Created by Ed Greenwood


MOVE: 9”
HIT DICE: 77-84 hit points
% IN LAIR: 40%
SPECIAL ATTACKS: Blood drain, ram
INTELLIGENCE: Average to high
ALIGNMENT: Neutral evil
SIZE: L (6’ dia.)
    Attack/Defense Modes: Nil

The bleeder is a fearsome monster
found in caverns or ruins. Its spherical
body resembles that of the dreaded beholder, but the “eyestalks” of the bleeder
are actually bloodsucking tentacles.

Bleeders favor a diet of humans and
horses, but will attack anything having
blood (including such things as bloated

In the bleeder’s digestive process,
blood is used to generate energy which
is stored within organs in the body and
tentacles (1 hp worth of ingested blood
becoming 1 charge). The creature uses
this energy for motor activity and healing. The transformation from blood to
energy takes 1 round.

A bleeder expends 1 charge every 2
turns in motor activity (and thus is al
most always hunting prey). Spending 1
charge enables the bleeder to heal 1 hit
point of damage to each of its 10 tentacles and 1 point of damage to its central
body (but not its eye). The healing ability
can be used once per round, and the
creature can attack as usual while the
regeneration is going on.

Bleeders prefer to float above surfaces
rather than resting upon them, and move
by means of Levitation. (An organ located in the upper half of the rubbery,
spherical central body is a valued ingredient in magical potions and inks concerned with levitation and similar acts.)
A bleeder may, however, “shut itself
down,” remaining motionless and insensitive on the ground, and in that state
remain alive for long periods. To awaken
from this hibernation, the creature requires an influx of electrical energy, or a
physical shock caused by a fall, blow,
wound, or heat.

The bleeder’s 10 tentacles are retracted into the body when not needed (resembling eyestalks up to 4 feet in length),
but can lash out to a full stretch of 20 feet
with blinding speed. All 10 tentacles may
act separately, or they may strike a single human-sized target in concert. The
initial strike of a tentacle causes 1-8
points of damage as the barbed tip attaches to the victim. Sucking orifices
within the barbs will drain blood at the
rate of 2 hp per round (per tentacle),
beginning on the round after the hit was

If a tentacle attached to a victim is
damaged but not destroyed by any single blow, it will instantly and automatically drain from the victim’s body sufficient blood (in hit points) to restore itself. Note that this reflex effect occurs
after every non-killing hit, even if the ten
tacle absorbs more than one wound in a
round. This instinct does not respond to
damage suffered by the central body or
other tentacles. A tentacle will continue
to drain blood if it is doing so when the
central body reaches zero hit points.
Tentacles not attached to a victim at that
time are incapable of further activity.

A tentacle will remain imbedded in a
victim until the bleeder retracts it, or until
it is torn free by the victim and/or comrades exerting a total strength of 22. A
victim freed from the tentacles forcefully
will suffer 1-6 points of damage per tentacle as the barbs come loose. A bleeder
will voluntarily retract a tentacle only
when its victim is reduced to zero hit
points, or when its central body is down
to 5 hit points or less (30% chance, check
each round when applicable).

Bleeders have been known to ram or
crush opponents with their bulk. This attack does 1-8 points of damage, and is
often made purposefully while the body
is turning and its tentacles flailing, so
that victims are dislodged from ledges
and precarious positions. The creature’s
tentacles each have 6 hit points and are
armor class 6. The central body has a
hard, rubbery skin and is AC 4. It has
11-18 hit points, and bears a large eye
(AC 8, 6 hp, 12” infravision). If its eye is
destroyed, a bleeder may still locate opponents within 1” by smell and sensing

Bleeders often meet in mid-air struggles to the death. The loser’s body is left
to become the breeding ground for offspring. The central body is covered with
a fluid secreted by the victor, and within
1 day, from 1-4 young are “hatched.”
Each offspring is 50% as powerful as an
adult in all respects, and matures in one

Dragon - Monsters - Dragon #59