
MOVE: 12" by himself, 24"/48" in chariot
HIT DICE: 122 points
% IN LAIR: 1%
NO. OF ATTACKS: 1 bite
DAMAGE/ATTACK: 3-18 + poison
SPECIAL ATTACKS: <line left out>
SPECIAL DEFENSES: +2 or better weapon to hit
ALIGNMENT: Lawful evil
SIZE: L (11')
    Attack/Defense Modes: All

BELIAL (pronounced BEE-lee-ul; the name means “Worthlessness”);
At one time, Belial was the devil in charge of politicians, the
supreme commander of the armies of Hell and the personal lieutenant
of Satan. He now spends most of his time on the run throughout the
multiverse. In the Lesser Key of Solomon, a medieval grimoire which
lists and describes most of the arch-devils, Belial is described as a beautiful
angelic being riding a chariot of fire, and his voice is pleasant to listen
to. Belial’s Chariot of Fire has three times the hit points and capacity of a
Chariot of Sustarre, but otherwise it is equivalent in all respects. If it is
destroyed, he can replace it the next day. He has the power of beguiling,
with an extra –2 on the defender’s saving throw. Those who wish to
summon Belial must sacrifice something of great value to the summoner,
because he wishes to avoid being summoned by a potential
enemy, of whom he has many. Once per turn or melee round, Belial
may use any one of the following powers at will: pyrotechnics, produce
flame, wall of fire, light, read languages, read magic, detect invisible,
locate object, invisibility, beguiling (as noted above), geas, restoration,
raise dead fully, (fulfill another’s) wish. Once per day he can find a
familiar of the summoner’s choice automatically, and use a symbol of
fear and a symbol of stunning. His skill in dealing with politicians is
almost equal to that of Asmodeus, although Asmodeus will attempt to

punish anyone that he finds out has been consorting with Belial. As the
former commander of the armies of Hell, he still commands great respect
from the troops (somewhat like Napoleon). They will not directly act to
harm him, and they will give him some assistance if they can do so

without being caught by the other arch-devils. In the presence of both
Asmodeus and Belial, the armies of Hell will make an attempt to capture
Belial, because they do not want the anger of the Lord of Hell upon
them. Belial’s other allies are Satan and his followers. His enemies are
the same as those of Satan, except for the armies of Hell as stated.
However, the other devils have more enmity for Belial than for Satan,
because Belial did a lot of Satan’s dirty work when they were in charge,
and Belial seemed to enjoy harassing the devils.

by Alexander von Thorn