Airbolt (Alteration)

Level: 3
Range: 1"/level
Duration: Instant. 
Components: V
CT: 3 segments
ST: None
AE: One target

Explanation/Description:  By means

of this spell, a magic-user is able to
create a concentrated blast of air
roughly 3? in diameter. Using only
verbal components, this spell utilizes
the air around it and focuses it into a
powerful beam that may then be
directed by the spell-caster. Although
this spell works underwater (where
oxygen exists in a hydrogenated form),
it will not work in a vacuum. Airbolt
may be used as an offensive weapon, a
powerful version of  gust of wind,  or a
modified  push  spell. Because of the
spells concentrated beam, only one
creature or item may be targeted per
spell. Damage for this spell is 1d6 per
level (or 2d6 per level underwater, due
to the greater ability to concentrate the
spell in this medium). A saving throw
vs. spells allows the one attacked to
take half damage. The spell-caster
blows a puff of air as this spell is cast. 

With regard to the searechter, airbolt

has a range of 6? in water and 2? in
air, and it does 6-36 hp damage in
water and 3-18 hp damage in air. The
airbolt  is not as potent in the air
because it diffuses, whereas the spell is
enhanced by the dense medium of
water. A saving throw vs. spells allows
the target creature to dodge a portion
of the spells blast. The bolt is guided by
sight, so a blinded searechter cannot
cast this spell.

by Dougal Demokopoliss

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