A New View of Dwarves
by Larry Smith

Dragon - D&D - The Dragon #3
Dwarven Fighters Dwarven Clerics Dwarven Thieves The Abilities of Dwarves Dwarven Reactions to Others
- - About Dwarves - -

Contrary to public opinion, Dwarves are not the poor fighters that
many claim they are. In reading from Tolkien’s LotR, Gimli proved the
fact that he was just as good a fighter as anyone else. In playing
Dungeons and Dragons, Dwarves are given the role of keeping an eye out
for traps and slanting passages. Fighting is placed into the secondary
role. But what of the other things that dwarves could do? In D&D, little
or no guideline is given for the dwarves ‘other’ uses. This article is here
as an attempt to bring the dwarves once more into the proper perspective
that they deserve.

Dwarves as Fighting Men
Level Name Hit Dice Exp. Pts.  Fights as Special
1 Dwarf 1+2 0 Man +2 -
2 Warrior 2+1 2500 2 Men +1 -
3 Spearman 3 5000 3 Men -
4 Dwarf Hero 4 10,000 4 Men -
5 Swordbearer 5 20,000 5 Men -
6 Axewielder 6 40,000 6 Men -
7 Champion 7+1 80,000 7  Men +1 17+ Strength needed for 7th
8 Dwarf Lord 8+2 160,000 8 Men +2 18 Strength needed for 8th
9 Dwarf King 10+1 320,000 10 Men +1 Above plus, 
12+ Intelligence
12+ Wisdom*

*Note: Since there are only 7 ‘families’ of dwarves, there can only be 7
Dwarf Kings. To decide whether the character is in the proper tribe and
line, roll an eight sided die. 1 through 6 are for the first six tribes, 7 and 8
are for the tribe of Durin. For campaign purposes the Kingship of each
line is open, the first dwarf to obtain it becomes that tribes King and as
such, holds it until death. When a Dwarf King is made for that tribe, no
other dwarf of that tribe may become 9th level until he dies.

Dwarves as Clerics
Since, according to Greyhawk there can be Dwarf clerics, players
should be allowed the option to become one. So, if the character has a
Wisdom of 15+ he may opt to be a cleric. A 17 Wisdom will allow the
character to go to 7th level, as an 18 will allow him to go to 8th level. As
being dwarves, they have all the benefits and restrictions of both cleric
and dwarf. They roll an eight sided die when rolling for points.

Dwarves as Thieves
This category is the same as listed in Greyhawk, with the exception
of rolling hit dice. This is changed to using a six sided die for points.
Dwarves as Magicians, Assassins, Monks, Paladins, Illusionists,
Rangers or Sages.
The above is not allowed.

The Abilities of Dwarves

    1. High Magic resistance. Add 4 levels when rolling their saving throws.

    2. They may fully employ the +3 War Hammer.

    3. They note slanting passages, traps, shifting walls & rooms on a die
    roll of 1-4 on a six sided die. Noting new construction is done

    4. They are able to understand the languages of Goblins, Orcs, and
    Hobgoblins. They can speak Gnome and Kolbold in addition to
    their regular tongues.

    5. When fighting the ‘Giant Class’ they add +1 to hit probabilities, and subtract -1 from chances to be hit.

    6. They may judge properly, the full value of gems and jewels.

    7. They can ‘feel’ when handling armor or weapons, if it is magical in nature.

    8. All Dwarves with an Intelligence of 9 or better, and a Strength of 9 or better are capable of doing Smiths work.

    9. All Dwarves with an Intelligence of 12 or better and a Strength of 9 or better are capable of doing Armorers work.

    10. All Dwarves with an Intelligence of 15 or better are capable of doing Engineer’s work.

    11. Dwarves may use crossbows and short bows as their only ‘bow type’ weapons.

    12. Dwarves may make use of the following ‘regular weapons’:
    Dagger, Hand Axe, Sword, Battle Axe, War Hammer, and Spear.
    All other weapons are used at a minus 1 to hit capabilities.

   13. Dwarves with a Dexterity of 17 or greater can swim naturally.     All    others must learn how. However, since they have a fear of traveling
    on water, it will be very hard to convince them of the need to learn.

    14. Only Dwarves with an Intelligence of 12 or better will even
    consider getting on a horse. And only then at great need.

Dwarves Reactions to Others
    To reflect their caution or moods in treating with others, roll their
reactions with the following modifications.
        Auto Attack -- Goblins and Orcs
        -2 to die roll -- Sindar, Silvan Elves, and all men
        -1 to die roll -- All others, except those listed below
        +0 to die roll -- Hobbits and Noldor Elves
        +1 to die roll -- Dwarves of different Folks
        +2 to die roll -- Dwarves of the same Folk (note: they will
            never attack their own Folk)

About Dwarves
    Dwarves range in size from around 4 and a 1/2 to 5 feet in
height.  They are broad shouldered, quite strong and deemed very hardy.
they reach maturity around the age of 50 and live to be about 250 years
old. There is nothing more a Dwarf likes than gold, jewels, and treasure.
Except, of course, a cavern of great beauty.  Then nothing could
compare.  They will go out of their way to find these things, and will fight
to keep them.  They have a great hate for Orcs and Goblins and dislike
Elves to a great extent.  Insulting elves is a hobby to them, as is chopping
the heads off of Orcs and Goblins.  They have their own rough system of
honor and when an oath is given, it is never broken.