Rod of Singing
Robert Plamondon

The Rod of Singing is a magical item usable by both Clerics and
Magic-Users, although neither class will appreciate its charms.
When discovered, the Rod behaves like some useful rod (pick one
from Greyhawk, or DMG), but between five and 30 minutes after
picking up this device, the magician or Cleric will begin to wave it as if
conducting an imaginary band, and will sing loudly and off-key. This
noise has a one-third chance per turn of attracting wandering monsters
and, if the monsters are intelligent, -1 the singer’s reaction dice (due to
the poor music quality).

The rod prevents the casting of spells by interfering with speaking
and gesturing. It adheres magically to the hand and can be removed
only by a Remove Curse or Wish spell. The person under the rod’s
control will continue singing as long as he is conscious, and will resist
attempts to knock him out.