Petition (Conjuration/Summoning)
L: C0, D0
R: Special
D: 1 day
AE: Caster?s patron
C: V,S
CT: 1 segment
ST: Neg.
SOURCE: "Cantrips for Clerics", Dragon 108

Petitions are a staple of all prayers, in all
religions. Most favors asked of one's deity
are answered in terms of lucky dice rolls
and other game mechanics. This orison
constitutes a direct appeal of a very limited
nature to the caster?s deity or other patron.
If the deity or patron fails his or her saving
throw (2 for gods and demigods, 3 for heroes
in the Legends & Lore book), the
request will be heard, and if it's not too
much trouble, some minion or servant of
the deity might act upon it. Examples of
such minor petitions are to find something
minor, meet someone, remember something
forgotten, make a favorable impression, and
so on. A petition is only good for one day. If
it is not granted that day, or if no opportunity
for its granting comes up, it is wasted,
and another petition must be made the next

Any attempt to abuse this orison with
powerful requests (?Oh, please let me find a
ring of three wishes!?) will be met with
divine punishment if it is heard. Punishment
may consist of a loss of spell-casting
power, hit points, or other power or ability,
as desired by the DM. However, punishments
are rarely severe or last long ? unless
the caster is guilty of multiple abuses.