made, if Cold or Disintegrate are used. Gaseous form
will inflict 30 points of damage but only 15 if the s.t. is successful. His
Disintegration is often one of the banes of artifacts and relics but
some of them can even withstand his breath without damage. Remember that creatures of over 150 points are not subject to his
disintegration, but this is current hit point total and not maximum hit
point total. All savings throws versus his breath are at -3 and items
that affect saving throw or constitution bonuses do not affect this s.t.!

Bahamut does take full damage from fire, gas, acid, cold and
lightning if his magic resistance does not foil the attack and if he fails
his s.t. If he makes his s.t. (having failed the magic resistance roll) he
takes ¼ damage and no damage if cold is the attack form. 

Bahamut often travels the earth in human form seeking to aid the
course of Lawful Good though he might aid any party containing no
evils that is predominantly good. This aid will never be in the form of
personal intervention unless another deity-ranked evil figure is directly involved. His aid will be in the form of information and perhaps
the sale of a magic item useful to the party at double its normal
cost-no bartering here whatsoever! His items will always be of the
best sort, nearly always fully charged. He will always award what is
needed to defeat an evil opponent, not what the party may want to
destroy an opponent with overwhelming power. Further, he may
?look in? on the party after the adventure and insist on having the
item back (80% chance) though he will pay normal price for it,
considering any lost charges or powers. Bahamut only helps versus
evil and not against unknowns or versus something the party wants
out of vengeance or poor conviction. Being flippant, swaggardly or
boastful with Bahamut will end the discussion immediately!

Bahamut?s court of seven is usually with him (90% chance), but
all seven may not be present. Three of Bahamut?s court cast Clerical
spells instead of Magic-User spells. Bahamut or his court will not
raise dead unless it is essential to the cause of Lawful Good. Further,
the figure must have died in the fight versus evil through brave and
intelligent actions. Bahamut does not raise Thieves, Assassins, Evils,
opportunists or fools!

Bahamut?s court can travel astrally to gain an item Bahamut is
willing to sell to a party as per the prior discussion. Bahamut can
always summon his court in 1 round if they are absent or if all are not
present! Astral travel to gain an item will take 8 full hours, however,
without exception. Bahamut is on superb terms with all Good Lawful
gods and most Good Neutral and Good Chaotic ones as well.
Alienation of Bahamut can result in the cutoff of spells for Good
Clerics with a 75% probability!

Bahamut can be worshipped like any other god and can grant
spells to his Lawful Good clergy. He does not accept Neutral Good
or Chaotic Good worshippers as clergy, though they may praise and
worship him, of course.
Dragon Magazine Monster Manual III Dragons Redefining the Dragon Dragon #38