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1st Edition AD&D | - | - | - | Forgotten Realms |
AT A GLANCE: Amn is the northernmost
of the "Southern Kingdoms" along the
West Coast, and lies 200 miles south of
Beregost on the TRADE Way. Its borders
are considered to be the Cloud Peaks to
the North, the Forest of Tethyr to the
south, the Snowflake Mountains to the
east, and the sea to the west. As a powerful
merchant nation, however, the reach
and influence of Amn is much greater.
land of Amn is called the "Merchant-Kingdom,"
and its citizens range far and
wide in the Realms, more wildely than
those of any other land, SAVE perhaps
the Rashemites.
Amn is ruled by a Council of 6. The
6 are merchant kings who are masters
of intrigue and manipulation, and
have more wealth than they can ever
spend. This cabal of like-minded men
have held control of Amn for over
20 winters. During this rule, 2
members of the Council have died, and
replacements have been selected from
Amn's wealthy merchants by the surviving
Council members.
Amn's rulers are shrewd, but more
than 1 of the Council is fat, lazy and
arrogant. Upon ascending to the Council,
a merchant-king is known only by
his or her title. Speaking, printing, or
otherwise using the original Name of a
merchant-king in Amn is punishable by
SLOW torture and death.
The pre-eminent member of the
present Council is the Meisarch, a powerful
Wizard, who is never without
at least 15 retainers/bodyguards.
The remainder of the Council are more
reclusive and almost never leave Amn
itself. The other Council are more
reclusive && almost never leave Amn
itself. The other Council members are
the Tessarch, the Namarch, the Iltarch,
the Pommarch, and the Dahaunarch.
Amn is the richest land on the Sword
Coast, rivaling the city of Waterdeep
itself. Arguably, Calimshan is richer, but
the latter land is really a region of independent
city-states. Amn and Waterdeep
see themselves as the powerful
rivals of the region (discounting the
states of the Inner Sea in a fashion that
would make a native of Cormyr or Thay
bridle), and agents from both sides
abroad, gathering info and disrupting
the TRADE of its rival.
a Necromancer of CN
alignment. He has an 18/56 STR <dual-class=x>
and an 18 INT, and is considered
the craftiest of his group. His
entourage of bodyguards are young
mene and women raised from birth to
lay down their lives in his defense, and
are all Myrmidons. In personality,
the Meisarch is debauched, corrupt,
and jaded, and the subject of his social
life is better suited for discussion in a
low-class tavern than in a scholarly
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