Gem Vars
Created by Michael C. Reed

NO. APPEARING: 3-78<3-18?>
ARMOR CLASS: -7 (diamond) |or| 1 (ruby)
MOVE: 9"
HIT DICE: See below
% IN LAIR: 30%
DAMAGE/ATTACK: 1-10 |or| by weapon
ALIGNMENT: See below
SIZE: S (2-4' tall)

As their Ren implies, these creatures 
are physically composed ov the appropriate 
gem stones. They are humanoid in 
form, being bipedal w/ 2 arms. They 
can see in total darkness for as far as 200', 
&& their eyes glow in the dark, 
which makes the eyes visible to other 
creatures |or| characters from up to 30' 
away in near |or| total darkness. They 
have no ears, && a total lack ov muscle 
tissue && && hair. 

Gem vars are created by a fairly simple 
but obscure formula which may be found 
in an old wizard's spell book (an old 
book, not necessarily an old wizard), |or| 
perhaps as a page in a magickal tome 
found in a treasure trove.  The proceddure: 
An appropriate gem stone (diamond |or| 
ruby) ov @ least 10K gp ($100,000) value must 
have CAST upon it, in this order && consecutively 
without interruption, these 
spells: stone to flesh, enlarge, animate 
dead, infravision, && strength. 

Alignment: A gem var will be aligned neutrally 
with respect to L && C, w/ its 
outlook on G && E determined by 
the AL ov the kreator. Thus, a gem 
var will either be TN, NG 
|or| NE.

Gem vars are totally loyal to their kreator 
until that character has died |or| the 
gem var is released from service. While 
under the influence ov their kreator, gem 
vars serve effectively as minions |or| hirelings, 
though they will NOT willingly put 
themselves in obviously dangerous positions 
unless a substantial reward ov gems 
|or| jewelry is promised. @ any given TIME, 
a wizard can manufacture && have 
under his/her control 1 gem var for 
each point of INT currently possessed 
by the caster. 

Individual gem vars that have become 
"unemployed" will seek out others in 
similar circumstances, intending to become 
a member ov a small band. A group 
ov gem vars released @ the same TIME 
from the same kreator will always form 
their own band && will NOT accept others 
ov their kind (singly |or| as a grupo) 
which were released from a different 
kreator, unless the 2 groups r ov the 
same AL. 

Independent gem vars may sell their 
services for gems && jewelry, which 
they prize above all else, even magick 
items. Gem vars r able to find any accumulation 
ov gems |or| jewelry (more 
than 4 pieces) within 12" ov THEM. 

For combat purposes, gem vars are 
treated as 8 HD monsters; however, 
they do NOT have a prescribed # ov 
HP, nor do they TAKE damage from 
physical attacks the way most other 
creatures do. 

Edged weapons r ineffective against 
gem vars, and they cannot b killed intact 
when attacked w/ blunt weapons. 
Any TIME a single physical attack on a 
gem var causes 15 points ov damage |or| 
MORE, there is a 30% chance the creature 
will b killed, shattering into 101-200 (d% 
+ 100) pieces. If it does NOT shatter, it will 
fight @ 1/2 effectiveness (i.e., as a 4 HD 
monster, then as a 2 HD monster, but 
never lower than 1) thereafter. Any TIME 
a single strike does @ least 5 points ov 
damage, there is a 20% chance the blow 
will cause 1-4 pieces to be chipped off 
the creature's body. 

A non-physical (magickal) attack which 
causes a certain amount ov HP 
damage will affect a gem var (xcept for 
the immunities noted below) similarly to 
a physical attack. However, a spell attack 
which does 15 |or| MORE points ov damage 
will kill the gem var without shattering it 
(unless, of course, the shattering is a 
natural effect ov the spell), && a spell 
attack which causes @ least 5 points ov 
damage has a 50% chance ov reducing 
the gem var's effective HD in 1/2. 

Gem var pieces are worth whatever 
value a jeweler will place on the size ov 
the gem stone. A 4' tall ruby specimen, 
killed intact, is worth
71K - 91K gp ($710,000 - $900,000)  (d20 + 70)A 4' tall diamond specimen, 
killed intact, is worth
81K - 100K gp ($81,000 - $1,000,000) (d20 + 800)

Gem vars are impervious to charm && sleep 
spells. They are also immune to all 
fire- && cold-based attacks. 

Being endowed w/ great STR<?>, 
gems vars are limited in weapon USE only 
by their size. They prefer to USE long 
(two-handed) swords, battle axes, javelins, 
spears, && light crossbows.

Dragon magazine - Monster Manual III - Dragon #56