Snapdragon (Alteration)
Level: 3
Range: 8"
Duration: 3 turns
Components: V, S, M
CT: 6 segments
ST: 1/2
AE: 4" diameter

This spell is
named after the little flower whose petals
can be manipulated like jaws. Upon casting
this spell, all blooming plants in the
area of effect become animated and carnivorous.
They writhe and stretch, biting
at creatures passing through the area.
They also shoot their pollen at creatures
within the area of effect, in imitation of a
dragon’s use of its breath weapon. Creatures
passing through this spell area take
2-8 hp damage from plant bites for every
round they are within the area of effect.
The flowers shoot their pollen once each
round that someone is within the area of
effect. “Pollinated” persons are disabled by
sneezing and choking for 5-20 rounds, and
are unable to leave the area on their own.
From 1-3 persons or creatures can be
pollinated each round. A successful saving
throw vs. spells reduces damage from
bites to 1-4 hp per round, and reduces
sneezing and choking time by half also.
The material component for this spell is a
snapdragon blossom.

The Natural Order,
By Arthur Collins