Otherworld (Alteration)
Level: 6
Range: Touch
Duration: Special
Components: V, S, M
CT: 1 turn
ST: None
AE: 1 individual

This spell places
the druid or another individual he touches
in a special relationship to the Plane of
Shadow. The affected person exists in the
same body on both planes at once, and his
perception is extended to both. In addition,
contact is made possible with the
Negative and Positive Material Planes. The
result of this is the ability to effectively
combat creatures with a similar dual existence.
Creatures with a dual existence on
the Negative Material Plane (many undead)
are the most common creatures of this
sort, and the affected individual can see
them clearly, converse with them if
desired, and engage in combat with them
on equal terms. A person in the otherworld
state is not affected by the energy
draining and other special abilities of
undead from the Negative Material Plane,
but will still take physical damage from
them when struck. Likewise, the otherworld
person need not have magic weapons
in order to hit these creatures.
However, the spell can only be cast in the
dark, and sunlight will force the affected
individual back into sole existence on the
Prime Material Plane. Creatures killed in
the otherworld state have a 75% chance of
rising as undead of random sorts.

The Natural Order,
By Arthur Collins