Odeen's Secret Word (Alteration, Illusion/Phantasm)
Level: 3
Range: Touch
Duration: Perm. 
Components: V, S 
CT: 4 segments
ST: None
AE: One spell inscription or equivalent

Odeen’s secret

word is used to render writing illegible
until a secret word chosen by the caster is
spoken. When the spell is cast upon writing,
that writing cannot be read by any
means, magickal or mundane, until the
secret word is spoken. If the writing is of a
magical nature, a read magick spell must be
employed in order to read it, and if the
writing is written in a language unknown
to the reader, comprehend languages is
required. A write spell may be used to
copy the inscription if the secret word has
been spoken. If Odeen’s secret word is
dispelled, it destroys the writing on which
it was cast.

Odeen’s secret word has no effect on

glyphs, symbols, or explosive runes, It may
not be cast on writing with an unreadable
magic (reverse of read magic) or incomprehensible
languages (reverse of comprehend
languages) spell cast upon it.

The Secrets of Odeen the Arch-Mage 
By Richard Baldwin

Spells - Dragon 124 - Dragon