Odeen's Magick Cloud (Evocation)
Level: 2
Range: 2" + 1"/level
Duration: 1 round/level
ST: Special
Components: V, S, M
CT: 2 segments
AE: 5' x 5' x 5' cloud

When Odeen’s
magick cloud is cast, the <wizard> causes
a small cloud to appear wherever he
desires within range of the spell. The
cloud remains in place for its duration so
long as the magic-user pays it nominal
attention. Once his full attention is
diverted, the cloud drifts with the breeze.
There are several types of clouds:

Storm Cloud — This magic cloud is thick,
dark, and billowy, with rain or lightning at
the the <wizard's> option. The lightning does
1d6 hp damage per round to any creature
below or inside the cloud unless a saving
throw vs. spells is made.

Obscuring Cloud — This especially thick
cloud is centered on the face of its subject.
It prevents both normal vision and infravision.
This cloud may be used either to
protect the subject from a gaze attack or
to hinder an opponents vision (it does not,
however, affect a beholder's eye-spells).

Rainbow Cloud -- This magic cloud is
thin and displays a rainbow when light is
present in the visible spectrum. Its chief
purpose is to impress viewers; double the
duration of the spell if this form is used.

Many more versions of this spell are
possible. The DM is advised
to keep their effect in line with those listed
here. Material components may vary with
cloud type at the DM's option. A ball of
cotton should be a component common to
all the cloud types.

The Secrets of Odeen the Arch-Mage
By Richard Baldwin
Spells - Dragon 124 - Dragon