Black & Decker would be proud

In honor of April’s spirit of fun, we
present an item that was originally set for
AC11 The Book of Wondrous Inventions.

Chainsword +3

by Stewart Wieck

Luis Royo - Evolution - 33

The chainsword is a huge, unique, twohanded
sword that has the special purpose
of slaying treants. This weapon was created
by a very secretive wizard named
Jufe Bairo, who did the work under the
commission of an evil warrior named
Regenetir. Apparently, Regenetir has a
great hatred of treants; the source of his
anger is unknown (the bards didn?t do a
very good job of recording this story).
Regenetir, though certainly over 50 now,
still actively hunts for treants. Recently, in
fact, Regenetir came upon a treant and
several druids at a place where many
forest paths meet. A slaughter ensued.
Because of the human casualties, the incident
has become very famous and is called
the Nexus Chainsword Massacre.
The chainsword itself is somewhat unu-

sual, though it lacks decoration. About the
edge of the blade is a series of small metal
teeth set on a metal loop, like the band on
a modern chain saw. An additional handle
is mounted on the side of the weapon to
aid in balancing it while the chainsword?s
toothed band is running. The weapon is 6?
long and weighs 250 gp. When it was
created, it cost 12,500 gp and took 55 days
of labor. The construction of the chainsword,
in addition to its +3 enchantment,
also required the research and development
of a new spell that Jufe called
motion. This research cost an additional
5,000 gp and took an undetermined
amount of time.
Any being struck by the chainsword
while it is ?turned off? takes damage as
normal for a two-handed sword +3. If the
toothed band is activated with the command
word (?Gettum!?), an additional 1-6
hp damage is done by the rotating teeth. If
used against an opponent wearing armor,
the opponent?s armor must save vs. crushing
blow or be reduced one step in value;

magical armor failing this save is made
nonmagical. If a treant is struck by this
weapon, the rotating teeth are automatically
activated, and the treant must save
vs. petrification or be sawed in half and
slain. Only treants are subject to this
destructive effect. If the toothed band is
activated, the user must hold the weapon
by the hilt and by the secondary handle on
the swords blade in order to control it.
Special attacks made without the use of
the secondary handle are at -2 to hit.
Details of the motion spell propelling the
chainsword have been kept secret by Jufe,
though spies have found it is a fifth-level
spell which creates instantaneous velocity
to affect the movement of an object. If cast
on the wheels of a wagon, for example,
the motion spell would allow the wheels to
move independently of outside forces
(such as horses, downhill slopes, etc.).
Without permanency, the motion spell
lasts only one turn per level of the caster,
but during that time it may be turned on
and off at the caster?s command. This spell
was cast upon the toothed band of the
chainsword and made permanent. When
the chainsword is activated by command
or by striking a treant, the motion spell
causes the toothed band to rotate at a
tremendous speed and with great noise.
The toothed band wraps around the blade
of the sword and through a hollow spot at
the top of the hilt, allowing it to rotate in a
continuous loop. The user, of course, loses
all chances to surprise foes.
Certain imperfections found in the
chainsword?s operation may plague the
wielder. First, when the weapon is cutting
through a treant, the chainsword has a
10% chance to become jammed in place.
The motion spell continues to operate, but
since the toothed band can no longer
move, the entire sword is swung about. A
strength check must be made on 1d20 to
hold onto the sword and withdraw the
blade. If the roll fails, the chainsword
tears itself from the user?s grasp and is
stuck, requiring a bend bars/lift gates roll
to free it. If the user manages to hold the
jammed weapon, the sword makes a saving
throw vs. crushing blow (as hard metal
+3); failure indicates that the toothed
band snaps, is flung from the weapon, and
is either lost in the surrounding area or
hurled at the wielder for 2-16 hp damage
(50% chance for either result).
An adventure involving this weapon
could result when the toothed band is
hurled from the weapon and lost in the
underbrush of the surrounding area; the
PCs might be hired by Regenetir himself to
find the item, which may now be in the
possession of a monster. Angry druids may
hire the PCs to track down Regenetir and
destroy the device. Finally, other NPCs
may hire the PCs to ?acquire? the weapon
or the motion spell for their own use and
study. Details of the spell should be
worked out by the DM.
XP Value: 1,500
GP Value: 12,500