Tasteless Song of the Month
Valley Elf.

    Valley Elf, 
    He's a Valley Elf, 
    Valley Elf, 
    He's a Valley Elf . . . 

So cool, so fair, 
With chartreuse hair, 
So young, secure -- 

    "Fer sure, fer sure, 
    like, oh, man, I was really down today, 
    like, sooo down, 
    I almost flunked archery today, 
    I was blitzed totally, it was 
    wrong. Like, I wore my elven cloak 
    into the dungoen, y'know, and it got all 
    grody with, wow, like 
    spider webs and green slime all over it,
    like yucko, like 
    when I saw it when we got out I thought, oh, 
    gag me with a wand,
    it was grody to the max, just psionic, like, 
    and I had to clean it, oh, 
    gross me out, man. 
    Totally awesome. I hate to go in dungeons, 
    they are so rank, and of the monsters just like 
    freak me out, man, like wow. 
    I even saw a fer real monster, like real close up 
    once, and it was really, like, totally 
    disgusting, barf city man, it was so gross 
    that I thought, like, Hey, keep away from me, man! 
    Like no way I'm gonna ever even use my sword 
    on you, I just waxed it, y'know, like 
    gag me with a mace."
    Valley Elf, 
    He's a Valley Elf, 
    Valley Elf, 
    He's a Valley Elf . . .  

North of Geoff, South of Ket, 
By the River Javan wet, 
Living with the stubby gnomes, 
The Valley Elves do make their homes, 

"Sure, totally, y'know, I had a dog, man, 
a cooshee, like he was special, 
a Gucci cooshie poochie, 
he had designer genes, like, really rare, 
he was just awesome, but not too housebroken. 
I had to clean up after him, and that was like grody
just gross to the max, but, wow, 
like, no biggie, cuz he was my 
dog, y'know, but he's gone now, totally, see, 
I met-the mage the other day, and, wow, man, 
the mage has go like no, 
totally no sense of humor. Like, I made a joke, 
y'know, I thought it was super
like, I saw the mage and said like, hey, 
we're in the Valley of the Jolly, 
like, Ho Ho Ho, Green Valley Mage, 
just like the freakin' commercials, 
but he just looked at me, like wow, 
he must have really been out of it, man, 
like he was so out of it he threw 
one of those, like, meteor storms at me, it was just 
awesome, I mean it was just, oh wow man, it was 
astral, and it missed me and hit my dog, 
my designer dog, like, 
crispy critter city, 
I was really bummed out, really bad like."

    Valley Elf, 
    He's a Valley Elf, 
    Valley Elf, 
    He's a Valley Elf . . .  

He's a super Valley Elf, 
So chaotic, sure of self, 
Tall and thin and fair of face, 
His brain is lost in outer space. 

"Oh, super, like I live in the 
good part of the Valley, 
y'know, where we're all into, like, 
real ethereal things, like 
I got a set of designer ring mail 
for my birthday, I was totally 
freaked out, like, my old set was getting
full of wrinkles and it had 
blood on it from where I cut myself 
with my short sword, yeah, really, like 
agony, man. I was in total agony 
for an hour. Really
but now I'm together, like, 
fer sure, no problem
That was close, man, 
like I was so sure I was gonna 
pass out for fer sure, 
I lucked out totally
Good thing."

(Totally written by some gamers
in, like, Kentucky, man,
who don’t want their names used.
Fer sure.)
Dragon - Monsters - Dragon #72