
FREQUENCY: Very rare
MOVE: 4"
HIT DICE: 1 + 6
% IN LAIR: Nil
NO. OF ATTACKS: See below
SPECIAL ATTACKS: Surprise feeding; poisons water
SPECIAL DEFENSES: Immune to poison and blunt weapon attacks; mimicry; fire resistance
SIZE: S (see below)
    Attack/Defense Modes: Nil
LEVEL/X.P. VALUE: III/81 + 2/hp

    The peltast is a curious creature that can
exist in symbiosis with a human or humanoid
creature. Demi-humans, such as elves
or dwarves, do not seem right for its needs,
and it uses them only as "carriers" to convey
itself to a more suitable host.

    A peltast is a small, amorphous creature
without visible organs or limbs, about the
size of three fists in volume. Its skin has a
textured, mottled brown hue resembling
worn but sturdy leather. A peltast can
change its shape in 2 rounds to resemble
any leathery item of clothing or accoutrements
worn next to the skin, commonly a
leather boot, belt, thong, wristband, strap,
glove, or cap. Quite often, if it sees a suitable
host creature drop such an item, it will
swiftly move and change form so as to be
mistaken for the missing item. A peltast
feels like leather, does not breathe, give off
heat, or make any sound, and is of about
the same weight as leather (though with no

    When donned, a peltast exudes a liquid
which serves as an anaesthetic and a tissue
softener; there is only a 1% chance that the
host will feel something amiss. The peltast
is skilled in its surgery, using this liquid
with pinpoint precision to open a small
wound in the victim by dissolving the skin in
a small, hidden area. Through this contact,
it "feeds" on its victim, absorbing 1 hp of
blood-borne nutrients every day. A healthy
host will likely never notice the slight weakness
this causes, and will never fall ill from
the peltast's feeding since the body, with
rest, will recuperate 1 hp each night.

    A peltast will leave a diseased host, but
while attached it will neutralize any insinuated
poisons in the bloodstream, feeding on
the venom itself. The peltast has an interest
in keeping its host alive; should the host be
reduced to 1 hp or less and still live, the
peltast will inject 3-6 hp of energy back into
the host (it can do this only once per day).

    A peltast's skin can sense vibrations,
distinguish scents with acute sensitivity, and
can see up to 6" both with infravision and
normal vision through tiny, flat eyes which
it can conceal entirely within its form or
reveal through slits when in use. A peltast
exudes any waste material from itself
whenever immersed in water (thus staining
and poisoning the water; anyone who drinks the
same water must save vs. poison at +2 or
become nauseated for 2-8 rounds, unable to
attack or defend). Peltasts apparently live
for more than sixty years, are asexual, and
reproduce by dividing into two smaller,
identical creatures, which grow as fast as
the food supply permits.

    A peltast's body is resilient; it gains +1 on
all saving throws vs. fire and is unaffected
by crushing blows or attacks by blunt weapons.
All edged weapon cuts do normal
damage. Peltasts move by creeping, worm-like,
along any surface. They can stick to
walls, ceilings, etc., even when these are
wet or oily. A peltast will never fight another
peltast, nor join a host already carrying one;
peltasts can somehow sense each
other from up to 4" away.

    by Ed Greenwood