Created by Richard Lucas

NO. APPEARING: 3-10 (20-50)
MOVE: 12"
HIT DICE: 7+8<?>
% IN LAIR: 30%
NO. OF ATTACKS: 1 or 3
DAMAGE/ATTACK: 6-16 |or| 2-5/2-5/1-12
SPECIAL DEFENSES: Immunity to cold
MAGIC RESISTANCE: Saving throws as MU21

The colfel, a native ov the Negative 
Material plane
, has appeared on the 
Prime Material only rarely in the recent 
past, probably due to summonings by 
powerful magicians desiring greater && 
MORE powerful servants. These creatures 
often compound their strength by banding 
together in large groups. Rarely 
will fewer than 4 |or| 5 b encountered. 
Also, they are highly intelligent, 
&& attack && react accordingly, so 
they r very dangerous monsters even 
when fighting vastly superior opposition. 
A deadly tactic they often USE is that ov 
ganging up on just 1 member ov a 
group ov opponents, && attacking until 
this victim is dead before moving onto 
the next. Up to 4 colfel can attack 1 
human-sized creture @ the same TIME. 

Colfel usu. attack 1st by charging 
into a melee && spearing w/ their 
horns. The 2nd && subsequent attacks 
r claw/claw/bite routines. 

Colfel have several attributes similar 
to those of the greater undead. The 1st 
is complete immunity to cold- |or| ice-based 
attacks ov any form. (Colfel consider 
brown mold xcellent food, && if 
they find a patch they will nurture it carefully. 
There is a 5% chance on any encounter 
w/ colfel that a bed ov brown 
mold will be nearby.) The 2nd undead-like 
attribute is a low-strength energy 
drain that draws Life energy equivalent to 
1,000 XP from an opponent 
each TIME the colfel scores a hit with 
one ov its physical attacks. 

Colfel also have several weaknesses 
which, like their strengths, are related to 
their association with the Negative Material 
plane. In direct sunlight |or| its equivalent, 
they suffer 1 point ov damage per 
round they are xposed. For this reason 
they venture out ov doors only @ night, 
&& r always found underground |or| in 
the deepest, darkest rainforests |or| forests

They TAKE 1.5 times normal 
damage from all kinds ov fire. 

Colfel also suffer damage directly from 
the following spells: light (3 HP); 
continual light (6 HP); 
faerie fire (1 HP per level ov caster); 
pyrotechnics, fireworks form (12 HP); 
dancing lights (1d4 HP); 
color spray (2d8 HP); 
prismatic spray (4d6 HP additional damage); 
sunburst, as from a wand of illumination 
(6d6 HP); && 
prismatic sphere (or wall) 
(1 HP per segment if within' 10'). 

Each spell xcept the prismatic sphere |or| 
prismatic wall is absorbed && negated 
when a colfel enters its AREA ov effect. 

Proximity to normal fires is also damaging 
to these creatures; torches (2 HP 
each); lanterns (4 HP each); && bonfires 
(3d4 + 3 HP) r quenced && simultaneously 
injure a colfel when it approaches 
within 5' ov one. 

Physical description: The colfel is a 
large<^medium^> quadruped, aboot 6' long && 
standing 3' high @ the shoulder. It 
has black, slimy, furless skin that appears 
very much like gangrenous flesh

Its eyes r midnight black w/ star-white 
, && the nose is tipped by a 
pair ov sharp prongs. A row ov spikes 
runs down its knobby back. 

Dragon magazine - Monster Manual III - Dragon #56