Ceremony: Oath (Conj./Summoning; clerical only)

L: C0
R: Touch
D: Special
AE: 1 person of the caster's religion
C: V,S,M
CT: 3 segments
ST: None
SOURCE: "Cantrips for Clerics", Dragon 108

A person taking an oath in the presence
of a priest pledges his honor to do some
minor task. The cleric proffers his holy
symbol for both parties involved in the oath
to touch, and ratifies the oath with his ritual
sign and some formula such as "so be it."
The oath stands until the pledge is fulfilled
or broken.

If broken, the oathtaker
(whether the cleric himself or some other
person of the cleric's religion) will lose ? <>
5% on his loyalty base until satisfactory
reparations are made (if ever). Note that a
third party of the caster's religion can
pledge his honor for the oath of a nonbeliever.
In this case, both join in touching
the cleric's {holy symbol}
while the orison is


The cleric can pledge his own honor
for a non-believer, but this is an extremely
rare circumstance. The penalty to loyalty
base simulates the loss of honor to the