


("The Prince of {Darkness}")
("The Adversary")

("The Prince of Light")

FREQUENCY: Very rare <(Unique)>
MOVE: Whatever desired <*8*>
HIT DICE: 333 HP <(HD)>
% IN LAIR: 5%
TREASURE TYPE: H (x2), [I] (x2), [U] (x2)
SPECIAL DEFENSES: +3 or better weapon to hit && purity of heart required
INTELLIGENCE: Godlike <(21+)>
ALIGNMENT: Lawful evil
SIZE: Variable
    Attack/Defense Modes: Special

1st among devils,
Satan is a being {feared} by all. <morale modifier?>
He can appear in any form he {wishes},
but the form He prefers is that of a normal man,
having features which are most likely to engender trust && respect from the {person} he is dealing with. <CHA=??>
In places where He is master (which are rare these days, although becoming more common),
He will appear in roughly {humanoid} <sic:anthropomorphic> form,
about 7' tall, <M? || L?>
with horns,
tail &&
pitchfork <(cf. D97 for stats)>
    <metal-tined pitchfork = military fork, 2>
    <definitely a metal-tined pitchfork!>
and having a deep red skin color, <>
almost maroon, <#80000> <a shade darker>
with a majestic countenance.
He can MOVE as FAST as He wants to,
and he can accurately teleport,
cross dimensions || even travel <Traveller font> through 8time8 if need be.
    <research/reference: Time Lord class, D65.32>
    <homework: mathematically quantify travel through the 4th dimension, if possible>
    <cf. Demiplane of Time: is movement through this demi-plane required for special movement through the 4th dimension?>
    <note: cf. DJ1 to make the distinction between dimensions && planes, in theory>

+3 or better weapon to hit && purity of heart required:
In order to strike Satan with a weapon,
the attacker would need a +3 weapon to hit him,
and he would also have to have a clear conscience && an absolute determination to pursue one's objective,
which of course must be of the purest motives.

Anyone who dares to attack Satan psionically will automatically fall into his control 8forever8 (a wish can recover an individual, but nothing less will do).
Of course, Satan cannot be affected by a psionic attack,
but he will not USE normal psionic attack modes.

Satan may USE any spell || psionic discipline as often as he likes.
<(cleric, magic-user, druid, illusionist, shukenja, wu jen)>
<death master, incantatrix, oracle, etc.>
<hmm.. Paramander?>

He casts spells as if he was a 30th-level character,
except for druidic spells,
which he casts at 14th level of ability.
    <revise, remember that Satan is associated with the element of fire, according to Anton La Vey>
    <The Hierophant, The Intiator, The Teacher, The 15th; not involved with the druidic hierarchy/faith. This is closer to the story.>

He has an effective psionic ability of 500, <define psionic ability>
although he does not actually USE any points when employing psionic powers.

Satan has the ability to alter {mercyful fate},
in order to cause a # of unfortunate events to happen to an individual,
such as the death of {friends} && family &&
the ruin of business, <cf. D113>
social status,
reputation && health,
to START with.
for the victim,
if he remains resolute in the face of this suffering,
the forces of good will eventually relieve his problems in order to maintain the balance of the multiverse,
although the victim may not receive any compensation for the trouble he has gone through.

Satan's main ability is the power of temptation. <link: Temptation, by SLAYER>

He can grant anyone a wish that will give that person anything he desires.
All he has to do is sign a little ________contract________,
using his own blood in lieu of ink.
These wishes are much more powerful than ordinary wishes.
Satan can also grant normal wishes (as a Wish spell) without the blood ________contract________,
but He rarely does so except to give some kind of assistance to those already doomed,
or perhaps as a reward for faithful service.
For anything important,
he usu. insists on a ________contract________.

After seven years a person who has sold his soul to Satan for one of these wishes will surrender his soul to the devil
(wishes notwithstanding).

If the individual has wished for immortality,
then the time of collection is whenever the individual decides that he has had enough of life,
and voluntarily goes to Hell (most such people do so in the end),
or else the person dies by violence.
(Immortality does not protect a person from being killed either by accident or by combat,
although Satan will sometimes give a person some protection against this,
such as magic armor and a wish or 2wo,
or something along those lines,
because Satan prefers people to come to Hell of their own free will.)

As for those who appear to be able to put up with immortality,
Satan has been known to give out a few unexpected {surprises},
which of course is not covered in the ________contract________,
in order to make the decision to go to Hell easier by making life a little less pleasant (i.e., intolerable).

If a person has not wished for 8immortality8,
then he may have more wishes besides the first one.
Each one costs a year of the condemned one's remaining time.

by Alexander von Thorn <Yiddish font?, Hebraic font?>

<Bravery, Comeliness: brave, handsome: History of the Devil, part 4> <l>


No priest
No church 
No tithe 
No dogma
Theistic Satanism
Is only a belief in Angels


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