
Created by Phil Meyers 

FREQUENCY: Very rare
MOVE: 12”
HIT DICE: 40,45,50,55 or 60
hit points (8-12 dice)
% IN LAIR: 0%
DAMAGE/ATTACK: 2- 12/2- 12
better weapon to hit; see
Neutral (evil)
SIZE: L (4’-6’ diameter)
Attack/Defense Modes: Nil 

A greedy wizard is said to have designed the first Necroton. There

can be no doubt that this is the case, for the appearance of the metalbodied Necroton is convincing proof of its artificial origin. At first
glance this creature appears to be some sort of giant crab. Its large,
oval-shaped metallic body and multiple sets of legs give this impression, as do its two forepincers. However, its luminous central eye
marks it as something quite more than this.

The Necroton is a golem-like creature created by a Neutral or Evil
Magic-User using the following spells: Wish, Polymorph Any Object,
Wizard Eye, Geas, Hold Monster, Fireball, and Detect Magic. The cost
and construction time is the same as that required for iron golems.
A Necroton’s purpose is to gather treasure for its creator, and to this
end it can be employed in two ways. First, if the creator has a specific
target in mind, the actions of the creature can be directed by the
creator. This can be done by normal verbal commands or by means of
a Message spell. In either case the creator must accompany the
Necroton personally, for it will not heed instructions from anyone else.
If the creator owns a Crystal Ball a special form of direct control is possible. The crystal ball enables the creator to see what the Necroton
sees and allows the transmission of commands from afar by means of
a message spell. When used in this fashion there is no range limitation
to the message spell, and intervening objects other than lead will not
block the transmission.
A creating wizard who has better things to do may elect to send the
creature out on its own without direct guidance. In this case the
creator gives the creature a simple set of instructions at the outset of its
mission. Thereafter the Necroton will unquestioningly obey these
orders until they are countermanded by the creator.

A Necroton prefers to attack by means of its powerful central eye.
This eye can fire a paralysis ray that will paralyze any single creature
for 1-3 turns. It can fire this ray every other round. Once per day the
central eye can fire an energy burst that acts as a fireball spell equal to
the hit dice of the Necroton in six-sided dice. The range of both eye attacks is 15”. The energy burst can be fired in place of the paralysis
beam in any given round, but the Necroton will be unable to use its
paralysis beam for three rounds thereafter, because it must build up its
power during that time. Either of these attack forms can be used in
melee in addition to the creature’s physical attack by means of its

Most Necrotons are instructed not to use their fireballs unless
pressed, for the explosion may damage the magic items that the

creature has been sent to collect. During the round before the fireball
is set off, the translucent ridge on the Necroton’s back will pulsate with
a white light that grows to peak intensity just before the fireball is
loosed. The creature can abort throwing its fireball if all possible
targets have moved out of range at this time. The creator may at any
time give a self-destruct command which will do damage as the fireball, but will be centered on the Necroton. It is also 33% likely that this
will happen when the creature is destroyed in combat,.

If the Necroton is successful in paralyzing 1 or more members of a
party and driving the others off, it will approach the fallen victims and
loot their bodies with its pincers. The central eye can detect magic, 6”
range, and all magic items will be taken first. Treasure in the form of
gold, platinum. gems, or jewelry will be taken also. The creature then
opens a compartment in its back and loads the treasure inside — this
compartment is 3’x3’xl’ in large Necrotons and 2’x2’xl’ in smaller
ones. If its treasure compartment is full, or if some other instruction
from its master requires it, the creature will then return to its master.
Whether or not it kills its helpless victims depends on its instructions.
Often a Necroton will be used in conjunction with other minions of
the Magic-User whose assignment is to soften up a party for the
Necroton’s attack. If it is encountered as a wandering monster it is
75% likely that its creator is watching its activities from afar by means
of a crystal ball as explained previously. Otherwise it will be acting on
its own, and in such a case it is 25% likely to be returning to its master
with treasure. Such a treasure will consist of all the treasures listed for
Treasure Type F. A Necroton can also be placed in a particular spot by
its master. where it will remain, dormant, until magic Items are brought
within 6” of its hiding place. It will then attack on its own to gain
treasure for its master.
The central eye of the Necroton can be attacked separately. It is AC
-1 and takes 15 hit points that are not part of the Necroton’s basic
total. If the creature loses its central eye it is blinded and will retreat as
best it can unless ordered to do otherwise by its creator. Necrotons
have no difficulty traveling underwater on the sea floor. Fire-based attacks will slow a Necroton. but the creature is otherwise unaffected by
spells. These creatures are vulnerable to the attacks of Rust Monsters. 

Hit Dice Experience Point Value
8 1375 + 10/h.p.
9 2100 + 12/h.p.
10 3150 + 15/h,p,
11-12 4550 + 16/h.p.

Dragon - Monsters - Dragon 42