By Merferger the 11&3/4 Lord of Mecic
Alias Richard Morenoff

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Dungeons & Dragons - - - Dragon magazine

These are a set of charts to help the dungeon master when player
characters or monsters fall into a pit. I made these to use in Dungeons
and Dragons but you can use them wherever you think. You can also
change them to your liking. Before you use them, make sure you read
the notes below.

01-60 empty pit
61-95 occupied pit
96-98 teleporting pit
99-00 bottomless pit

2 Occupied Pits
01-35 spikes*
35-65 animal/insect
66-70 teleporting pit
71-90 monster
91-00 special

Stake-lined Pit (92.157)

3 Animal/Insect
01-35 snakes*
36-45 lizards*
46-55 giant tick
56-70 giant serpent*
71-85 giant weasels
86-00 giant centipedes -- always poisonous, no other damage

Teeter-totter Lid Pit (92.158)

4 Monster
01-50 a jelly, ooze, mold, or pudding etc.
51-00 roll on D&D monster matrix

Pit of Spores (92.158)

5 Special
01-40 tied or chained down citizen
41-80 tied or chained down specialist
81-00 tied or chained down monster -- if freed: 50% friend, 50% attack | roll on monster matrix

Pit of Cold Death (92.)

6 Citizen
1 pipeweed grower
2 shipbuilder
3 hatmaker
4 beer merchant
5 sculptor
6 fisherman
7 locksmith
8 tool merchant
9 weapon merchant
10 teacher
11 loan shark
12 trapper

7 Specialist
01-15 magic-user
16-50 fighter
51-60 cleric
61-70 thief
71-75 alchemist
76-80 druid
81-85 monk
86-90 assassin
91-95 ranger
96-00 scribe

Infested Pit

1 Wherever there is an asterisk(*), there is a 40% chance that it is

2 If there is a monster, it can have treasure. Some monsters (like the
giant class types) might have a huge bowl of boiling water waiting for

3 Pits can open wide at the bottom so it could be a monster’s chamber,
but without any other ways out!

4 Specials (TABLE 5) will usually be totally stripped of their valuables.

5 Under Table 5 (Special) 81-00 = monster; roll on monster matrix to
determine it. Then roll a 6-sided die: 1 = enthusiastically grateful and
will help rescuer for a 2-20 days 2) = same as #1 but won’t show it until
the people get him out of the pit. 3)&4) undecided about rescuers; if
taken out of pit 1-4 = loyal, 5-6 = will run away; if no sigh of rescuers
taking him out of pit, it will attack.

5 Won’t show reaction until taken out; 1-4=attack, 5-6=run.

6)attack as soon as freed. On all of these, if it looks like rescuers won’t
take monster out it will attack. If they don’t even untie it, it will remember
their faces and if ever freed will hunt them down.