ENT (Tree Man)


FREQUENCY: Rare ([Cold Wilderness Forest])
FREQUENCY: Very rare ([Cold Wilderness Swamp)

FREQUENCY: Rare ([Temperate Wilderness Forest])
FREQUENCY: Very rare ([Temperate Wilderness Swamp])

FREQUENCY: Rare ([Tropical Wilderness Forest])
FREQUENCY: Very rare ([Tropical Wilderness Swamp])

MOVE: 12"
HIT DICE: 7-12
% IN LAIR: 10%
DAMAGE/ATTACK: 2-16/3-18/4-24 (See below)
SPECIAL ATTACKS: Control 1 or 2 trees
SPECIAL DEFENSES: Never surprised
ALIGNMENT: Chaotic good

Treants are strangely related to humans && trees, combining features of
both species. They dwell in woods and forests and are basically
indistinguishable from trees. They hate evil things or unrestrained use of
fire. If need arises treants can actually cause trees to come to life, move 3"
per turn, and attack as a full-grown treant (2 attacks for 4-24 hit points of
damage/attack). Aroused treants must be within 6" of a normal tree to
cause it to move, and an individual treant can cause only one or two
normal trees to move and attack as stipulated.

Because of their body and skin structures, treants have a very superior
armor class rating. However, against fire they lose this superiority. Attacks
based on fire are at a + 4 on "to hit" dice; treants save against such
attacks at a -4, and fire damage dice are + 1 hit point.

Treants of small size (12'-15' tall) have 7 or 8 HD and do 2-16 hit points
of damage/attack, middle-sized treants (16'-19') have 9-10 hit dice and
attack damage of 3-18, and those of large size (20'-23'+) have 11-12 hit
dice and do 4-24 points of damage.

Megadamage: Treants and treant-controlled trees
cause 1 point of <structural damage on fortifications> (this is for both attacks
possible to any given treant or treant-controlled tree), regardless of the
size of the treant attacking.
<link back to the DMG section, or W8 | E2 | SS2 | HR1>
<in theory ...>
    DAMAGE/ATTACK: varies [never varies : W8 | E2 | SS2 | HR1]
<will need to check the dmg for the colors, letters, and even numbers. uh oh ... i think i doubled or tripled the numbers there, to get less fractions>
<will have to change for v1, then : as always, this comes with a guarantee : 100% mathematical integrity>
    <does #=#>

A treant lair will typically be a vast cave screened by many plants and
trees. Treants resent greatly uninvited entrance into such a place.

Treant Table
Monster Size : Height AC HD Move No. of Attacks ~ THACO Damage Special 
Intelligence Level | 
X.P. Value
treant L 0 7 to 12 12" 2 ~ varies varies <> control 1 or 2 trees never surprised very VII | varies
    "shrubling" L : (12' | 13') ^ 7 (23 | 56) ^ 2 ~ 13 2-16 ^ ^ ^ ^ | 1200 + 10
    "shrubling" L : (14' | 15') ^ 8 (32 | 64) ^ 2 ~ 12 2-16 ^ ^ ^ ^ | 1200 + 10
      mature L : (16' | 17') ^ 9 (36 | 72) ^ 2 ~ 12 3-18 ^ ^ ^ ^ | 1950 + 14
      mature L : (18' | 19') ^ 10 (40 | 80) ^ 2 ~ 10 3-18 ^ ^ ^ ^ | 1950 + 14
    "moss trunk" L : (20' | 21') ^ 11 (44 | 88) ^ 2 ~ 10 4-24 ^ ^ ^ ^ | 2850 + 16
    "moss trunk" L : (22' | 23') ^ 12 (48 | 88 |  96*) ^ 2 ~ 9 4-24 ^ ^ ^ ^ | 2850 + 16
<size : used simplest progression .... game school!>

<* a treant that has 89-96 hp will have a default height of 23 + (96-hp)>
<maybe this should be moved to size: if you play with minis, the mini can take precedence>
<some might prefer a symbol for the things that are not 1e rules. it would be clutter to me, but all my <additions> are just one person's interpretation>
    <ie. could be, therefore not official, not 'canon' : hopefully, could be = EZ : game school!>
<link to images, when i learn to make a colored link>
<what is the L?>

<13 x 20>

<23 x 20>
Moss Trunk

Tree, Animated
Frequency: Rare
No. Encountered: 1d2
Size: Large
Move: 30 ft
Armour Class: 0
Hit Dice: 12
Attacks: 2 (fists)
Damage: 4d6
Special Attacks: None
Special Defenses: None
Magic Resistance: Standard
Lair Probability: 100%
Intelligence: Non
Alignment: Neutral
Level/XP: 7/1,300+16/hp (nil if animated by a treant)

Animated trees are generally encountered when treants animate
a normal tree (see "Treant").

Treasure: None.

- OSRIC.238



Llaurenela wrote:
Hi Gary,

I have a few OD&D questions for you. From the 1st printing through the 6th printing, I know that the 5th printing still has hobbits, ents and balrogs and the 6th printing does not. I also know that the errata sheet applies to the 1st thru 4th printings and that the errata corrections were made starting in the 5th printing.

My questions are these: were there any text changes made between the 1st printing and the 2nd, 3rd or 4th printings? Were there any text changes made between the 4th printing and the 5th printing other than the errata being corrected? Is the 6th printing the first printing where changes were made due to copyright issues?

Just wondering if you had this information or not.


The answers to your specific questions are quite beyond me. That sort of thing was managed by the editing people without consultation with me.

As to the removal of hobbit, ent, and balrog, that I can speak to. One morning a marshall delivered a summons to me as an officer of TSR. It was from the Saul Zaents division of ELan Merchandising, the sum named was $500,000, and the filing claimed proprietarial rights to the above names as well as to dwarf, elf, goblin, orc, and some others too. It also demanded a cease and desist on the publication of the Battle of Five Armies game.

Of corsue the litigant was over-reaching, so in the end TSR did drop only the game (the author had assured us he was grandfathered in, but he and his attorney too were wrong) and the use of the names hobbit, balrog, and ent--even though hobbit was not created by JRRT, and ent was the Anglo-Saxon name for giant.

Mike Carr is the chap most likely to be able to answer your technical questions.
