Random Monsters
Created by Paul Montgomery Crabaugh

Monsters Dragon - The Dragon #10 1st Edition AD&D


    No, I don't mean wandering monsters -- I mean random monsters.

    One of the problems with D&D is that the players always know too
much. This is news? "You obtain surprise over 3 Clickclicks."

    "Clickclicks? Oh yeah, they're in Supplement Three. Hand it to
me. And where's Greyhawk? It had a note about them. "A pause. "We
shout out 'November'."

    “That’s right, the Clickclicks fall over dead.”

    Sound familiar?

    The answer is to occasionally throw a monster at the party that
keeps them on their toes, one that they have never seen before because
it is unique. No rules cover it, so they have to find out the hard way
what it's like.

    And how do you do that? By taking the following tables and rolling
dice. Just work your way through the tables one by one, and you will
end up with a guaranteed original, unknown, random monster.

    This table is suited for the local group's dungeons, and I should
warn you that we around here fall somewhere between Lake Geneva
and CalTech in philosophy. These tables are therefore geared to a 20-level
dungeon, with each level being typically populated by monsters of
the same level. (Goblins on 1st level, Gnolls on 2nd, and so forth.)
Obviously, if you are running a 5-level dungeon and the 1st monster
your parties find is a very old Green Dragon, you'll have to compress
the tables somewhat. If you're running a 50-level dungeon -- I
don't want to know about it.

    Now that that's over, here come the tables. Just take them in order.

Die Intelligence
1-3 Highly intelligent
4-5 Semi-intelligent
6 Unintelligent

Die Type
1-4 Mammal
5-7 Reptile
8 Undead

1 3 2
2-3 4 3
4-6 5 4
7-9 6 5
10-11 7 6
12 8 7
M = Mammal
R = Reptile
Undead AC = (1-8)+1

Die Alignment
1 Law
2-3 Neutrality
4-8 Chaos
Undead are always chaotic

Die Speed
1-3 6
4-7 9
8-10 12
11-12 15

Die Hit Dice
1 Level +3
2-3 Level +2
4-5 Level +1
6-9 Level
10-11 Level -1*
12 Level -2*
"Level" is the level of the dungeon,
on this table only.
*If result is non-positive, treat
as 1/2 hit die.

Die Modification
1 +2
2-3 +1
4-5 0
6 -1

Undead are turned by Clerics as if they were Undead of level HD/2;
i.e. a HD Undead saves as a Zombie. Undead of level 17+ are treated
as Vampires.

                                                     #Sp. Ch.
HD 1 2 3
0-2 80 90 00
3-5 50 80 95
6-8 40 75 90
9-12 30 60 80
13-16 20 50 75
17-20 10 40 60
21+ 01 30 50
The number shown is the % score needed to have that # of Special

                            Level of Monster
Die 1-4 5-8 9-12 13-16 17-20 21+
1 1-3 1-6 1-8 1-10 2-16 2-20
2 1-4 1-8 1-10 2-12 2-24 2-24
3 1-6 1-8 2-12 2-16 2-24 3-30
4 1-6 1-10 2-12 2-16 3-30 4-40
5 1-8 2-12 2-16 2-24 3-30 5-50
6 1-8 2-12 2-16 2-24 5-50 1-100
Damage done by intelligent monsters is by weaponi type; by unintelligent
monsters is by bite, and by semi-intelligent monsters is 50%
chance of each.

The Special Characteristics are organized by type (mammal, reptile,
undead). If a given number has several characteristics grouped thusly:
n/m/o/p/q/r, it means that the exact characteristic is determined by
the level of the monster: 1-4/5-8/9-12/13-16/17-20/21+.

1 Hostile to Dwarves
2 Hostile to Elves
3 Hostile to Hobbits
4 Hostile to Magic Users
5 Hostile to Clerics
6 Hostile to Paladins
7 Regenerates 1-3/1-4/1-6/1-8/1-10/1-12 hits/turn
8 Does double damage
9 Only silver/magick weapons effective
10 Silver/magick weapons do double damage
11 Has poison whip, does 1-4/1-8/1-12/1-20/death/death
12 Flies, speed 24
13 Bite is poisonous, does 1-3/1-6/1-8/1-12/1-20/death
14 Bite causes disease, fatal in 1-20 days
15 Gaze causes Stun 1-4/Stun   1-8/Stun   1-12/paralysis/stone/stone
16 Web
17 Monster has horn, does 1-6
18 Claws do 1-4 each
19 Missiles ineffective
20 Silent movement
21 Proboscis does blood drain, 1-4/turn
22 Has Charm Person spell
23 Has nothing/Magic Missile/3-dice   FBM-dice FB/5-dice FB/6-dice FB
24 Has antimagic shell

1 Paralysis touch/Paralysis gaze/Stone touch/Stone breath/Stone gaze/Disintegrate touch
2 Poison bite, does 1-4/1-6/1-10/1-12/1-20/kill
3 Sting in tail, does 1-6/1-8/1-10/1-12/paralysis/kill
4 Breathes cold, does 1-3 hits/every four levels
5 Breathes lightning, does 1-6 hits/four levels, kills at 17+
6 Breathes fire, does 1-8 hits/four levels
7 Increase AC by 1 (i.e., from AC6 to AC5)
8 Increase AC by 2
9 Add 1 HD
10 Add 2 HD
11 Movement -3
12 Flier, speed 18
13 Flings 1-4 tail spikes/four levels
14 Regenerates 1-3 hits/four levels
15 Commands snakes: 1-6/2-12/3-18/1-6   Giant 2-12    Giant 3-18   Giant
16 Does double damage
17 Legless, speed +3
18 Bite causes disease, fatal in 1-10 days
19 Magick/Silver weapons do double damage
20 Fangs do 1-4/bite extra
21 Gaze causes confusion
22 Slow spell has double effect
23 Claws do 1-4 each
24 Tongue is whip, does 1-4

1 Missiles ineffective
2 Only magick weapons effective
3 Only magick/silver weapons effective
4 Only magick/silver weapons effective and at 1/2 damage
5 Destroyed by fire
Destroyed by sunlight
7 Destroyed by running water
8 Destroyed by holy water
9 Destroyed by cold
10 Turned by cross
11 Turned by mirror
12 Turned by garlic
13 Turned by wolvesbane
14 If human killed by undead, becomes undead
15 Undead is Lawful (and not affected by clerics)
16 Turns/dispels Clerics*
17 Charms Person
18 Touch does nothing | paralysis | rotting disease   1-12 turns | drains 1 level | drains 2 levels | drains 3 levels 
19 Commands Rats: 1-20 | 1-100 | 1-4 Giant | 1-8 Giant | 1-12 Giant | 1-20 Giant
20 Commands Wolves: 1-4 | 1-6 | 1-8 | 1-8 Dire | 1-10 Dire | 1-20 Dire
21 Flier, speed 18
22 Gaze does nothing | confusion | confusion | paralysis | stone
23 Destroyed only by fire
24 Invisible
    *This Undead is not affected by Clerics; instead, Clerics are affected
by the Undead. Divide the level of the Undead by 2 and treat this
as the level of the Cleric the Undead corresponds to on the Undead table.
Divide the level of the Cleric by 2 and treat this as the type-level of
Undead on the Undead table which the Cleric corresponds. Use the
table normally to find out if the Cleric is turned or dispelled. (Tournabout
is fair play.)

    Roll % dice: a score of 01-70 means no more characteristics; 71-85
means one other characteristic; 86-95 is two; and 96-00 is 3.
Die Other Characteristic
1 No head
2 3 eyes
3 4 eyes
4 Stalk eyes
- -
5 Unusually long fangs
6 Unusually long claws
7 Antennae
8 3-segment body

    You should also know what the monster looks like. Undead do not
have a physical description (assume a figure under a cloak if you wish).
For everything else, start rolling on these tables.

HD Small Medium Large
1-4 1-4 5-11 12
5-8 1-2 3-9 10-12
9-12 1 2-8 9-12
- - - -
13-16 1 2-7 8-12
17-20 1 2-6 7-12
21+ 1 2-5 6-12
Roll on a 12-sided
Small = 0-3 feet (approx)
Medium = 3-12 feet (approx)
Large = 12+ feet (approx)

Die #legs Die #arms
1 1 1 1
2-5 2 2-4 2
6-7 3 5-7 2 tentacles
8 4 8 3

Die Mammals Reptiles
1-4 Hair Scales
5-7 Skin Skin
8 Feathers Hair

Die Mammals Reptiles
1-6 gray green
7-10 white gray
11-12 black gray-green
13 brown blue
14 red yellow
15 blue black
16 red yellow
17-18 striped striped
19-20 spotted spotted

    For stripes or spots, roll the die again twice. Ignore further stripe or
spot results, unless a stripe result gets another stripe, in which case you
have a triple-stripe scheme. For spots, the first color rolled is the background; the second is the color of the spots.
Dragon magazine - MM - The Dragon #10