
by Roger Raupp and Roger Moore

Dragonhelms were created for warriors
who wished to have some of the special aura
and powers of dragonkind. All such helms
appear to be normal metallic helmets until
worn; then they take on their true form of
steel, with inlays of precious metals and
gemstones. Some of these helms have dragonlike
features or engravings upon them.
All fighter types, clerics (but not druids),
and bards are able to wear these helms.
When worn, a dragonhelm confers infravision
on the wearer to a range of 60',
and the wearer's senses are so heightened
by the helm?s powers that invisible, ethereal,
astral, out-of-phase, and hidden objects
become detectable at a range of 10'
per user?s level (if multiclassed or dualclassed,
the user?s highest level as a fighter
or cleric is considered).

The wearer may also radiate fear once
per day at will. The aura will cause all
beings (even allies) within 120? (12"
indoors or 4" outdoors) to save vs. spell,
with wisdom bonus applicable, or flee from
the wearer in terror for 3-12 rounds. This
fear aura has no effect on beings with six or
more hit dice/levels.

The helm counts as +3 armor against all
head-directed attacks (such as those made
by vorpal weapons), and saves as hard
metal with a +3 bonus to the die roll. It
does, however, have certain disadvantages.
Because certain items like dragon scales and
bone are incorporated into the helm's making
and the helm draws power from them
certain elements of a dragon?s personality
will begin showing up in the wearer. After
keeping it in continuous use for one month
(putting it on every day, even if for only a
moment), the wearer will begin to hoard
money and valuables, refusing to part with
the smallest copper piece unless absolutely
necessary. The wearer will spend less and
less on equipment, food, and clothing.
Instead, the wearer will try to get other
people to purchase such items, or may turn
to theft and robbery if the character is neutral
or evil. The wearer will also be less
likely to respect or even listen to the opinions
of others, will grow increasingly egotistical,
and will tend to want to lead rather
than follow. After the wearer uses this item
continuously for two months or longer, he
must make a saving throw vs. spells each
time the dragonhelm is donned or become
permanently afflicted with megalomania.

Another disadvantage is this: If the
wearer comes within 120 yards of a true
dragon (excluding wyverns and chimera,
but including oriental dragons, faerie dragons,
and the like), the wearer will find such
a creature irresistible and will obey the
dragon's commands as if charmed. This
effect usually ends immediately if the helm
is removed, but if the wearer has used the
helm continuously for more than a month,
the charm effect will last for 1-4 days even
after the helm is removed. If the wearer has
megalomania, the charm is permanent.

Dragons generally know all about dragonhelms,
and sometimes leave them lying
about in their treasure hoards for unwary
adventurers to find and use.

Experience Point Value: 2,000
Gold Piece Sale Value: 25,000

Helmet hints
Dear Dragon,
I have a few questions concerning the Dragonhelm,
one of the new magical items in issue
#86. If a paladin is the wearer of the helm, and
he/she starts becoming selfish and begins developing
other "evil" traits, will this strip the paladin
of his/her benefits as a paladin?

Can an exorcise or wish spell negate the megalomania
or charm effects given to the wearer of
the helm?

Finally, if a dragon notices the helm on a
person, will it attempt to charm the person right
away? If the wearer is not commanded by the
dragon to do anything (or charmed), can the
wearer then leave, or is the wearer charmed as
soon as encountered, even if he/she isn't commanded
to do anything?

Jeremy Groce
De Smet, S.D.
(Dragon #89)

If a paladin wears the dragonhelm, he will
become aware that his personality is changing as
a result of his use of the helm. At that point, the
paladin can discard the helm to keep from losing
his paladinhood.

A wish or heal spell would remove the insanity
that the helm can cause, but no spell can remove
the possibility that the helm will continue to cause
insanity or make the wearer susceptible to charming
when he sees a dragon, without destroying all
of the helm’s powers.

Even if the dragon encountered doesn't ask the
wearer to do anything, the wearer will do absolutely
anything he can to prevent the dragon from
being cheated, coming to harm, or even being
spoken to rudely by anyone. The wearer may
leave, but will generally not want to go away
without making sure the dragon is doing well,
and may even want to talk to it. If the dragon
sees the helm, it will do all it can to take advantage
of the situation in its own best interests
(which won't necessarily be anyone else’s best

— RM
(Dragon #89)