ARMOR CLASS: Tenntacles 3, Maw 10
MOVE: 6"
HIT DICE: 5-10 (Plus 4 h.p. per tentacle over 4; see below)
% IN LAIR: -
DAMAGE/ATTACK: 1-2 per tentacle/4-32 maw
SPECIAL ATTACKS: Surprise on 1-5, jells ground
SPECIAL DEFENSES: Regenerates tentacles, 2 h.p. per round, Only vulnerable spot buried below earth
SIZE: Body 5-10 feet diameter, tentacles 10-20 feet long.
    Attack/Defense Modes: Nil

Groundsquids are a horrid form of mutation, akin to seasquids but
developed by a mad wizard to be used on land. They are generally
found in the. most isolated and dire wilderlands, however, they are
sometimes encountered in dirt-floored rooms, usually “seeded” there
to protect some vulnerable area.

The Groundsquid has a soft, squishy, mottled green body in which
its sucking maw is located, and 5-10 tentacles which are greenish-brown
and rubbery. At the tip of each tentacle there is a green, blade-shaped
and in which a tiny eye is set These tentacle ends protrude slightly
above the ground and look almost exactly like blades of grass. The
number of tentacles is a function of the Groundsquid’s size and maturity,
and the progression is in one-foot increments; i.e. a 6-die squid has 6
tentacles and a body 6 feet in diameter, a 7-die squid has 7 tentacles and
3 seven-foot-diameter body, and so on. 

Groundsquids attack with tentacles only, each single tentacle hitting

as a monster with the same hit dice as the overall squid, i.e. the tentacles
of a 5-die squid EACH hit as a 5-die monster. Tentacles take a full 8 h.p.
each; if damage in excess of this is done, they are severed. Blunt
weapons do one-half damage to tentacles; fire does not harm them.

The maw itself has 4 h.p., for each tentacle over 4; i.e. the maw of a
5-tentacle squid has 4 h.p., that of a 10-die squid has 24 h.p. Severing
tentacles does not harm the squid; only a hit directly in the maw will kill

Any severed tentacle will be pulled back beneath the earth, where it
regenerates at a rate of 2 h.p. per round. If the maw of a Groundsquid is
exposed, it is easily aimed at since its location is obvious. However,
players should state when they are directing attacks against the maw,
since the entire body itself is just casing for the vulnerable maw and
hitting it has no effect.

Groundsquids attack in this fashion: The eyes in the tentacle tips
spot a likely-looking meal for the maw (which is buried anywhere from 6
to 10 feet below the ground). The Groundsquid will then wait until its
intended victim is in the center of its tentacles, which are arranged in a
circular fashion to form an area as large as its body proportion. The
tentacles will then rise out of the ground with alarming swiftness and try
to fasten onto the victim. At the same time, the buried maw secretes a
strange fluid which turns the ground above it into a green, jelly-like
substance that has the effect of quicksand. The radius of this jell from the
maw is the same as that of the squid’s body, 2.5 feet for a 5 ft diameter
squid etc. The jelling takes 3 rounds for a 5-6 die squid, 2 for 7-8 die
varieties, and but 1 melee round for a 9-10 die Groundsquid.

Once the ground becomes jelly, the tentacles drag the victim down

into it at a rate of 3 feet per melee round, while other characters within
the jell sink at a rate of 1 foot a round (faster for heavily-loaded or
armored characters, or mounts). Once a victim is in over his or her head,
suffocation follows in 1-3 rounds (a magic device such as a Helm of
Underwater Action or Necklace of Adaptation will prevent this).

The character snared by tentacles also takes 1-2 pts. crushing damage

per round from their grip. Strength of at least 18 is required to break
the grip of a tentacle, at the same percentage chance as bending bars.
Roll randomly for where characters are grabbed by tentacles (arm, leg,
neck, etc.); however, any natural 20 will mean the tentacle wraps
around arms and torso, making weapon or spell use impossible, and 
more than 3 tentacles hitting will also definitely indicate such helplessness.

Once the tentacles have a victim, they will drag him down to the
maw, which will engulf him whole, then secrete a powerful acid doing
4-32 pts. of damage per round until the victim is digested.

If a chosen victim does not enter the jellied area, the Groundsquid

will still strike at it when it is in range of the tentacles (approximately 4
feet for smaller squids, 6 feet for medium squids, and 10 feet for large
squids). Groundsquids generally hide amidst patches of grass, and the
earth covering them has a greenish, grassy look so as to cause them to
surprise on a 1-5. This surprise factor would probably be modified if the
squids were in a dungeon rather than a wilderness.

Groundsquids will gladly devour anything living and are quite immune

to all poisons; however, their appetites are a direct function of
their size. The 5 or 6-die squid can eat only a halfling, dwarf or gnome
and will not attack larger creatures. If the halfling in question is mounted,
the squid will drag him off his mount. Likewise, 7-8 die Groundsquids
are satisfied with two small characters, or one 6-foot man or elf, or a
single horse. In the case of a mounted character, the squid will probably
opt to drag him from the horse, though it may entangle both. The large
Groundsquid will gladly munch on horse and rider, or two to three large
men, or up to 6 smaller humanoids. The Groundsquid’s attention is
always on its chosen meal or meals, and it will ignore anything else.
However, once a meal is secured, it will then attack other characters
simply to hold them until the meal is eaten. Once a squid is sated, it will
release all held characters and not be hungry again for 2-8 turns.

The jellied ground around a Groundsquid does suck people into it;

however, a character can “swim” out if not held by a tentacle so
long as he/she has at least average strength. This ground slows
movement by 50%, or by 75% if a character is waist deep in it, and
the victim will continue to sink at 1 foot per round or more while in it
If oil is poured on the jelly and lit, it will dry out about a 1-foot radius
to a muddy consistency; magical fire will dry out more, though
naturally any character ensnared will suffer damage if in the midst of
such. Normal fire will be extinguished by the jell. The jelly may be
frozen by appropriate spells, turned to rock (by a reverse Transmute
Rock to Mud), or excavated by a Dig spell (the best bet, since this will 
expose the vulnerable maw). Weapons thrust through the jell are -5

to hit, and in any case a weapon would have to be at least a 10-foot
pole arm to reach the maw.

Should the maw be exposed to direct sunlight, the creature will

go dormant in 1-6 rounds, and thereafter die in 1-3 turns. However,
there is a 50% chance such exposure will cause it to flee. A Groundsquid
flees by flopping its body over sideways and burrowing
through the earth by secreting the jellying fluid at its normal movement
rate. If all the tentacles are severed from a groundsquid, there is
a 35% chance it will do this.

The Groundsquid maw is susceptible to any spell damage, i.e.

cold, fire, electricity, which can reach it through its protective sheath
of jellied earth. A Magic Missile will not do so, nor will normal
missiles, unless sufficient earth has been removed. Naturally, if a
squid has a victim in its grasp when earth is moved, it will simply pop
it into its maw immediately and try to digest it. There is a chance,
however, that quick action will destroy the squid before this happens.

Groundsquid eyes are tiny black balls set into a slit in the blade-like

tentacle tips. They are extremely valuable to Magic-Users, alchemists
and the like for manufacture of certain potions (DM discretion). The
eyes are easily popped out of the slits, though difficult to find unless a
close examination is made. However, they quickly become brown, dry
and useless once a tentacle tip is severed, unless they are packed in the
green, jellied earth in a fairly well-sealed container (like a potion vial).
Their value is from 1,000 to 5,000 g.p. per eye.

The jellied earth becomes firm again after the squid has digested its

meal or been thwarted, in 2-8 rounds, and it is while it is still jelled that
the eyes must be packed in it, though once so packed the firming will still
preserve them nevertheless.

Even more valuable is a live groundsquid, which would net from

50,000 to 80,000 g.p. from a collector of exotic beasts or a mage. To
keep one alive in sunlight, a thin layer (about 6 inches) of dirt must be
shoveled over the body and maw. This will keep it dormant but alive. A
layer of dirt over a foot deep will make a squid dangerous once more,
especially at night, though its chief goal will be to return deeper into the
ground which sustains it.
Dragon magazine MM3 - Dragon #39 1st Edition AD&D