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Dungeons & Dragons - The Dragon #13 - Dragon magazine

Quartet For Troll, Giant, Orc, and Kobold
by Stone
(tune of By the Light of the Silvery Moon)

Cell of mine
It's a lov-a-ly home
I will not roam
But stay here in my domain and guard 
All the gold 
In the marvelous chest 
Its worth is more than Croesus' store 
Or the glories of Rome, in my low-a-ly home

Slimey walls
And 17 stalls 
For one who calls 
And my mason who drawls 
to me 
Vincent Price, and E. A. Poe 
Would be at home, with the mortar and loam 
And my 16 small stalls, in my slimey old walls 

Lovely gold 
So shiny and cold 
A hero bols 
Tried to steal it, took hold 
Of the box 
Now he's stiff as an oaken board 
His magic glaive no more he'll wave 
And he's covered with mold, near my lovely old gold

D&D Monsters' Drinking Song #1 
(by Stone
(tune of Rosin the Bow)

There once was a dragon named Sophie 
A young lass of 82
Knew nothing of the pleasures of Sin, boys 
As pure as the sweet morning dew 
As part of the sweet morning dew, my lads 
As pure a sthe sweet morning dew
Knew nothing of the pleasures of Sin, and 
Nothing of what she should do. 

Then came to the dungeon a wizard 
A young lad both handsome and proud 
He charmed our pure Sophie so cruel 
She thought she was up on a cloud
She thought she was up on a cloud
She thought she was up on a cloud
He charmed our pure Sophie so cruel, a 
Crime that the DM allowed 

She surrendered herself to the wizard 
Whose lusts were horrid and vile 
She believed in his sweet honied words, and 
Her poor body he did defile
Her poor body he did defile
Her poor body he did defile
She believed in his sweet honied words, she 
Dallied with him for a while

The wizard then jilted our Sophie 
Her heart it swelled up and did break
Her tears drowned out 13 levels
And the wizard she cursed for a rake
The wizard she cursed for a rake
The wizard she cursed for a rake
Her tears they drowned out 13 levels, she 
Swore that her life she would take

A white dragon was our poor Sophie
Whose heart was washed up on a rock 
She held her sad breath and turned blue, and 
Died of a massive class shock
Died of a massive class shock
Died of a massive class shock
She held her sad breath and turned blue, her 
Life it soared out like a hawk

This story has come to an ending 
A warning to each sweet young lass 
Trust not ye the handsome young wizards, girls
They're cruel and they're vile and they're crass
They're cruel and they're vile and they're crass
They're cruel and they're vile and they're crass
Trust not ye the handsome young wizards, they're 
Only out after your heart

Trashers' Drinking Song
by Stone 
(tune of Good Night Irene)

    Down in the dungeon, down in the pit

    The magic is broken, the dragon's dead
    The walls are falling in

Last night we went trashing in a dungeon 
We took some equipment so neat
A magic sledge hammer, a 12th level slammer
The walls they went down in defeat

The oak doors they split all asunder 
The wandering monsters did quail 
We grabbed an old dragon whose 
    eyelids were flaggin' 
And jumped up and down on his tail 

The walls they were broken like china 
As we smashed things we grinned and had fun 
And the whole world could see by our 
    actions that we 
Took lessons from Attile the Hun. 

Forward Kobolds to Final 
Victory Over the Rapacious 
Invasionistic Brigands
by Stone
(tune of March to Pretoria)


    We are marching thruogh the dungeon 
    The dungeon
    The dungeon 
    We are marching through the dungeon 
    And we'll march right over you

I'm a kobold, you're a kobold
And we will march together
And we will march together
And we will march together
I'm a kobold, you're a kobold 
And we will march together 
In victory through the depths

Slay the hero, zap the wizard
Protect the_ buried homeland
Protect the buried homeland
Protect the buried homeland
Slay the hero, zap the wizard
Protect the buried homeland
Victory is our cry

Hacking the hobbits is quite nifty
For we are brave and bold
For we are brave and bold
For we are brave and bold
Hacking hobbits is quite nifty
For we are brave and bold
And two hundred strong to boot

Magic swords deter us not
For we are fearless kobolds
For we are fearless kobolds
For we are fearless kobolds
Magic swords deter us not
For we are fearless kobolds
And we sneak up from behind

D&D Monsters' Drinking Song #2
by Stone
(to tune of Long Way to Tipperary)

There was a hero in the dungeon
And his name was Will Gold
He’d a sword arm like no other
He was handsome, he was bold
He’d led a group down for adventure
And they’d found it all about
Then they ran into a balrog nest and
Will began to shout

    Don't slay the Momma balrog
    Don't cut into her hide

    Remember your own dear mother 
    And eschew all matricide 
    Don't molest her, don't annoy her
    Have respect for motherhood

    And remember while we're in this dungeon 
    That we're lawful, we're good

The balrogs fought the party
And the balrogs fought best
The D M checked the morale
And the party left the nest
Willie drew his great sword
And he stopped the shameful rout
The party rushed back in, and
Will once more did shout

The balrogs slew them all then
All except the brave Will
Of his forty-two hit points, he
Had but seven still
With the balrogs all about, he
Knew he’d soon be dead
He swung his magic sword, and
With his last breath, he said



D&D Monsters' Drinking Song #3
by Stone
(tune of Farmer in the Dell) 

    The heros we run through

    the elves and wizards too
    Bingh khiad di viliack
    And may they all turn blue

The cleric's name was Paul
He thought he's seen it all
Bingh khlad du viliack
We hit him with a wall 

The hobbit tried to sneak
Just to take a peek
Bingh khlad di viliack
When you squeeze the kid he’ll shriek

The fighter had a sword
Named Mon Coeur du Nord
Bingh khlad di viliack
So we strangled him with cord

The wizard’s name was Jones
He had some magic bones
Bingh khlad di viliack
We ate him with our scones


make up verses as you go along