Fireball Fly
Created by Lenard Lakofka
Art by Bob Maurus

FREQUENCY: Very rare
NO. APPEARING: 2-12 (6-36 in lair)
MOVE: 1?/15? (MC: B)
HIT DICE: 1 hp
% IN LAIR: 35%
TREASURE TYPE: 50% each of treasure
types J, K, L, M, and N; 5% chance of
magical weapon, armor, or shield
NO. OF ATTACKS: 1 bite
SPECIAL ATTACKS: Fireball burst
SPECIAL DEF.: Immune to fire, heat
SIZE: S (3 in. long)
Attack/Defense Modes: Nil

Fireball flies travel in small groups in
warm wilderness areas. They initially attack
victims by biting, doing 1-2 hp damage
each. If a victim falls, the fireball flies will
back away and wait to feed upon the body
when it is left alone by any nearby comrades.
They will only attack one person in a
group at a time.

If one or more of an attacking swarm of
fireball flies is slain, there is a 50% chance
on each round thereafter that 1-2 fireball
flies will dive on the victim in suicide attacks.
Diving fireball flies will have a +3
bonus ?to hit? and will explode on impact
with a solid surface. The dying fireball fly
will burst into a 3? diameter ball of flame
similar to a miniature fireball; the victim
struck will suffer 3-12 hp damage per explosion
unless he saves vs. spells (saving will
only yield half damage). A victim who fails
to save must have all of his equipment save
vs. magical fire to keep it from being destroyed
clothing is included, of course.

When a fireball fly dives on a victim, the
other fireball flies will move out of range of
the fireball and will hover nearby to see if
the explosion has disabled the victim. If this
tactic fails, the fireball flies will not pursue a
walking or guarded victim and will leave to
find easier prey.

A fireball fly is immune to fire of all sorts,
even red dragon breath or the heat from
molten lava. If struck by any form of magical
frost, including a cone of cold, ice
storm, or even being touched by a
frostbrand sword, the fireball fly will die
instantly. If struck by a normal weapon
(excluding hands or feet), there is a 25%
chance that the fireball fly will explode at
once; for this reason, missiles and hurled
weapons are preferred means of dealing
with them.

Fireball flies lair in rocky areas, and
incidental treasure from previous victims
might be found nearby; only rarely will
expensive or magical items be found. Fireball
flies are sometimes released in
dungeons, tombs, or other places that need
guardians, though capturing them is very
Dragon magazine MM - Dragon #94 1st Edition AD&D