For Fearsome but
    Familiar Fiends:
        What Every
            Monster-Maker Needs
                            Blake Ward
- - Monsters by Level - -
Dungeons & Dragons Advanced Dungeons & Dragons - Dragon magazine The Dragon #34

Ever since I first began refereeing D&D over two years ago, I’ve
always dreaded rolling for monsters to inhabit my newly created dungeons
or to replenish “cleaned out” levels. It seemed that every set of
tables I tried contained monsters for which I had no “statistics,” and
occasionally had not even heard of. To remedy this situation I finally
decided to sit down and work out some tables of my own. In order to
make the tables easy to use for everyone I decided to use only monsters
which could be found in the AD&D Monster Manual, and to make it
even easier I’ve listed them exactly the way they appear in the Monster
Manual, i.e., Lycanthrope (werewolf) rather than Werewolf.

The following tables include all the monsters from the Monster Manual that I felt it would be possible to find in a typical dungeon under
normal circumstances. Of course, special levels (or dungeons) could
include monsters not on the lists, i.e. a large underground lake or river
would contain many aquatic monsters (fish, etc.) which are not on the
tables. The monsters on each level are approximately equal, based on
one of each appearing.

I’ve also included some adventurer-type monsters (clerics, fighters,
etc.) on the tables, with their levels shown in brackets. They are all
detailed in the AD&D Player’s Handbook. These could be human,
half-elf, elf, dwarf, etc. at the DM’s option. The higher-level ones are
likely to be accompanied by, guards, followers, assistants, etc. All the
adventurer-type monsters could be treated as if they are other adventurers,
just like the player-characters.

The number of monsters appearing will depend upon the size of the
party of adventurers, the generosity of the dungeon (the more treasure,
the more monsters), and, of course, the type of monster (some travel in
groups while others are always found alone).

The tables are quite easy to use; just find the level below ground,
roll a pair of percentile dice, and go to the monster level table indicated
by the roll. Roll the percentile dice again to find the specific monster.
The frequency of each monster type is taken into account by these

Monster Level
- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1 01-25 26-60 61-90 91-00 - - - - - -
2 01-15 16-40 41-75 76-95 96-00 - - - - -
3 01-10 11-25 26-60 61-86 86-95 96-00 - - - -
4 01-05 06-15 16-40 41-75 76-90 91-00 - - - -
5 - 01-10 11-25 26-60 61-85 86-95 96-00 - - -
6 - 01-05 06-15 16-40 41-75 76-90 91-00 - - -
7 - - 01-10 11-25 26-60 61-85 86-95 96-00 - -
8 - - 01-05 06-15 16-40 41-75 76-90 91-00 - -
9 - - - 01-10 11-25 26-60 61-85 86-95 96-00 -
10 - - - 01-05 06-15 16-40 41-75 76-90 91-00 -
11 - - - - 01-10 11-25 26-60 61-85 86-95 96-00
12 - - - - 01-05 06-15 16-40 41-75 76-90 91-00
13+ - - - - - 01-10 11-25 26-60 61-85 86-00

Monsters by Level

Level 1
01-05 Beetle, Fire
06-09 Centipede
10-12 Gnome
13-15 Goblin
16-19 Green Slime
20-22 Hobgoblin
23-25 Kobold
26-32 Mule
33-38 Orc
39-41 Piercer (1 die)
42-50 Rat, Giant
51-53 Skeleton
54-58 Spider, large
59-62 Stirge
63-66 Zombie
67-74 Dwarf
75-77 Elf
78-79 Hobbit
80-82 Cleric (1st level)
83-88 Fighter (1st level)
89-92 MU (1st level)
93-95 MU (2nd level)
96-97 Thief (1st level)
98-99 Monk (1st level)
00 Monk (2nd level)

Level 2
01-03 Ant, Giant
04-05 Badger
06-09 Bugbear
10-12 Fungi, Violet
13-15 Ghoul
16-20 Gnoll
21-24 Lycanthrope (Wererat)
25-31 Mule
32-35 Piercer (2 dice)
36-39 Shadow
40-44 Shrieker
45-47 Snake, Giant Poisonous
48-50 Snake, Giant Spitting
51-56 Snake, Huge
57-64 Troglodyte
65-69 Cleric (2nd level)
70-78 Fighter (2nd level)
79-83 Fighter (3rd level)
84-86 MU (3rd level)
87-88 MU (4th level)
89-92 Thief (2nd level)
93-96 Thief (3rd level)
97-98 Monk (3rd level)
99-00 Monk (4th level)

Level 3
01-06 Cockatrice
07-08 Gargoyle
09-17 Gelatinous Cube
18-22 Gray Ooze
23-24 Harpy
25-26 Hell Hound (4 dice)
27-28 Imp
29-35 Lycanthrope (Werewolf)
36-38 Medusa
39-43 Ochre Jelly
44-51 Ogre
52-58 Rust Monster
59-61 Slithering Tracker
62-63 Tick, Giant
64-65 Weasel, Giant
66-71 Cleric (3rd level)
72-76 Cleric (4th level)
77-84 Fighter (4th level)
85-90 Fighter (5th level)
91-94 MU (5th level)
95-96 MU (6th level)
97-98 Thief (4th level)
99-00 Monk (5th level)

Level 4
01-02 Doppleganger
03-04 Hell Hound (5 dice)
05-06 Hell Hound (6 dice)
07-10 Hydra (5 heads)
11-12 Jackalwere
13-19 Lizard, Subterranean
20-21 Mimic (7 dice)
22-23 Mimic (8 dice)
24-25 Minotaur
26-34 Mule
35-40 Piercer (3 dice)
41-44 Rot Grub
45-46 Snake, Giant Amphisbaena
47-49 Snake, Giant Constrictor
50-53 Spider, Giant
54-55 Spider, Phase
56-57 Water Weird
58-62 Wight
63-65 Wraith
66-72 Cleric (5th level)
73-82 Fighter (6th level)
83-89 MU (7th level)
90-95 Thief (5th level)
96-98 <??>
99-00 Monk (6th level)

Level 5
01-04 Basilisk
05-11 Beetle, Boring
12-14 Carrion Crawler
15-17 Ghast
18-21 Giant, Hill
22-23 Hell Hound (7 dice)
24-26 Hydra (6 heads)
27-28 Lamia
29-30 Leucrotta
31-37 Lurker Above
38-40 Manticore
41-43 Mimic (9 dice)
44-45 Mimic (10 dice)
46-47 Morkoth
48-55 Mule
56-57 Owl Bear
58-62 Piercer (4 dice)
63-65 Naga, Spirit (9 dice)
66-67 Naga, Spirit (10 dice)
68-70 Su-Monster
71-77 Cleric (6th level)
78-82 Cleric (7th  level)
83-90 Fighter (7th level)
91-95 MU (8th level)
96-99 Thief (7th level)
00 Monk (7th level)

Level 6
01-05 Black Pudding
06-09 Bear, Cave
10-11 Chimera
12-13 Demon (type I)
14-15 Displacer Beast
16-17 Djinni
18-19 Giant, Frost
20-22 Gorgon
23-26 Hydra (7 heads)
27-31 Mold, Yellow
32-39 Mule
40-42 Mummy
43-44 Ogre Magi
45-48 Otyugh (6 dice)
49-51 Otyugh (7 dice)
52-55 Scorpion, Giant
56-60 Slug, Giant
61-63 Spectre
64-66 Trapper
67-68 Wind Walker
69-76 Cleric (8th level)
77-87 Fighter (8th level)
88-94 MU (9th level)
95-00 Thief (8th level)

Level 7
01-02 Demon (Succubus)
03-04 Dragonne
05-06 Ettin
07-11 Giant, Fire
12-16 Giant, Stone
17-18 Golem (Flesh)
19-23 Hydra (8 heads)
24-28 Hydra (9 heads)
29-33 Hydra (10 heads)
34-35 Lizard, Fire
36-38 Lycanthrope (Werebear)
39-40 Naga, Guardian
41-45 Otyugh (8 dice)
46-49 Purple Worm
50-55 Troll
56-58 Umber Hulk
59-66 Wyvern
67-76 Cleric (9th level)
77-89 Fighter (9th level)
90-95 MU (10th level)
96-00 Thief (9th level)

Level 8
01-02 Beholder
03-04 Bulette
05-06 Efreeti
07-09 Gas Spore
10-11 Ghost
12-14 Giant, Cloud
15-20 Hydra (11 heads)
21-26 Hydra (12 heads)
27-28 Intellect Devourer
29-31 Mind Flayer
32-33 Naga, Guardian (12 dice)
34-36 Neo-Otyugh (9 dice)
37-39 Neo-Otyugh (10 dice)
40-42 Roper (10 dice)
43-45 Shambling Mound
46-48 Vampire
49-75 MU (11th level)
76-00 Thief (10th level)

Level 9
01-09 Dragon, Bronze (8 dice)
10-18 Dragon, Bronze (9 dice)
19-23 Golem, Stone
24-28 Golem, Clay
29-33 Mold, Brown
34-42 Neo-Otyugh (11 dice)
43-51 Neo-Otyugh (12 dice)
52-60 Rakshasa
61-69 Roper (11 dice)
70-78 Roper (12 dice)
79-85 Shambling Mound (9 dice)
86-93 Shambling Mound (10 dice)
94-97 Shambling Mound (11 dice)
98-00 Xorn

Level 10
01-16 Demon (Type II)
17-23 Demon (Type III)
24-28 Demon (Type IV)
29-32 Demon (Type V)
33-39 Dragon, Bronze (10 dice)
40-43 Dragon, Gold (10 dice)
44-47 Dragon, Gold (11 dice)
48-53 Dragon, Gold (12 dice)
54-57 Dragon, Silver (9 dice)
58-61 Dragon, Silver (10 dice)
62-65 Dragon, Silver (11 dice)
66-72 Giant, Storm
73-83 Golem, Iron
93-00 Titan