by K.L. Campbell

FREQUENCY:  Very rare
MOVE:  15?
HIT DICE:  9 (+3 hp per level of fighter
lord over 9th)
% IN LAIR:  95%
NO. OF ATTACKS:  1 bite and
1 constriction
DAMAGE/ATTACK:  2-9 and 3-10
SPECIAL ATTACKS:  Fear, blinding,
constriction, possible magic and
psionics use
MAGIC RESISTANCE:  10% (+5% per
level of fighter lord over 9th)
INTELLIGENCE:  Average to genius
ALIGNMENT:  Any neutral alignment
SIZE: L (30? long)
    Attack/Defense Modes:  See below
+ 12/hp to 5400 + 14/hp

A dracones is a large constrictor snake
that inhabits the tomb of a dead fighter lord
(excluding all subclasses of fighters, but
including dual-classed and multi-classed
fighters). Through long association with the
tomb, the snake becomes possessed by the
warrior?s spirit and is altered to become a
magical creature.

Once per day, the dead warrior?s spirit 
may separate from the serpent for up to one
hour and manifest itself in a ghostly form
(AC 0; MV 6?; HD and hp as per above;
attacks as described below). The spirit will
cause its viewers to save vs. spell or flee in
panic for 4-16 rounds. During this time, the
serpent will return to its normal state as a
nonmagical snake. While the spirit and the
serpent are united, the snake has the war-
rior?s knowledge of battle (hence the hit dice
and hit points) and all previous magical
powers (if any) and psionic abilities.

In battle, the dracones can bite and con-
strict in the same round; if it hits with its
coils, it need not hit again in order to inflict
damage by constriction. The dracones
glows with a blinding light which causes its
opponents to fight at -2 on ?to hit? and
damage rolls. If the dracones begins to lose
a battle, it may play dead or try to escape.
If it truly dies, the warrior?s spirit will take
up residence in a new serpent, if any be-
come available in the future. 

A dracones drops the weaker half of the
warrior?s alignment and takes up partial
neutrality when in snake form. For in-
stance, a chaotic evil warrior will become
chaotic neutral or neutral evil in snake
form, depending upon whether he was more
evil or more chaotic in life. A dracones will
only fight to defend itself and its tomb, but 
it is often lonely and will try to speak with
travelers; there are legends of dracones
befriending adventurers who pass the time
with them. Occasionally, a dracones can
convince a party to have the warrior lord
resurrected  or otherwise  raised.  The snake
and rejuvenated hero will refuse to be sepa-
rated afterward, and still retain a kind of
mental communion effective at any range.

A dracones appears to be a 30? -long
serpent with metallic scales that glow faintly
with magical energy Its eyes are jet black.
It may speak the languages known to the
dead warrior in either snake or spirit form.
Treasure found with a dracones consists of
what was buried with the warrior and what
the snake may have accumulated by fight-
ing to protect the tomb.
Dragon magazine - Monster Manual III - Dragon #101