Fire-eye Lizard

MOVE: 3"/48"/12"
HIT DICE: 1+2 (females 1+3)
% IN LAIR: 95%
SPECIAL ATTACKS: Blinding light
SPECIAL DEFENSES: Prismatic sphere
    Attack/Defense Modes: Nil
LEVEL/X.P. VALUE: 36 + 2/hp

The most striking characteristic of the fire-eye lizard is that for

which it was named. The eyes of each creature glow with a luminescence that will illuminate a 10-foot radius around the monster.
Fire-eye lizards appear in all colors of the visible spectrum. Color
and sex of each one is determined by rolling percentile dice twice
and consulting the table below. The eyes of each lizard glow in the
same color as its skin.
01-19—Red (01-65 male, 66-00 female)
20-37—Orange (01-60 male, 61-00 female)
38-54—Yellow (01-55 male, 56-00 female)
55-67—Green (01-50 male, 51-00 female)
68-79—Blue (01-45 male, 46-00 female)
80-90—Indigo (01-40 male, 41-00 female)
91-00—Violet (01-35 male, 36-00 female)

Once per hour (6 turns), each lizard may produce a brilliant flash
of its eye-light which will blind all creatures (except other fire-eye
lizards) within a 1” radius for 2-5 (d6: 1=3, 6=4) rounds. If two or
more lizards attack simultaneously in this way, the victim(s) will be
blinded for the greatest number of rounds rolled for a particular
lizard. If an already blinded victim is attacked in this way again, the
duration is rolled for again, and the victim is blinded for this many
rounds, but not less than the original number which was rolled for
the first attack. The blindness may be countered by any of the clerical
healing spells except for the various Cure. . . wounds spells.
Each lizard can create a Prismatic sphere of its particular color,
with a duration of 3 turns. If two or more lizards cooperate in this
defensive maneuver (which is likely), they can create a larger sphere
which will multiply the power of duplicated colors, or add another
color (or colors) to the effect of the sphere.
Male lizards are 16” long, and females are 4” longer. Each lizard
has wings which enable it to hover, fly, or swim. Male lizards may
carry up to 20 gp extra weight and females up to 40 gp.

Fire-eye lizards love water, and will always lair near a source of
fresh water, typically a small cave on a beach or river bank, an
abandoned beaver dam, or even in a dungeon (or other subterranean area) if there is water nearby.
When encountered in the lair, there is a 40% chance for each
female present that there will be 3-6 eggs. Fire-eye lizard eggs are
valuable on the open market (1,000 gp each), since the lizards can
be impressed with an empathic bond upon hatching. Impressed
fire-eye lizards can be trained for any task (within reason). However,
taking the eggs from the lair is not an easy task; all adult lizards
present will attack with a fury, receiving a bonus of +1 to hit and
damage if the eggs are disturbed.

When discovered and successfully taken from a lair, eggs may be
from 10-40 days old. They take 50 days plus or minus 1-4 days to
hatch after being laid. The eggs must always be kept warm, at least
95 degrees F; they will not hatch if subjected to temperatures lower
than this for a total of 2 turns at any time after being taken from the
nest. All eggs in a clutch will hatch at the same time, and color and
sex of each hatchling is not determinable until they are hatched.
After hatching, the young must be attended to constantly for two
weeks and always kept close to their master in order to be impressed.
Lizards which are impressed must be fed at least four times per day
(almost any unspoiled food is usable, although raw meat and fish are
preferred) and must be treated well by their master in all respects.
Individuals who are telepathic or have psionic powers may use their
lizards as familiars.

Before reaching maturity (at three months of age), a fire-eye
lizard has one-fourth normal hit points, does half damage, and is AC
6. The blinding-light and prismatic-sphere capabilities are gained
upon reaching maturity.

By Josh Susser 

Monsters - Dragon 40 - Dragon