Created by Todd Lockwood


MOVE: 10"/18"
HIT DICE: 2-6 + 2/die
% IN LAIR: 10%
TREASURE TYPE: A in lair, Q individual
DAMAGE/ATTACK: Bite: 2-7, rear claw 2-9, hand 1-8 or by weapon (+4 damage w/weapon)
SPECIAL ATTACKS: High dexterity, multiple attacks
SPECIAL DEFENSES: Acute senses: surprised only on a 1
INTELLIGENCE: Average to very
ALIGNMENT: See below
SIZE: Average (7-8' tall, 17-20' wingspan)

Remote, less traveled parts of the world, away from humans, are
inhabited by Krolli, a strong race of warm-blooded flying reptilians.
They form solitary communities, or eyries, (3-60 in lair, 25% women
and young, with 2-3 and ½ hit die each, respectively, and 1-8 7 +
2-hit-die chieftains) which are greatly self-supportive. Krolli live to about
125 years of age.

The Krolli, however, are seldom met at home. While they don’t
relish the company of humans (and their cousins), they appreciate the
wealth to be had in dealing with men, and venture forward to ply their

Krolli encountered among men are generally mercenaries or
slavers, when the price is right, though they have been seen as bodyguards
or even military officers. Some Neutral and Evil clans use slaves
to work fields and mine gems for profit. In short, if profit is to be had
among men, Krolli are not averse to investigating the possibilities—but
they never intentionally build their eyries within the general sphere of
human influence.

Krolli have a high natural dexterity (18/00), 18/89 strength, and
extremely acute senses. Rigorous training from youth enhances these
qualities, enabling them to attack with a vicious 3/1 (hand, hand, bite)
ratio when standing, or a 4/1 (combo of hand, claw, bite) when airborne.
They fight at 3/1 in the air when employing weapons, and there
is a 70% chance that no weapon will be used. Krolli can melee with a
standing opponent from the air. Note that with a shield, their armor class
becomes 2.

Krolli cannot fly for long periods of time, but are easily capable of
overtaking a fast horse and rider.

Krolli may be of almost any class, though 95% will be Fighters. Of
the remaining 5%, 70% will be Clerics. They can wear no armor,
though they often (50%) carry shields. Krolli are almost never Thieves
or Assassins.

Krolli are aligned as follows: 60% Neutral, 20% Lawful, and 20%
Chaotic (each with 20% chance good, 10% evil).

Krolli eggs have no value on the open market
Dragon magazine MM - The Dragon #36 1st Edition AD&D