Dragon, Phase
Created by Samuel Offutt
Art by Bob Maurus

FREQUENCY: Very rare
MOVE: 6"/24? (MC: C)
% IN LAIR: 10%
NO. OF ATTACKS: 1 bite
SPECIAL ATTACKS: Breath weapon;
possible spell use
SPECIAL DEFENSES: Phasing ability;
see hidden/invisible objects
INTELLIGENCE: Average to very
ALIGNMENT: Chaotic (neutral or good)
SIZE: S (3? long)
Attack/Defense Modes: Nil
LEVEL/X.P. VALUE: IV to V/175 + 3/hp
to 360 + 5/hp

The phase dragon can be found almost
anywhere, although it prefers sparsely
inhabited areas in and around forests. Its
lair can be found in caves and in stout,
hollow trees. Though of small size, a phase
dragon is as greedy as any other dragon and
covets precious metals, gems, and magic

This dragon?s phasing ability allows it to
shift out of phase with its surroundings as a
phase spider can; it uses this power when
attacking or being attacked. The dragon
will bring itself back into phase when it is
ready to deliver a bite or breath weapon (it
can see its surroundings even when out of
phase). When out of phase, the dragon
cannot be struck by normal weapons, but it
can be seen and attacked by someone wearing
armor of etherealness or using oil of
etherealness; other ethereal beings can also
attack it. A phase door spell will cause the
dragon to remain in phase for 7 rounds.

Because a phase dragon hates to fight, it
will prefer to use its breath weapon first in
an unfriendly encounter and then try to
escape. The phase dragon can attack once
per round with either a bite or by breathing
a 10? diameter cloud of white gas that
causes all within it who fail a saving throw
vs. breath weapon to become confused, as
per the druid spell confusion.

A phase dragon is able to use magic, and
if taught to do so (as 40% of them have
been), it can learn a 1st-level magic-user
spell for each of its first four ages and a 2ndlevel
magic-user spell every age after that,
to a maximum of four 1st-level and four
2nd-level magic-user spells at ancient age.

Phase dragons have the same age categories
and abilities to detect hidden or invisible
beings that regular dragons have, but
they lack any fear aura abilities. They can
be subdued. Phase dragons are a glossy
light blue-gray in color, and their scales
have a mother-of-pearl sheen to them. They
speak their own tongue and their alignment
language, and 75% of them know the common
tongue as well. Phase dragons are 40%
likely to be found sleeping. They make
saving throws like regular dragons.
Dragon magazine MM - Dragon #94 1st Edition AD&D