Brown Dragon (Draco Auburnis Forestus)
Created by Lenard Lakofka

Frequency:  Rare
No. Appearing:  1-6
Armor Class:  3
Move:  9”/24”
% in Lair:  75%
Treasure Type:  H
No. of attacks:  3
Damage/attack:  2-5/2-5/4-16
Special Attacks:  Breath weapons and possible magic use
Special Defenses:  Nil
Magic Resistance:  See text above
Intelligence:  13-16
Alignment:  Pure Neutral
Size:  L (28” long)
Psionic Ability:  Nil
Chance of Speaking 60%, Magic use 65%, Sleeping 20%

The Brown Dragon always lives in a forest, though it may be in a
cave within a forest. The dragon is true neutral and interested in the
welfare of the forest above all else, though it does have a weakness
for crafted jewelry of all types. The brown dragon can shapechange
to a small mammal, lizard or bird once per day at its 2nd age level,
twice at 4th, three times at 6th and 4 times at 8th. The shapechangeling can, at the very most, inflict 1-2 points of damage with claw,
beak, bite, etc. However, the shapechangeling can have the dragon?s full hit points and full benefit of its normal saving throw.

A brown dragon can attack with claw/claw/bite, or either of its
two breath weapons, Faerie Fire and Lightning. The Faerie Fire
covers an area of 6?x6? at a range up to 3? from the dragon?s
mouth. Any in the fire are covered (no saving throw) for 4-80 turns
and they also take the sum of the dragon?s age level and hit dice in
damage unless a saving throw versus magic is made, in which case
they take no damage. The Lightning is in a single bolt 8? long and
½? wide for full age times hit dice in damage, or ½ if a s.t. is made.

Brown Dragons which speak and can cast spells use Druidic
Age Group Spells castable per day
first 2 first-level spells
second 2 first and 1 second-level spell
third 2 first and 2 second-level spells
fourth 2 first, 2 second and 1 third-level spell
fifth 2 first, second and third-level spells
sixth 3 first, second and 2 third-level spells
seventh 3 first, second and third-level spells
eighth 3 first, second and third plus 1 fourth-level spell

Brown dragons are 85% likely to be on friendly terms with Pixies,
Sprites, Druids, Pseudo-dragons and Treants that live in the same
forest or nearby.
Dragon Magazine Monster Manual III Dragons Redefining the Dragon Dragon #38