Decompose (Necromantic)
Level: 4
Range: 1/2"/level
Duration: Perm.
Components: V, S, M
CT: 7 segments
ST: None or Neg.
AE: 1500 gp wt. maximum

This spell causes
organic material to turn into humus or
compost instantly. Up to 1,500 gp weight
of material (150 lbs.) can be affected. Living
matter is not affected by this spell,
although a corpse (even a fresh one)
would be. Magical items composed from
organic materials (e.g., a wooden spear
+1) must make a saving throw vs. disintegration.
Nonmagical items of organic composition
(doors, rugs, etc.) receive no
saving throw. Decomposed creatures can
be raised, resurrected, or reincarnated as
usual (after all, the body is there; it’s just a
clump of carpet sweepings). Undead creatures
which rely on corporeal forms are
also affected, though they do receive a
saving throw vs. death magic.

The Natural Order,
By Arthur Collins